Color Texting Outbreak

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uuuhhh, deleting the whole source code? That seems overkill.
Seriously though, if it can be written ingame, there is most likely a way to prevent it from being written.

Lol yeah i know so ckick would be better i mean when you type the colors it c-fail kicks you like when you type colored name and it kicks you out
Jazz and Inu, I think D00D64.

Arf said:

Err... when?

Are talking about the "Colors text" being banned from the MS?
Mystic also said so.

So guys, here's how it works:

IF: You are using colored text in anything other than talking, nothing happens.

IF: You are using colored text through the use of /me, nothing happens.

IF: You are using colored text in normal speech, the game will detect it and ckick you.
Do you like SRB2? If you delete the source code SRB2 goes bai bai. You need to delete the support for those hex values in the source code.

That's what i mean'd when i said "delete source code" or instead of deleting the hex we could change them but there should be no src install file but still they would find i guess the best choice is this: when you use colored text it ckicks you
That's what i mean'd when i said "delete source code" or instead of deleting the hex we could change them but there should be no src install file but still they would find i guess the best choice is this: when you use colored text it ckicks you

If there was no way of looking at SRB2's source code, STJr would be violating the GPL. Whilst it would be possible for them to switch to the Doom Source License, they'd incur a huge amount of controversy, and slow down development, and as seen with ZDaemon and Skulltag using the DSL usually results in developers placing "Source must be disclosed" notices in the code.

In short - can't be done.

And in the main point, coloured text isn't banned, what should be banned is the idiots coming in and spamming "LOLZ I HAZ COLORS TEXTS AND U DONTS AHAHA". I myself have told anyone doing that on my server to stop or be kicked.
The only thing 2.0.5 will do is not allow characters from the 0x80 to 0x87 range. This still allows /me to work and the team color names.
I Dont Get it.
How Do You Do Coloured Text
Once i asked Turbokirby and he Banned me from his server
It was a few months ago.
I was Sad
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For those who still need help, put one of these symbols before a word/letter in a script to make it that color.
…=Pinkish red
Then, use an alias to exec the script.
Also, make sure you copy and paste, … is NOT the same as ...
EDIT: I would like to add that servers reserve the right to kick or ban you for using these colors, as they own the server.
So I finally figure out how to color text...

So it should look something like this?

alias colored "say †Hello €SuperVirus! ‡I ƒWill „Destroy …You‚!!!!!!!"
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alias colored "say †hello €supervirus! ‡i ƒwill „destroy …you‚!!!!!!!"


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