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I think this is the first thread I've start on this forum. :?

Anyway this thread is about the new RC of the game I'm making, Dlpha.
This version includes a complete rewrite of the character code well as added party control as well as a tutorial making RC3 the most user friendly version so far. Thats why I've been bothered to post it here. :D

  • Mulit-Language Support
  • Complex NPC Chat Trees
  • Bold Backdrops
  • Viewable Character Moods
  • Party Member Control
  • Party Tutorial
  • Click Pickup
  • Click Tutorial
  • Cookie Save
  • Viewable Droped Items

If you can open swf files you'll only need to download RC3 however if you can't you'll have to download RC1 which includes the EXE file or RC2 if your using Mac.

I'm mainly after commants on how I could improve the game.
SRB2-Playah said:
Is the tutorial all there is?

Yeah, the tutorial didn't make you go outside so you can do that. You can use the foot icon with Sally when shes not in your party and talk to the crowbar is on the floor in the same room with Sally when shes not in your party.

Omega the Hedgehog said:
It's not loading. Also, what is an RC?

RC stands for release candidate. And I take it you can't open the rar file, if that's the case I've also uploaded a zip version.

tails92 said:
Dlpha, what is it?

Well it kind of started way back in 2004 with a post in the SatAM Network's forum.
A few weeks later the team put out a staff only test of The Ultimate SatAM Game Project Alpha 0.1 (Now known as SatAM Online Alpha 0.1) It was a great game, and fun to play. Yet a text only RPG in the year 2004 was not really going draw crowds. A new engine was needed, Toad was tossed out, and SatAM Online Alpha 0.2a was brought in. SatAM Online Alpha 0.2a was nothing much. You could pick stuff up and walk around, but that was more or less it.
At the start of 2005, the engine was updated to Alpha 0.2b, the changes were massive and there was way more power in in the coders hands. A thought had occurred, 'What if the engine couldn't take the game' thus Dlpha was born.
SatAM Online: Dlpha is being made as a public test of Alpha 0.2b to see if the engine can handle New Beginnings. (Which is intended to be a massive single player game.)
Ahh, I forgot to post a picture link.
The first one is of the outside of CellPlex and the other is in Knothole.

You can see more pictures at the Knothole Galleries
http://www.knothole.info/galleries/index.php?cat=10013 and here http://www.satamonline.sepwich.com/SatAMProject/images/
Don't click on any of the SatAMRPGKY pics.

You can also see SatAM Online backgrounds here:
Anyone have any ideas on how I can improve the game play? I'm currently working on a simplistic battle system as well as a world map so you can select where you want to go to.

The next version will include Knothole as well as a bunch of other characters, (Snively, Robotnik, Tails.) and tools. (Power ring, spy bug.)
First make sure your in Sonic's body, then go to the same location as her, or if shes follow you tell her to stay where she is.
Use the hand icon with the blaster then click on Sally. (Not the portrait.) If done right Sonic will loss the blaster and Sally will gain it. Get back into Sallys body to see it.
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