GFZ2 House's Secret Revealed!

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I found a unused room in Mystic Realm
jrose05 said:
I found a unused room in Mystic Realm
Can't really tell from the BIG GAPING CONSOLE IN THE WAY.
This isn't even the right place for that post.
jrose05 said:
I found a unused room in Mystic Realm

That is the Archive Portal. Before version 4.2, Warp Zone crashed the game, so Mystic made the Archive Portal to allow access to the archives.


Do you know Mystic Realm is now V4.3?
But if it isn't real then how did the house break in the video what was inside the house and well that's it really.

But serlsy how did the house brake.
Bouncey said:
But if it isn't real then how did the house break in the video what was inside the house and well that's it really.

But serlsy how did the house brake.

All you have to do is copy the GFZ2 map info from Srb2.srb and make a few changes. :wink:
That sucks realy though the house shoulde do something like teleport you to a 3d angel island zone that woulde rule.s
You people really suck if you can't just play the game normally without all these cheats. :|
By the way, Matthew, you're full of crap. I'd like proof that SSNTails said this. Plzkthx.
somebody really has to get the 1.09.3 source code, snatch DCZ, and make it a seperate wad, to avoid all confusion. :P
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