BAD sonic games

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I, for one, think Unleashed was a godsend:
The fact that I live in a country where consoles are very expensive luxuries (A PS2 is more expensive here than the PS3 is for you guys) wheighs against me video game wise. I have rarely played games post 2005.
Just a week ago I played for the first time ever Resident Evil 4. 2008 was also the year I first played Half life 1 AND 2.
So when I finally got my claws on unleashed, I was exhilarated. No 3D sonic game had been this fun for me. Of course werehog got tedious, but at first it seemed like a rather fun beat em up (I have never played God of War, so I can't say how bad Werehog is in comparison), until platforming sections.
Music all around was awesome. If you don't like Spagonia or Apotos you are cold hearted.
So far the only 3D sonic games I ever played have been Sa1DX SA2 (2008 too) Sonic heroes, unleashed... and I think that's it.

But, to be fair, after Sonic Heroes, any game is a godsend.
Sonarrkku said:
the werehog has awful voice acting and the people looks cartoony, extreamly cartoony

Mistake number one was Sonic adventure for trymake sonic look cool than he already was. And so the chain of ecstatic awssomeness for children continues with poor plots, crappy dialouge, and atrocious gameplay. And 4kids destroyed sonic more in the games than the anime itself. Now a days I don't care much for the plots, but more of the gameplay. Unleashed was good, though not on the PS2 (which I knew would be a failure from the first I heared). 360 is decent, but the Wii wins for better control. It still has the problems with the responsive controls, but still entertaining.
The only Sonic game I hate is labyrinth, I really liked riders 1 and 2 and Shadow. I don't like Sonic R as much now as I did before and I don't like Chronicles as much as I like other RPGs I don't hate them.
Ahem. Let me get this over with, and out of my system all right?

Sonic Labryinth is a spawn of the devil! It is the worst Sonic game of all time! Only the most twisted of peoples could ever stand to play througjh this unbeatable game!

Thank you for your time, and please note that Sonic 06 really wasn't as bad as it could've been, but was still way mediocre.
I love Sonic Laby.....

I could never get passed certain bosses.
Its a differen't kind of sonic game that for sure.
But its still fun!
Sonic Heroes, bleh.

Power Characters can't take a step forward while attacking you'll always fall off on small platforms.

Flight Characters are almost completely useless. You only use them for those very annoying thunder shoot/air switch parts.

Speed Characters hit top speed WAY too fast. You move the control stick with out it firing over the cliff or into an enemy.

Levels were as long as crap. I remember doing a Dark level that took an hour.

Those car thingies? No. Just no.

Fighting other Teams was way too easy. I was playing with Chaotix, and I purposely lost Espio and Vector. I beat the other team easily.

Oh and before I forget:

Sonic said:
Lets show him the real power of Teamwork

I never laughed so hard in my life.[/quote]
Actually those cars were a nice idea.
And the experience is awesome if you play 2-player.

Also 1 hour?
Are you kidding me! O_O
I'm surprised you didn't mention the torches level on team Chaotix. That was really the only thing I didn't like about the game.
Actually that was pretty sweet.
It was like playing a differen't game.

And that was the team that offered something else besides rehashed levels.
1 thing I don't like about sonic heroes. The team leader changeing was too much. I mean constontly changeing between speed, power, fly, speed, power, fly! O.o' It got to manotanis. They should have done it like sa1. Each charachter gose through each level acoring to there own abilates. All at once? Too much.
blargen said:
1 thing I don't like about sonic heroes. The team leader changeing was too much. I mean constontly changeing between speed, power, fly, speed, power, fly! O.o' It got to manotanis. They should have done it like sa1. Each charachter gose through each level acoring to there own abilates. All at once? Too much.

Well the game was based off teamwork.

There isn't as many bad Sonic games around. Ones I mainly don't like are Sonic Labyrinth, too damn frustrating, and defeated the whole point of Sonic being who he is. Sonic 06 wasn't as good as I thought it would be. the gameplay feels slow than fast. I might get more games if I can think of them.
Sonic games that were critical flops, huh? Let's see if I can list them correctly:

Sonic Heroes: Great game. The one thing I didn't like about it was the whole team system that they most likely based off of Chaotix. I would've loved to go through the levels solo as Sonic or one of the others. Big and Vector would've been problematic, but whatever.
Shadow the Hedgehog: Definitely the darkest Sonic-related game released thus far, but does that make this game bad? In my opinion, no. I've got just two major gripes about this game though: First, in Expert mode, you should've been able to fight all the bosses after completing their respective levels, including Devil Doom. The one exception to this would be the semi-final bosses. Diablon would go after the GUN Fortress, the Egg Dealer would be after the Hot Shelter, and Black Doom would be after the Final Haunt. Second, I would've loved to play as Sonic, Knuckles, Espio, and the others in Versus Mode. The yellow android was ok, but it was just a Shadow War in that mode.
Sonic '06: I've never played that one, so I can't say anything about that...
Sonic Riders: Definitely a good racing game. I haven't played Zero Gravity, but the original was also good. I just wish I could've gotten that damn Emerald Gear...
Secret Rings: Tough, but alright. The downfall of this game, however, was the fact that you couldn't control Sonic fully. The forced movement thing kinda killed it for me...
Sonic Unleashed: I don't get how people can put this down without even playing it until the end. I admit the Werehog thing is a departure from the normal theme, but so does Black Knight! In fact, I remember Sonic saying something from a certain game that went pretty much like this:
Sonic said:
I wouldn't be caught dead with one of those things!
Now, I'm sure he was referring to the guns, but my point still stands. Sonic with a sword is an even bigger departure from normal standards than even the Werehog as far as I'm concerned. Anyways, I like this game, and like the Werehog aspect of it, too. Now, if only there were a code in which you could use the Werehog in the day and vice versa...
Black Knight: I know the game isn't even released yet, but I'm going to put it in, anyways. Like I said before, Sonic with a sword is the biggest change so far, but it might be for the better. I haven't seen much so far, but I still like what I'm seeing. Also, if I'm correct on whe I saw from the cover, then I think there's going to be Wi-Fi matches! That kinda makes me want the game more! Anyways, I can't wait to get this game!

If I missed any critical failures, jut let me know, and I'll tell you what I think of them.
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