Gamepads on SRB2

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Personally, I hate the keyboard controls, (Shot)

I have always used a gamepad and always will, because that's the way sonic was made to be played. (Nuked)

i have to admit that keyboard mouselook in match type games, (I learned the hard way) but it takes too long to master and it you're not used to it you'll die every 10 seconds.
I just find the pad so much easier to use. (Microwaved)

It's the best thing to use for *analogue* mode anyway, and that's what I use. (Dissected)

Analogue software and gamepad, That's what I reccomend. (Shot, shot & shot)

(Shot again for over use of "shot")

*English spelling*
Straight from my Config file. As you can see, I've set some keys to the mouse too. Its sometimes fun to run around as Sonic in Chaos Zone with ringslinger on, and a cool music on. Now THIS is life!

setcontrol "forward" "UP ARROW" "MOUSE3"
setcontrol "backward" "DOWN ARROW" "Wheel 1 Down"
setcontrol "strafe" "." ","
setcontrol "straferight" "p"
setcontrol "strafeleft" "o"
setcontrol "turnleft" "LEFT ARROW"
setcontrol "turnright" "RIGHT ARROW"
setcontrol "fire" "ALT" "MOUSE2"
setcontrol "firenormal" "b" "n"
setcontrol "lightdash" "SHIFT" "Wheel 1 Down"
setcontrol "use" "CTRL" "Wheel 1 UP"
setcontrol "taunt" "2"
setcontrol "camleft" "["
setcontrol "camright" "]"
setcontrol "camreset" "/"
setcontrol "lookup" "i"
setcontrol "lookdown" "k"
setcontrol "centerview" "f" "MOUSE3"
setcontrol "mouseaiming" "KEY0"
setcontrol "talkkey" "ENTER"
setcontrol "scores" "1"
setcontrol "jump" "SPACE" "MOUSE1"
setcontrol "console" "KEY96"

PS: setcontrol isn't of importance. Just look at the move with the keys set behind it.
setcontrol "forward" "UP ARROW" "w"
setcontrol "backward" "DOWN ARROW" "s"
setcontrol "strafe" "t"
setcontrol "straferight" "d"
setcontrol "strafeleft" "a"
setcontrol "turnleft" "LEFT ARROW"
setcontrol "turnright" "RIGHT ARROW"
setcontrol "fire" "\" "MOUSE1"
setcontrol "firenormal" "/" "MOUSE2"
setcontrol "lightdash" "." "Wheel 1 UP"
setcontrol "use" "CTRL" "Wheel 1 Down"
setcontrol "taunt" ","
setcontrol "camleft" "o"
setcontrol "camright" "p"
setcontrol "camreset" "c"
setcontrol "lookup" "PGUP"
setcontrol "lookdown" "PGDN"
setcontrol "centerview" "END"
setcontrol "mouseaiming" "e"
setcontrol "talkkey" "ENTER"
setcontrol "scores" "TAB"
setcontrol "jump" "SHIFT" "MOUSE3"
setcontrol "console" "KEY96"
I use a Playstation2 controller for SRB2...
(NOTE: I reworded it to use PS2 buttons)
forward "UP ARROW" "w"
backward "DOWN ARROW" "s"
strafe "R3"
straferight "R1"
strafeleft "L1"
turnleft "LEFT ARROW"
turnright "RIGHT ARROW"
firenormal ";" "DEL"
lightdash "'" "SQUARE"
spin "CERCLE" "MOUSE3"
taunt "SELECT" "SHIFT"
camleft "o" "L2"
camright "p" "R2"
camreset "c" "L3"
lookup "UP Ps2 button" "Wheel 1 UP"
lookdown "DOWN PS2 BUTTON" "Wheel 1 Down"
centerview "END" "LEFT PS2 button"
mouseaiming "f"
talkkey "t"
scores "TAB"
jump "X" "MOUSE2"
"console" "KEY96"
ps2 controller eh? wonder if a gamecube one will work.....

anyway i use the arrowkeys for movement....
>=ring throw or spin (depends on gametype)
<=same as >

I can't use WASD because my left hand is...uh...Nearly dead shall we say?
Tapika the fox said:
I apsoloutley (sp?) HATE WASD so much. Arrow keys are better.
I find WASD less cramped, and also easier to use due to the buttons around them, which I use for various things.

This has turned into a the control configuration topic, please find the correct thread.
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