CFailing will make me kill myself at this rate...

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I'm getting kicked from EVERY netgame! I can't take it! My internet connection is, like, crazy fast, so why do I ALWAYS get the blame for CFail lag? I mean, it's... just driving me nuts! I keep on getting banned from servers that, one hour, it's fine, the next, OMG PK You're lagging us! *Kicked* I NEED my netgames... and I can't host, so, I'm at a loss...

...Okay... maybe I have a little addiction issues with SRB2 netgames... but THAT'S UNIMPORTANT! Just tell me what the problem is, and how to fix it... pl-p-p... ugh... That P-word that is accompanied by thx. :P(lease)
Try closing other running programs.
Tell the host to check ping 2 times(its various tics to tics).

If you dont know what is 1 seconds in tics, 35 tics = 1 sec.
Cfails are caused by your game sending illegal netvar commands to the host! How that happens is unknown by me, but is usually caused by bugs in the game, or having some serious framerate issues, where netvar commands are possibly get skipped!

If the host has 'consfailprotect 1' or larger, the game will resets it's state, where it was consitent, and having this value will make the 'pull-back lag'! If the 'consfailprotect' is 0, the game will immidietly kick the player who is inconsitent!

I think the only way to solve these problems is to wait for 2.0.5, and hopefully they will make more consfail fixes! (Along with the csay sigsev problem -.-')
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