E-102 Gamma

[Open Assets] E-102 Gamma 1.4.2

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wait there was a birdie???? like, when you die??
This is a reference to when Gamma blew up his "brothers" in his story mode. They dropped animals when defeated. This is changed so it looks like the Flicky's from Adventure. This is literally the least spoiler-ly way I can put it.
This is a reference to when Gamma blew up his "brothers" in his story mode. They dropped animals when defeated. This is changed so it looks like the Flicky's from Adventure. This is literally the least spoiler-ly way I can put it.
so like in sonic adventure 1 when you defeat a badnik it drops one of those animals in the weird green shields
There is a weird bug in the android port of 2.11.

The timer in the hud gets put in an incorrect spot as shown here:
Screenshot_20230619_111438_Sonic Robo Blast 2.jpg
Screenshot_20230619_111527_Sonic Robo Blast 2.jpg

This problem only happens on the android port of srb2 2.11 made by lactozilla on github.
This problem only happens on the android port of srb2 2.11 made by lactozilla on github.
I don't really accept bug reports from the Android version since it's so different. I changed Gamma's timer to render using the same position & flags as the hudinfo settings, so that he'd be compatible with more HUD mods, but apparently that broke Android. It works with all of the resolutions in 2.2.11 so the only thing I can assume is that the Android version does something hardcoded with its HUD.
I'd prefer examples of maps that aren't working well. I tested more custom stages with Gamma than my own set time limits for the vanilla stages, and I tweaked the time limit formula until it made pretty much every map I tried was beatable in one try. There's always content I could miss with how massive the modding scene for SRB2, but I was pretty confident in how many levels I got beatable, including very long ones or enemy-light ones.
Sorry for the super late reply, it's been a while since I checked here.

I don't remember the specifics now, but one stage I DO remember is the Speed Highway stage in 2022's OLDC pack, round 2 I think.
It gives you a solid 3 minutes, and Speed Highway has a decent amount of enemies: but it's a BIG level. The enemies aren't as helpful, because yes, there are a few of them - but they're very thinly spaced out. Not ideal for combos. The entire last section of the map only has a measly cluster of four enemies in total, as an example, so you can't really rely on combos to keep the clock at bay.

I'm no speedrunner, so I don't really know any of the techniques I could use to theoretically snap the map in half (I'm sure there are some), I just follow the main routes. I had another friend who tried, too - neither of us could beat Speed Highway in a single life.

That's my only example, though. Other levels do mostly work fine, Gamma does pretty well in Sol Sestancia, and I'll probably try Cyberdime at some point.
Sorry for the super late reply, it's been a while since I checked here.

I don't remember the specifics now, but one stage I DO remember is the Speed Highway stage in 2022's OLDC pack, round 2 I think.
It gives you a solid 3 minutes, and Speed Highway has a decent amount of enemies: but it's a BIG level. The enemies aren't as helpful, because yes, there are a few of them - but they're very thinly spaced out. Not ideal for combos. The entire last section of the map only has a measly cluster of four enemies in total, as an example, so you can't really rely on combos to keep the clock at bay.

I'm no speedrunner, so I don't really know any of the techniques I could use to theoretically snap the map in half (I'm sure there are some), I just follow the main routes. I had another friend who tried, too - neither of us could beat Speed Highway in a single life.

That's my only example, though. Other levels do mostly work fine, Gamma does pretty well in Sol Sestancia, and I'll probably try Cyberdime at some point.

I was able to beat this one within the old 3 minute time limit in v1.0 with only one try -- this level has a path where you can get a x10 combo very easily. That said, I targeted this level in particular back when I was doing the split path change in v1.2, and that gave it an extra minute to work with. I didn't look at it again when I did the starpost spacing change, so I checked in the released v1.2 and now it has a whole 7 minutes to work with, so honestly I might nerf the values again.
Is there a way to lower specifically Gamma's sound effects through the console? I tried playing the character for a bit but had some sensory issues with how loud and high pitched the targeting noise was.

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