A netgame user (A very bad one)

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This noob goes by the name Your D*** and he's a horrible user. This noob came on to my server making jokes that I can't post on this site or else I'll get banned. I also recall him going by the name owner the second time he showed up on my server. This is a re-inactment of what happened.

owner renamed to Your D***
Your D***: Ring any bells?
Silver (me): Gimme a reason not to ban you
Your D***: Oops wrong server

At first he wouldn't reveal his identity and would hide in yellow writing but now he shows up. I also have reason to belive he may be a hacker. I wouldn't really call this complaining about a user but instead informing other users about him.

What I know so far:
He will hide behind yellow writing before revealing his identity
He will make evil jokes that should be censored (or at least the words)
I don't recall him ever moving his character
Also goes by the name owner
reason to beilive he's a hacker

He might be some immature kid trying to be funny but still, all thos d*** jokes are disgusting.

EDIT: He goes by a lot more names like compaq_owner, hp_owner, and I think Nathan Speed...Me and my partner are still investigating. I see him often now and we have "made up"<==sarcasm The investigation is on hold right now and should be up in a while.
Yes, we know, people like that are trolling games regularly.

Unfortunately, there's no real way to get them off, currently, as far as I know, unless he hosts a game. And even then. Hopefully some new functions will start coming in that will allow for reports of these kinds of morons.
If I could I'd take it in to my own hands and start investigating these users through online chat so I can find someway to stop them,. But it's better off letting the Admins and Mods of srb2 take care of that.
It's hard to say that I think he's a hacker without any proof but, I get the feeling everytime he was on my server. I get the feeling from him like the feeling I get when Juan is on my server. It's evil...

So basically I'd have expose him as hacker or take some photographic proof. (Trust me, I know these things. Humans...)
Umm, yea. I don't think anyone can just tell that someone else is a hacker over the internet. Or else you would be working for the psychic friends network. Just because you have a feeling about these things doesn't make the user a hacker, please come up with some concrete evidence?
The only way I can get evidence is to lure the user into my server and make him slip up and hack. I have to make sure he cannot leave though. If I can do something to maybe make him made, he might hack my server and kill it. If that works than my work would be complete. I at least need him to threaten to hack my server...hold on. Do not post anymore in this topic unless you have proof of this user hacking.
My take on the previous said:
There's this user, he goes by the name of "Your ****" Sometimes he calls himself "Owner" though. He's got these weird powers. He can conceal his identity by speaking through yellow text. I'm not sure what, but I get this weird feeling whenever he's joined. Like, some strange force. Something dark. Something evil. We need to try and stop him.

Sorry, couldn't resist. Anyways, netgame trolls will always exist. The obvious solution is to ban them upon sight. Do that, and there's really no problem.
he joined my server and he facked me and he is a hacker lavels passed super quick and it was ctf your right he is a hacker
If i was you SparkTheHedgehog i wouldnt say what you are going to try to do to expose him and get him banned because what can happen is that he may be on these forums and he will definitely watch his back more often if he knows you are after him.
Netgame trolls. Boo hoo, there's nothing you can do about them. Ignoring them and banning them on site works wonders.

Of course, if you know certain people that CAN actually hack netgames, well... Let's just say the ways in which your netgame could be hacked wouldn't affect the host's computer directly, only the game, though the results can be pretty staggering. I wish I could list examples, but...
sonic260 said:
but the problem with banning someone, when you ban them they come right back, how do we stop that?
That's kicking. Banning prevents a user from joining again until a certain command is used or until the server shuts down.
Anyways this person is annoying. If he is a hacker like sonic 18 said then hmmm...I've got a plan. Sonic Destiny if your right and he is on this forum? How will he know it's me in a netgame though? I can setup my player and change my name before joining a netgame easy. So anyway I've got a plan, but of course I'm not going to release it to the public nor anyone.
1. He will most likely be able to find out who you are
2. He will now have his defences up
3. I doubt he is a hacker even with the feeling
4. And if I was the 'hacker' now I would simply make sure I found out who you were and not go on your net games. Everyone has a paper trail that can be followed even if it is small.
5. Why don't you just ignore him he will probably get bored and bugger off. Plus don't censor what he says usually its funny to see how rubbish they are at telling rude jokes.
Simsmagic said:
sonic260 said:
but the problem with banning someone, when you ban them they come right back, how do we stop that?
That's kicking. Banning prevents a user from joining again until a certain command is used or until the server shuts down.

No i meant that in this netgame i was in, the host kept banning this guy (yes it was the "ban" command) and that person kept coming back no matter how many times he was banned.
sonic260 said:
Simsmagic said:
sonic260 said:
but the problem with banning someone, when you ban them they come right back, how do we stop that?
That's kicking. Banning prevents a user from joining again until a certain command is used or until the server shuts down.

No i meant that in this netgame i was in, the host kept banning this guy (yes it was the "ban" command) and that person kept coming back no matter how many times he was banned.

I think that i know the answer...
1:Gets banned and quits srb2
2:Makes something to change the IP
3:Comes back

Yes...the ''Ban'' Command just bans the IP from joining the server but now that he can change IP...We just can wait with the ban command when he comes again,Fairly simple.
@The dark fox:But that doesn't means that the ban command doesn't works...Just works once per game per...person's IP?That is my answer to this.
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