How is the weather?

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Butler County here, Autosaver. :)

And what's all this talk about 92 degrees being deadly? I catch colds at 50 degrees, so I couldn't imagine considering 45 a nice day. I'll take the warm climates, thanks.
We get really nice sunny days....well we did, untill last week where it rained like hell and alot of places getting flooded T_T
It seems to change from really hot to rather cold randomly over here, at this time of post it's a nice breeze, not to hot, not to cold
This week, the air has been smokey from forest fires or something. Not sure that it's a good thing, so I'm hoping to head up to the mountains for the weekend.
kindof changing weather over here...
2day clouds, 2morrow sun... the day after that snow.
you never know.
JK, it's warm allright.
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