Dynamic Camera Script

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Tired of watching the slower players in circuit mode while you're waiting at the finish? Need a way to spice up being a spectator in coop mode? Looking for a new view on your teammates while in CTF? Look no further my friend because I have the perfect script for you!</salesperson>

Basically this adds a few new camera modes to SRB2 that you can watch other players with. It's really suggested you use this to watch other players rather than use it while you play because it can make things really hard to see. =P To use it, just type "exec dyncam.txt" in the console without quotes. Be sure to look in the txt beforehand though for settings like commands and binds. Download it here:

You should really put your name on it, so that people won't forget who did this. Right now, I'm trying right now to change the bindings to the keypads, but I can't find the right way to do it. It isn't both Bind Keypad 1 nor Bind "Keypad 1".
Decided to put my name in it for the hell of it since CZ64 recommended it. Wasn't really planning on doing it but just in case.

I also found out that the best way to find out which keys go to which, change a useless control in SRB2 (Like on Player 2's side if you never use it) then save it, then look in the config for it. The key's name will be there.
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