1-Once, on the Lost World, on the part with the snake, I took the left way: I climbed up those "stairs" and instead of pressing the button, I went down, like I allways do. Then, I don't know what I did, but the green switch was pressed! Has this ever ocorred to you?
2-I already completed the game as Sonic. And now, while trying to start a mission, that was on the Egg Carrier, it told me to find flying aircrafts or something (mission 36) and that is when I realized:
Where is the entrance to the Sky Deck?
I know where it is on Sonic's story, after completing the Sky Chase act 2, but I don't know where it is afterwords! I also know how to put the ship in the "seperate bridge" mode. But I can't get to the bridge.
2-I already completed the game as Sonic. And now, while trying to start a mission, that was on the Egg Carrier, it told me to find flying aircrafts or something (mission 36) and that is when I realized:
Where is the entrance to the Sky Deck?
I know where it is on Sonic's story, after completing the Sky Chase act 2, but I don't know where it is afterwords! I also know how to put the ship in the "seperate bridge" mode. But I can't get to the bridge.