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camo man said:
BlueZero4 said:
Sectors, to my understanding, don't necessarily assign themselves to linedefs and points. When sectors are unclosed, they still occupy the same space. However, the linedef that should've been in existance to provide the textures needed probably was deleted. Therefore, the missing texture can't show up, because your linedef is gone.

In other words, never delete a linedef unless you are sure of what you are doing.

A rather complicated solution is to draw a linedef in where one was and check (playtest) to see if it worked. If the lineddef still doesn't work, make the font and back sidedefs the sectors on the respective side. (Sector : ___ ) And if you are still having a problem, create a sector around the problem linedef (or lack there of) and delete it. The selected area should be hollow. Now, using the vertices mode, carefully reconstruct what was supposed to be there, carefully creating and dragging veritices when necessary. And if you still can't fix it, I'd be happy to take a crack at it.

You do know you're talking in professional Level Designer language, right? From what I've seen in his skills so far, he won't understand a word you said. Linedefs, unclosed sectors, back sidedefs, vertices mode. If I was him, with his current knowledge, I'd go crazy.

Its always this way in tutorials too. Why don't they understand beginners have no idea what linedefs, back sidedefs, and verticles points are?
camo man said:
TimberWolf said:
Sorry for the bump, but I'm wondering how the wad is going, or have you cancelled it?
I'm working on it I just didn't want it to be bumped right now, it's, at the moment a crappy level, but when I finish the new version it will be passable.
Okay, good to know. I just wasn't sure if anything was being done or not. I still look forward to playing the level.

camo man said:
Also, yay my 500th post :mrgreen:
You welcome. :wink:
Yay, my 2024th post! Meh, the post count isn't really that important.

Anyways, I got nothing more to add then what I did before, except that unneeded space is cool too. Look at map70, near the start. When you thok along, you see a pool of hot dry dark sand. Nobody jumps in there, but its still pleasant to see.
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