Stuff to put in SRB2ME (Part 3: The Last Crusade)

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Chaos Knux said:
Hyper Shadic X said:
If not already done, I think that you should set a thing in the MD2 model code where a player's model is specified by it's skin. For example:

PLAY PLAY.MD2 3.0 0.0

That's the default, right? How about...


See what went on there? why don't you set it where a "PLAY" sprite set only loads a player model for a certain character (in this case KNUX.MD2 for Knuckles) if the skin of a character is specified at the end of the code line? That would work out for people who want the dynamic trio in 3D without screwing up. Also, putting "SONIC" at the end of the first code line I specified would only load the sonic model (PLAY.MD2) if the skin was SONIC, whereas added character WADS won't mistakenly have Sonic's model overlay their sprite set?

Ideas ideas. :P

And if I may add, I think it would be cool (however really annoying to program) if there could be something like this:


and in PLAY.DAT...


Let me explain what this would do. For the player model, in MD2.DAT, one would specify the game to read PLAY.DAT. Why? PLAY.DAT specifies what goes on with the character's frames. For the PLAYA (standing) frame, PLAYA.MD2 would be drawn. This way, the model could actually seem to have life, such as moving up and down, breathing, etc. For the PLAYB and PLAYC frames, those are overlayed with the boredom model. For the walking frames, those are overlapped with the walk model, etc. The "--" specifies which group of frames is replaced with a model, like the walking frames. For this, the model would continuously loop.

Now I should specify the numbers. The first set represents the speed the model is looping. 1.0 means it loops the same amount of speed the walking frames loop when one starts to walk (was it 15 tics?). 0.0 means each frame loops the same amount of time each sprite frame loops. This could be good for further customization in how a character walks.

The second number in a code line represents which frame the model starts looping. Useful if a character pushes off the ground before he/she starts walking/running.

This meethod could probably also work for other random models to make them look more accurate (like the digger enemies in 1.1's (not so) Arid Canyon Zone-- making them slowly fall froward before they dig back into the ground).

I end my wall of request here. :3 (and yes I know that the second method would require multiple models. :U)

That would be awesome, if you don't by Monday I'll quote it in.

Well, posted it CK. :P

Also, about the second MD2 idea, why not also allow putting in state names, that way a character can have flexibility in super sprites and such.
Suggested by I'll Begin back in 2008 in the 1.1 character topic and I strongly approve it.

I'll Begin said:
Heck, why don't we make dual actionspeed variables, so we can have even finer control over our character's abilities? It could go something like this (using the 1.09.4 abilities. Hoping there will be more in 1.1)

  • ACTIONSPD1 is how fast and far you get launched. Defaults to 60 or whatever it is now.
  • ACTIONSPD2 could be the angle. Defaults to 0, which is no change. Higher values make your character thok up, and lower (negative) values make your character thok down.
Fly/Swim and Swim
  • ACTIONSPD1 is how fast your character flies. Defaults to 30, instead of 1 like it is now.
  • ACTIONSPD2 I haven't totally decided yet, but may have something to do with maneuverablility, perhaps? Heck, we could change the way flight is controlled to something easier to handle, and this can determine maneuverability speed?
Glide-Climb and Glide
  • ACTIONSPD1 is how fast your character glides. Defaults to whatever it is now.
  • ACTIONSPD2 is how fast your character climbs (if applicable). Defaults to 30.
Slow Fall
  • ACTIONSPD1 is how fast your character falls. Defaults to 30. This could have the side effect of 0 being used to get effects similar to that of Super Float.
  • ACTIONSPD2 is a little tricky.[list:c33184a255]
  • If set to 0. Use default frames (whatever your character uses when it jumps).
  • If set to 1. Force spin frames.
  • If set to 2. Force falling frames.
  • If set to 3. Use special ability frames.
Super Float
  • ACTIONSPD1 is how fast your character will move while floating. Similar to walk and run speeds. If set to 0, your character won't move. If set to -1, your character will move like in 1.09.4.
  • ACTIONSPD2 is a little tricky.[list:c33184a255]
  • If set to 0. Use default frames (whatever your character uses when it jumps).
  • If set to 1. Force spin frames.
  • If set to 2. Force falling frames.
  • If set to 3. Use special ability frames.
[*] Super Float should be changed so if your character stops moving, it falls.[/list:u:c33184a255]
Double Jump
  • ACTIONSPD 1 determines how high the character will jump. Works exactly the same as JUMPHEIGHT, and will default to 100.
  • ACTIONSPD 2 is used for special effects. You can add these together similarly to a level header.[list:c33184a255]
  • If set to 0. No special effects.
  • If set to 8. Force spin frames.
  • If set to 16. Force falling frames.
  • If set to 32. Use special ability frames.
  • If set to 64. Character can get hurt if it lands on an enemy. As if it jumped off a spring.
  • If set to 128. Character spawns its THOKITEM.
  • Other cool stuff?
[*] Double Jump should be changed to play a different sound when you do the second jump. Default sound sounds exactly like the normal jump sound, but you can change it in your character's S_SKIN to whatever you want.[/list:u:c33184a255]

