HT.wad (Heavenly Tails character)

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Well, there not realy "angel" wings but they still look good. Here is a pic
like it? I've replaced the standing frames with those frames so, if you guys like it I'll finnish the wad with sprites like these :D .
Kool. Is tehre anyway you could make him lighter? Not really white because that would blend in with his mouthpiece-muzzle thing.
Yea! light blue! Anyways how much did you strech it because I'm going to make a little bit of the gba sonic to see how it looks and I can't stretch it right.
nitro_the_hedghog said:
Yea! light blue! Anyways how much did you strech it because I'm going to make a little bit of the gba sonic to see how it looks and I can't stretch it right.

Nitro, just go into paint, Select your Sprite and stretch/scew it by 200%.
It's silver. It is in the srb2 pallate so it changes colors, that's why its grey. But I could change the pref color so its light blue again.
>_> lol, response.

Good attempt, but it reeks of over-editing. Yes, there is such a thing. Do you have the Original Sprites? If so, I'd be happy to help you with this. And I have got to say, but the Halo and Wings look kinda Crappy (No offense). But again, if you have the Original Unedited Sprites I could help you make a Heavenly Tails that looks better and is, well, more Heavenly!
Screens would be nice... Please... *sonicfreak94 likes screens*...*sonicfreak94 wants screens*...*sonicfreak94 might consider downloading if he gets screens* (of the new one)
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