I m scared of jte

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Try playing F.E.A.R. in the middle of the night, sound on, with every one sleeping, and you're alone. Now THAT is some scary ****.
You think that's scary? Try playing SRB2JTE in October, when it adopts the Halloween theme, and select "Soviet Russia" as your difficulty. I jumped when I instantly died, I thought those punpkins were out to get me! It wasn't until I put it on Easy that I saw they were just decorations.
supersonic45 said:
Try playing Doom. You'll be sacred the crap out of if you think JTE is scary, belive me.
Doom is quite relaxing. I lol'd when I first saw the super-virus.
JTE Halloween isn't THAT scary... just the fog is a little... strange... (tried Silver Cavern in Halloween mode)
supersonic45 said:
Ok, I'll try that now.


All that happened was a ring got to Sonic and now it's on me. Not scary.

When i did it Sonic blew up and there was nothing left but his shoes and blood.
supersonic45 said:
Honestly, I wasn't scared at JTE Halloween at all, and I've only tried it once. More proof on how it's scary, please.

Go play Acid Missle.

Then play Nuclear Sunset 2.
I remember the first time that face came on my screen and we had a REAL virus so i was a little freaked, I actually plugged out the computer and walked away i have not played srb2 since i read this topic lol.
The Propagators on the Ragnarok in FF8 still frighten me. Oh, and the closeup of Void's face at the start of Sonic Shuffle's final minigame made me cry once.
Alone in the Dark 3 for PS1 on my demo disc, I got on at night about 9 PM and freaked right out when the first monster jumped out of a wormhole and it looked like a giant featherless chicked with razor sharp teeth, started slicing me up, I had a pistol and a flashlight, I was **** scared, cos the background of it was all lightning and it looked like a stormy midnight, there was a big spooky house in the previous scene the had a girl you were meant to rescue, didnt show what happened, but it did show her scream and her shadow in the room on the second floor, I bet it was one of them chicken things, they still scare me shitless, and all this was about years ago, I dont have any Sony consoles sany more, that was half the reason, dude that was scary
Connor said:
Alone in the Dark 3 for PS1 on my demo disc, I got on at night about 9 PM and freaked right out when the first monster jumped out of a wormhole and it looked like a giant featherless chicked with razor sharp teeth, started slicing me up, I had a pistol and a flashlight, I was **** scared, cos the background of it was all lightning and it looked like a stormy midnight, there was a big spooky house in the previous scene the had a girl you were meant to rescue, didnt show what happened, but it did show her scream and her shadow in the room on the second floor, I bet it was one of them chicken things, they still scare me shitless, and all this was about years ago, I dont have any Sony consoles sany more, that was half the reason, dude that was scary
Well ya should be scared. It is halloween after all.
Halloween used to b when farmers got their crops, so I don't see it "scary". Only time I was scared of it when my cousins had played a trick on me. I ended up laughing, crying, and having to go to the bathroom all at once.
Oh god....I was so paranoid when I was 5(ish). I couldn't look the Master System read error in the eye, I panicked to drowning music, the Ecco the dolphin splash screen wierded me out....thank the gods I'm not that pathetic anymore.

Last two game me nightmares at the age of... seven? Curse you father for downloading Ecco ROM! (And Mario 64, that gave me nightmares to0...) (Oh yes. At the age of seven I had Genesis emulators. I have a life of crime)
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