Also, the following changes to these variables would be sweet:
JUMPHEIGHT - Increase the limit, keeping the default at 100, to allow more versatility in character design.
ACTIONSPD 1 and 2 - If set to -1. No change in momentum happens. For example. Thok at -1 will make your character spawn the item, but not get propelled or stopped at all.
MULTIABILITY - If set to any number greater than or equal to 1. Allow the character to use the ability that number of times. If it's 0 or a negative number, then allow the character to use the ability infinite times. Defaults to 1.
PREFCOLOR and SUPERCOLOR - If set to a value above the amount of skin colours in the game. Give the character the look of NONE, but still has thok and spinitems (which aren't affected by the colour either). In the multiplayer menu, this new colour should either be called "DEFAULT" or your character's skin name. Don't get rid of NONE, though. It's not really hurting anyone. EDIT: Another idea I just thought of is, why don't we allow character designers to have two sprite-sets for their characters. Singleplayer sprites that get the desired look, and multiplayer sprites that can change colour. Again, people can use DEFAULT to get the Singleplayer colours. I got this idea while I was playing Dr. Pepper's Blaze wad alpha.

And these variables could be useful:
ABILITYTIME - How long the character uses the ability for, in game tics. If it's set to -1, then it uses the default timers for each ability. With Glide-Climb, this variable only affects Gliding. EDIT: And for Thok, it could affect the time you can multithok for, if your character (doubtflly) supports it. Otherwise, it could just not affect thok at all.
WATERTIME - How long you can stay underwater for, in game tics. Defaults to whatever it is now. -1 gives the character infinite breath.
SUPERLIGHT - Determines what colour the OpenGL Light Effect for your character is when it's super. If set to a 1 or 2 digit decimal value, it's the colour number for characters. If it's set to a 6-digit hexadecimal value, then it's the hex colour code instead. 0 will set the light to NONE, which is no light.
THOKSTARTCOLOR, THOKENDCOLOR, SPINSTARTCOLOR, SPINENDCOLOR - If someone needs it to be different from STARTCOLOR and ENDCOLOR, these will be around. Otherwise, it defaults to green. Works the same as STARTCOLOR and ENDCOLOR.

EDIT: Also for thoking, I suggest a THOKFRAME variable, where
  • 0 = Spin (default)
  • 1 = Walking
  • 2 = Running
  • 3 = Falling
  • 4 = Springjump (Acts like it too, you go into falling frames when you're falling)
  • 3 = Ability frames

Just my thought. :3 (Could be usefull for people going nuts with the angle of the thok)
A console variable that allows you turn on self-damage - i.e., hurting your self with a point blank bomb ring.

Another console variable where if you take self-damage while jumping, you will not go into the hurt state, but would instead fly away while still jumping.


yeah i want rocket jump maps ;_;
A Sonic Unleashed Boost...


Anyways maybe a gravity shield? Once you activate the shield, everytime you jump it'll be a different set of gravity pulling you up or down!
Sciky said:
Remove all forms of cheats, no startlives/rings, remove the option to change gravity, and remove the option to fire rings in coop mode, none of these things add anything to the gameplay, none of these things are ever used for good purposes, you only ever see them used by noobs who want to be absolutly cheap and make the game as easy as hell.

Gravity is just used to cheat through levels or screw around doing nothing in a level or make sure that a level is impossible to finish, all these cheats/codes are simply there for the noobs, they server no other purpose and should be removed.

if that happend, everybody would download HMS123311 for a superjump
or edit a player and ad double jump and the multi special ability for unlimeted jumps ( and I still only have levelselect)
I hope this hasn't been suggested yet but,

There should be a thingtype for Maps, To change the Camera from 3-D To 2-D perspectives, Or Visa Versa, Similar to How Unleashed has a few of these.
Is there the option to remove WADfiles yet? That way, we can remove them when we're done with them and they won't be stuck on our servers and causing lag.
However, it doesn't unmodify the game.

SUGGESTION: DELFILE should still stop you from unlocking secrets, but allows you to join netgames if you remove all WADs.
Gemini Spark said:
But that would be too much work for STJr. They are on an actual deadline now.
not rly no

Right now, there are 2 frames for flying, and 4 for tired. However, Tails actually uses only 2 frames for tired, it just gets repeated.

They can simply repeat the two flying frames they have now. The whole thing would take less than five minutes.
Changing character should kill you, except at a starpost in Coop.

And maybe if you've just respawned, you can change characters before you move.
How about team turrets for CTF? It coult cost about 100 rings to build, 5 hits to destroy, and can be used to repel intruders.

Here is a picture to show what I mean.

The blue boxed area could be the sector that the turret can be built on. In the picture, the turret is blue and would shoot at red players.
Bloodshot said:
How about team turrets for CTF? It coult cost about 100 rings to build, 5 hits to destroy, and can be used to repel intruders.

Here is a picture to show what I mean.

The blue boxed area could be the sector that the turret can be built on. In the picture, the turret is blue and would shoot at red players.
If this is implemented, then make it so you can cap without the flag being at your base, because otherwise, we would have many stalemates, and in stalemates, everyone loses.
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