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David In SRB2

i make mods and stuff

DaviChars e um Mod em W.I.P, Que Vai ser lançado Quando estar Terminado.

Emfim. o Mod em Si Consiste em 2 personagens

olddavi and davi.png

Davi & OldDavi

Ambos os Personagens Conseguem Super.

olddavi and davi super.png

Mas o Jeito Deles Pularem e Dierente.

olddavi and davi jump.png

O Moveset Dos 2 Personagens:

olddavi move.png
davi move.png

algm pode mandar uma imagem dos 2 personagens no estilo do srb2?


DaviChars is a W.I.P Mod, which will be released when finished.

Anyway. The Mod itself consists of 2 characters.

olddavi and davi.png

Davi & OldDavi

Both Characters Get Super.

olddavi and davi super.png

But their way of jumping is different.

olddavi and davi jump.png

The Moveset of the 2 Characters:

olddavi move.png
davi move.png

Can anyone send an image of the 2 characters in the srb2 style?

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