
A character option for character with thok ability to choose what angle they thok at. For example, the default would be 0, a regular thok, and you put it to 45 degrees so that they go upwards also. Kinda like a double-jump and thok combo.
csmgiw said:
I'm not sure if anyone has said it but... The ability to remove added wads and socs, as well as the ablity to un-modify the game so you can play a net game even after startrings and added wads... Hows that for an idea?

Bold = Delfile which is already added if I remember correctly.

Underline = There's a few problems with that there. If it unmodifies a netgame then playing netgames might get screwed up and will unlock things. On the other hand unlockables in netgames kinda seems a bit fair but if the game is unmodified anytime you want you could play all through SRB2 modifed and such then on CEZ you could quickly unmodify it. See the problem there?


Now for my suggestions to add.

Super Stat Stuff:

superjumpheight (max 512, default is 256 or something)
Etc etc...


Super Required Stuff:

Neededemeralds (must be at least 1)
Superringtics (amout of time in tics til each ring is drained while super, default 35)


Stats stuff:

FireDamage (Immune to Fire?)
ElecDamage (Immune to Electricity?)
ChemDamage (Immune to poison water stuff?)
WaterAir (time in tics, default 30 seconds)
SpaceAir (time in tics, default 5 seconds)
FlyTime (Fly Ability time in tics, default is about 10 or so seconds, I forget the actual default)
GlideGrav (Weight of push on the character while Gliding or using the Walker Hover, default is 2, negatives make you glide upward, or slowly float upward)


Misc Stuff:

Also a pickup object ability (ability 9)
Allows you to pick up objects with the lightdash button if you are in pickuprange, you are allowed to pickup solid objects, enemies (no players bosses, or THZ turrets), monitors (unpopped), and anything else that would make sense. JTE did add it in SRB2JTE but it had crashing problems cause for some reason you could pick up popped monitors and as soon as you did the game froze. Also while you have an object you are forced into your spring/fall frames and are hurtable if you jump on enemies. Along with that robots pop when they are thrown and hit anything solid objects crush things and just land, monitors pop, and other objects that might be pickupable you decide,if you are standing still you can put down the object and nothing happens to it it just goes back to acting by itself. Animated stuff still animates while picked up the actions are ignored though. If a player is holding a crawla and anoher player touches the held crawla the second player gets hurt, if a player is holding a monitor and a second player hits it, it pops and the player that was holding it automatically drops it.


I know for a fact I am naming alot of stuff that could be abused (GTFO SMS and you many other crappy character wadders), but SRB2 is suppose to be customizable so.. I am just stateing more ways to make characters customizable so that characters can have even more varieties.
Stuff all the strings into the string table instead of having them coded in. That way, the ones who have 1337 haxx0ring tools can edit the strings as they please.
All projectiles should hurt players in race mode.

