srb2 v2.1.x

  1. Glineo

    Should I post this?

    For those who are using retro SRB2 music: I made an accurate 2.1 midi title screen to match the digital version. Midis used: Original 2.1 Title screen melody (listen to the guitar) 2.2 credits Here's the original 2.1 and below Title screen midi if you want to know the difference: Reference...
  2. Nirby 74

    What are Some Good SRB2 2.1 Mods

    These are the mods I already have:
  3. Bijman

    [Open Assets] srb2bld - SRB2 Build/Package manager CLI

    Description srb2bld is a shell script, that automates and simplifies process of downloading source code, configuration, compilation, installation to system or creating portable executable bundles of various SRB2 related builds. Features - Compiling and installing 32-bit/64-bit binaries of...
  4. Eldritch64

    SRB2 Debug Mode

    Hey kiddies, ever wanted to have Brak Eggman sitting there in Green Flower Zone? I Well now you can too! I will show you how you can enable Debug Mode in SRB2! (This does work with 2.1 and I'm pretty sure 2.0 aswell) Go into a save file or no save mode, I think it doesn't matter which one you...
  5. P


    Play as Boibig a strange brown creature that has no profile. he cant do any of sonic's moves but he does run faster and can do a double jump Download: 1623430813 Btw you have to add Boibig.wad and Boibig Pk3 1623430851 Boibig...
  6. Giberish4

    SRB2 2.1 CTF Tournament (The 2nd stupidest thing I have ever done on the MB)

    2.2 CTF is cringe in my opinion, so I decided to make a 2.1 CTF tournament to keep 2.1 somewhat relevant to the community. So, I decided to make a tournament for it! Yeah, I know, this is very very stupid considering 2.2 exists, but I prefer 2.1 CTF and I wanna see if anyone will care or do...
  7. Basic Bronze Sonic

    SRB2 version 2.1 Android port discussion?!?!

    Now before I start this I'll acknowledge that yes this thread exists but it's old and is a giant text box that I don't want to edit for the purposes of being more friendly and reflecting the current rules a lot better so with that out of the way I'll start this off. So I found out after looking...
  8. SpectrumUK

    [Open Assets] Texture Randomizer for SRB2, SRB2 Kart, and SRB2P (XL_TextureRandomizer-v1.4.lua) v1.4

    This lua randomizes the textures (and sounds and debris) in the map, or if you set texturerandomizer to 2 (between_levels), it stores the textures and flats (and the textures for sounds and debris) in tables and then randomizes the textures from those tables. It also works in SRB2 Kart, V2.1...
  9. TehRealSalt


    SRB2Randomizer is a mod inspired by the randomizer craze lately, that randomizes as much as possible while still maintaining the playability of the game. It randomizes things ranging from characters used per level, level order, enemy types, monitor contents, token locations, music, and even ring...
  10. C

    [Open Assets] Map Finish Command Execution Lua Script

    The Map Finish Command Execution Lua script allows you to execute console commands when you finish the level. Configs: Commands: Changelog: GIFs:
  11. Sirexer

    Quiet South Island

    I made three new levels with a good skybox and atmospheric. In two levels, there is one emerald token and in Act 3 there will be a battle with Dr. Eggman. the southern island was quiet and calm until Dr. Eggman arrived and robotic innocent animals. You need to free the animals and defeat Dr...
  12. JABSphere94

    [Open Assets] Circuit map pack (R_ChaosCircuit.wad)

    My second map pack, having switched over to zone builder I started to experiment more with slopes along with some old ideas that I had. There's five maps this time: Amber Island Zone, Crumbling Magma Zone, Storm Castle Zone, Asteroid City Zone, and Gravity Hill Zone, flipcam is highly recommend...
  13. Lliteqiel ꙮ

    [Open Assets] New Multiplayer Music [Ogg + bonus HQ MP3 download]

    Hih, today I have for you something I've been very much meaning to showcase: New Multiplayer Music! A music pack consisting of original remasterings of MIDIs + the MIDI files themselves that they were based on, all sequenced by Jarel "Arrow" Jones. The purpose of this is to give more multiplayer...
  14. PencilVoid

    [Open Assets] [Circuit] Lemon Circuit Zone

    A long time ago I tried making some circuit maps, but they were terrible so I scrapped them. A week or so ago I was bored and felt like making a map, and then I realised that I should probably do a circuit map. So I made Lemon Circuit Zone, and now it's here for you to enjoy!* *Enjoyment not...
  15. SSG3

    [Open Assets] Chat Command [Works in SRB2 and SRB2Kart]

    Do your friends not know what a console is? Fear no more with the utility known as Chat-Command! Execute commands in the chat as if it was the in-game console. Usage: cm_<command> (e.g. cm_skin sonic)
  16. Platex

    Match Level Pack

    This is my greatest creation for SRB2 and I am happy to finally share it with the world after many days of perfecting it. Version 1.1 Fixed Minecraft music not playing.
  17. Tatsuru

    Payload Mode

    Welcome to my pet project, a direct port of Paladins's Siege mode to SRB2. In this gametype, you must learn to work with your team for a common objective using renewed ringslinger mechanics. So how do I play? This version of Payload is comprised of two phases. In the first phase of each round...
  18. Blacknide

    Blacknide's Pointy Mania Sonic MD2

    After stopping being lazy and finally finishing it. Heres Mania Sonic MD2 for Pointy Sonic! Unlike my Mania Feet Sonic MD3, this one wont do Mania poses but rather be similiar to Pointy's animations.
  19. Sirexer

    Volcano Base

    My three new volcanic levels, enjoy, play with friends ACT1 ACT2 ACT3 (Bossfight) Video Map code MAPI0 MAPI1 MAPI2 P.S. OpenGL has small visual bugs
  20. Kitoko

    Utility, Reborn! v0.4d

    I was given permission to continue Utility by Blaze The Cat, so I've been maintaining it ever since the disappearance. I present to you, Utility v0.4d! I'll do my best to build a changelog, though please don't expect one since there's been so many changes it's hard to remember since I wasn't...