Attack of the Sonics!!! (SonicAttack.wad)

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I was bored and I wanted to make a SOC... This one replaces Crawlas with Sonic (Blue Sonics. I'm so tired of seeing people who don't know how to use A_ChangeColorAbsolute). I messed with the speed and health settings so they're faster and stronger. I was going to have a video, but Youtube won't upload videos for me for some reason.

FIX: Made the Red Crawlas appear.



Tails finally gets his revenge...
Joeyl10 said:
I messed with the speed and health settings so they're faster and stronger.
harder, better, faster, stronger

I haven't played this yet, but if this is anything like n00bhogs, I'm gonna have a hard time :P.

The link here works... but the link on the Sendspace page just displays the data within the file. What up?
Alright, I tested them and there a few problems.
1) They run a little too fast. Please be sure you make them slower so I don't have to spindash just so they would run into me.
2) Some of them had a hard time even hitting me.
3)Red cralwers are gone.
tailsmastermind said:
Alright, I tested them and there a few problems.
1) They run a little too fast. Please be sure you make them slower so I don't have to spindash just so they would run into me.
2) Some of them had a hard time even hitting me.
3)Red cralwers are gone.

Uhhh, I do remember Sonic being really fast, this is what wiki pedia had to say.

Sonic is known best to be incredibly fast, with the ability to run at speeds higher than Mach 1[8] (higher than roughly 761.2 mph). He can run backwards just as well as forwards, shown in the Team Sonic opening cutscene of Sonic Heroes and near the end of the first episode in Sonic X. When Sonic runs fast enough, he can create a sonic boom, which can destroy enemies in his way, and increase his momentum.

So I think he has done it pretty well.
tailsmastermind said:
Alright, I tested them and there a few problems.
1) They run a little too fast. Please be sure you make them slower so I don't have to spindash just so they would run into me.
2) Some of them had a hard time even hitting me.
3)Red cralwers are gone.

I know that they are fast. I wanted them to be like that 'cause Sonic's fast -_-. If they didn't have a hard time, It would be too hard. And I'm aware that the Red Crawla's are gone. I fixed it and I'm going to upload the new one.
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