I'm just wondering...

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I don't see why this should shock anyone. It's not like those kind of warnings would stay after the abusive moderator loses his powers.

Besides, what's the worst a moderator can do? Edit your posts to make you say something you didn't?
Oh boy, oh should see Zash with the Starchaos forum. He locked a topic for no reason. And for some reason my user title is "cream". :|
Mystic said:
I don't see why this should shock anyone. It's not like those kind of warnings would stay after the abusive moderator loses his powers.

Besides, what's the worst a moderator can do? Edit your posts to make you say something you didn't?

that's step one. It goes more like this:
#1 Edit Post
#2 Warning VIA PM
#3 Tempban
#4 Threat VIA PM
#5 Broadcast E-mail of Hate, Focasing On one person.
#6 Ban :evil:
#7 Going to the kids house and killing him :twisted: :twisted:
ALSO SEE ==> a441

To think, Mystic has the powers to do that. But of course, he would'nt dare, right? RIGHT?!?! ;)
Spazzo said:
To think, Mystic has the powers to do that. But of course, he would'nt dare, right? RIGHT?!?! ;)
There are two people permanently banned from the SRB2 forums. It's three strikes here.

Strike 1: Warning
Strike 2: Account disabled for a week
Strike 3: Permanently banned
How can a moderator tempban someone?

And, the worst that a mod can do would be to delete all the topics in a forum.

Besides, BigBoi, Cream is supposed to be a compliment. It's a rank order. After 25 posts, you get Cream. 50, and it's Amy. 100 is Knuckles... ETC.
I still got Mystic's warning from when I first joined. Thats the only strike I have gotten here. Well technically its the only strike I have gotten ANYWHERE.
That's not a warning, that's Kung Fu Creatures on the Rampage 2! ...er, just a topic closing. Usually if you're being warned it's explicitly mentioned that it's a warning. Otherwise it's just tellin' you what to do.
A warning generally says "You have been warned" or something equally threatening. Small administrative action like removing your avatar or equivalent doesn't count.

Also, if you don't do anything bad after a while, the warning is gone. All of the people who have been here a long time and got warned when they first got here have long since lost it.

The warning is generally a last ditch effort to stop someone from a bad behavior before they get banned. Basically, it generally states: "If you don't stop doing this, you will be banned." in pretty clear terms. Hence, most of the time, after a warning comes a tempban, because no one ever listens. However, they don't have the excuse to say that they weren't told it was going to happen.
If you don't think you've received a warning or don't remember, you haven't, I assure you. If you did, it would have been VERY clear.
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