fznmeatpopsicle's SRB2 Model Pack - Now with Mighty the Armadillo!

fznmeatpopsicle's SRB2 Model Pack - Now with Mighty the Armadillo! 2.2

Hey, I really think this mod looks amazing and I've been wanting to play it but I don't quite understand the instructions on how to put it together. So if possible, could you please make a youtube video demonstrating how to put it together? Thank you very much. :)
You install it the same way as literally every other model. Extract the zip to the models folder, then open models.dat (the one in the root srb2 folder), then copy paste the needed lines from the readme I included.

There's likely already a video explaining the process for installing models.
In the MCSONIC folder is a set of model files called SPTW.

Is that important to the model by any chance, or some leftover early model?
i can't seem to find a guide on how i could make my own model pack on my mac for mods i use. I have Blender and Maverick Model 3D. But it seems i might need more than just that to make the models work. But i am unsure without a guide can anyone help me out?
Bruh i can't also put the model to work nor the Metal Sonic model work
i tried the default.NO RESULT!IT DIDN'T CHANGE!maybe....you must....IMPORT the models before turn on the models and maybe it will work!
Bruh i can't also put the model to work nor the Metal Sonic model work
i tried the default.NO RESULT!IT DIDN'T CHANGE!maybe....you must....IMPORT the models before turn on the models and maybe it will work!
They absolutely work, and the instructions are in the readme.

Just extract everything to the models folder, overwriting any files. Open models.dat(in the root srb2 folder), then paste in the needed lines from the readme.

Also, make sure the renderer is set to openGL, and models are turned on in the openGL settings.
THIS IS THE BEST JUNIO 3D SONIC MODEL IVE SEEN YET! No offense to other 3D modelers who mod there models into SRB2 :worry: :knuxsmug::shitsfree::oh:
MCSonic's model dosen't work for me. But everyone else's does. Help?
WDYM by that? It worked like bing bong boom for me

Best duo ever


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fznmeatpopsicle updated fznmeatpopsicle's SRB2 Model Pack with a new update entry:

Folder structure

Accidentally missed one of the intended file/folder restructures that was reflected in the readme, but not in the actual files. Been fixed. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Read the rest of this update entry...
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I put it the dat file but it dosent work. but everyone else's models work.
Whoops, turns out that's due to me forgetting to change something in the file structure in the last update. Move the MCSONIC folder into the FZN folder, and that will fix it.

I just updated to fix this issue, so thanks for seeking help. Wouldn't have known otherwise.
fznmeatpopsicle updated fznmeatpopsicle's SRB2 Model Pack with a new update entry:

Folder structure

Read the rest of this update entry...
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Whoops, turns out that's due to me forgetting to change something in the file structure in the last update. Move the MCSONIC folder into the FZN folder, and that will fix it.

I just updated to fix this issue, so thanks for seeking help. Wouldn't have known otherwise.
Thanks! I'll download the update as soon as I can.