I have 2 questions.

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1:When I open a WAD in XWE, all the sprites are completely black. I can't really tell which sprite is which if there's no color.

2:In Doombuilder, I got to the list of games, and for some reason SRB2 isn't in there. How do I open it in Doombuilder?
Metalsoniciscool said:
1:When I open a WAD in XWE, all the sprites are completely black. I can't really tell which sprite is which if there's no color.

2:In Doombuilder, I got to the list of games, and for some reason SRB2 isn't in there. How do I open it in Doombuilder?
For number two, open it up in Doom 2. SRB2 uses the same wad files as Doom 2.
I think I can answer number 2. If I'm not mistaken, I believe Doom Build must be in the same folder as SRB2. Atleast, that is how it works for me.
If you are using SRB2DoomBuilder, you shouldn't have to choose a Doom port off the list.
Answer to 2:Hmm...looks like this guy is using the normal Doom Builder,To make SRB2 wads download SRB2Doom Builder
Superusuario said:
Answer to 2:Hmm...looks like this guy is using the normal Doom Builder,To make SRB2 wads download SRB2Doom Builder
Bumped with lies! LIEEES! And this guy has already been helped with question 2
I'm pretty sure the reason they are all black is because you didn't link XWE to srb2.srb first, cause it needs to read a pallete to render the right colors, it seems to default everything to black.
Set both XWE and DoomBuilder to use SRB2.SRB as PWADs. Yes, it already has enough info to feed any WAD editor, so go and use it. If you need to specify which kind of game, tell it to be Doom 2.

And probably sprites are black because XWE isn't using any palette, yep. It defaults to black because that's what you get if you set everything to zero.
Who knows? Maybe the sprites were supposed to be black!! o_O

But I don't think there would be a WAD like that, but would you??...

I don't even know the answer for Q.1, so listen to everyone else (except me)...
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