In Xmas mode water FOFs should be turned into solid blocks with ice friction and the flats should change depending on what they are, if it's water it uses a normal ice one if lava or something else it uses another new flat or something.
int W_VerifyNGFXlumps(const char *filename)
	lumpchecklist_t NGFXlist[] =
		{"MISL", 4},
		{"PLAY", 4},
		{"POSS", 4},
		{"SPOS", 4},
		{"EGGM", 4},
		{"BON1", 4},
		{"SRBX", 4},
		{"GRBX", 4},
		{"EMMY", 4},
		{"PINV", 4},
		{"BLTV", 4},
		{"SPRY", 4},
		{"SUDY", 4},
		{"SHTV", 4},
		{"FANS", 4},
		{"BUBL", 4},
		{"YLTV", 4},
		{"FWR1", 4},
		{"SPRR", 4},
		{"SUDR", 4},
		{"SMOK", 4},
		{"SPLA", 4},
		{"TNT1", 4},
		{"BIRD", 4},
		{"SQRL", 4},
		{"YORB", 4},
		{"BORB", 4},
		{"KORB", 4},
		{"SPRK", 4},
		{"IVSP", 4},
		{"IVSQ", 4},
		{"DISS", 4},
		{"BUBP", 4},
		{"BUBO", 4},
		{"BUBN", 4},
		{"BUBM", 4},
		{"CNTA", 4},
		{"CNTB", 4},
		{"CNTC", 4},
		{"CNTD", 4},
		{"CNTE", 4},
		{"CNTF", 4},
		{"POPP", 4},
		{"PRUP", 4},
		{"BKTV", 4},
		{"SCRA", 4},
		{"SCRB", 4},
		{"SCRC", 4},
		{"SCRD", 4},
		{"SSPK", 4},
		{"NBMP", 4},
		{"YSPR", 4},
		{"RSPR", 4},
		{"YSUD", 4},
		{"RSUD", 4},
		{"SKIM", 4},
		{"MINE", 4},
		{"FISH", 4},
		{"GARG", 4},
		{"SPLH", 4},
		{"THOK", 4},
		{"THZP", 4},
		{"SIGN", 4},
		{"RRNG", 4},
		{"TTAG", 4},
		{"STEM", 4},
		{"RFLG", 4},
		{"BFLG", 4},
		{"GFLG", 4},
		{"TOKE", 4},
		{"CEMG", 4},
		{"CEMO", 4},
		{"CEMP", 4},
		{"CEMB", 4},
		{"CEMR", 4},
		{"CEML", 4},
		{"CEMY", 4},
		{"JETB", 4},
		{"JETG", 4},
		{"JBUL", 4},
		{"MOUS", 4},
		{"DETN", 4},
		{"XPLD", 4},
		{"CHAN", 4},
		{"CAPE", 4},
		{"SNO1", 4},
		{"SANT", 4},
		{"EMER", 4},
		{"EMES", 4},
		{"EMET", 4},
		{"SBLL", 4},
		{"SPIK", 4},
		{"CCOM", 4},
		{"RAIN", 4},
		{"DSPK", 4},
		{"USPK", 4},
		{"STPT", 4},
		{"RNGM", 4},
		{"RNGR", 4},
		{"RNGS", 4},
		{"RNGA", 4},
		{"RNGE", 4},
		{"TAEH", 4},
		{"TAER", 4},
		{"THER", 4},
		{"TAHR", 4},
		{"THOM", 4},
		{"TAUT", 4},
		{"TEXP", 4},
		{"BUS1", 4},
		{"BUS2", 4},
		{"FWR2", 4},
		{"FWR3", 4},
		{"MIXU", 4},
		{"QUES", 4},
		{"MTEX", 4},
		{"FLAM", 4},
		{"PUMA", 4},
		{"HAMM", 4},
		{"KOOP", 4},
		{"SHLL", 4},
		{"MAXE", 4},
		{"BFLM", 4},
		{"FBLL", 4},
		{"FFWR", 4},
		{"NSPK", 4},
		{"SUPE", 4},
		{"SUPZ", 4},
		{"NDRN", 4},
		{"NDRL", 4},
		{"SEED", 4},
		{"JETF", 4},
		{"HOOP", 4},
		{"NSCR", 4},
		{"NWNG", 4},
		{"EGGN", 4},
		{"GOOP", 4},
		{"BPLD", 4},
		{"ALRM", 4},
		{"RDTV", 4},
		{"RORB", 4},
		{"EGGB", 4},
		{"SFLM", 4},
		{"TNKA", 4},
		{"TNKB", 4},
		{"SPNK", 4},
		{"TFOG", 4},
		{"EEGG", 4},
		{"LITE", 4},
		{"TRET", 4},
		{"TRLS", 4},
		{"FWR4", 4},
		{"GOOM", 4},
		{"BGOM", 4},
		{"MUS1", 4},
		{"MUS2", 4},
		{"TOAD", 4},
		{"COIN", 4},
		{"CPRK", 4},
		{"XMS1", 4},
		{"XMS2", 4},
		{"XMS3", 4},
		{"CAPS", 4},
		{"SUPT", 4},
		{"ROIA", 4},
		{"ROIB", 4},
		{"ROIC", 4},
		{"ROID", 4},
		{"ROIE", 4},
		{"ROIF", 4},
		{"ROIG", 4},
		{"ROIH", 4},
		{"ROII", 4},
		{"ROIJ", 4},
		{"ROIK", 4},
		{"ROIL", 4},
		{"ROIM", 4},
		{"ROIN", 4},
		{"ROIO", 4},
		{"ROIP", 4},
		{"NPRA", 4},
		{"NPRB", 4},
		{"NPRC", 4},
		{"REDX", 4},
		{"SPRB", 4},
		{"BUZZ", 4},
		{"RBUZ", 4},
		{"CEMK", 4},
		{"WHTV", 4},
		{"WORB", 4},
		{"TURR", 4},
		{"F001", 4},
		{"F002", 4},
		{"F003", 4},
		{"F004", 4},
		{"F005", 4},
		{"F006", 4},
		{"F007", 4},
		{"F008", 4},
		{"F009", 4},
		{"F010", 4},
		{"F011", 4},
		{"F012", 4},
		{"F013", 4},
		{"F014", 4},
		{"F015", 4},
		{"F016", 4},
		{"F017", 4},
		{"F018", 4},
		{"F019", 4},
		{"F020", 4},
		{"F021", 4},
		{"F022", 4},
		{"F023", 4},
		{"F024", 4},
		{"F025", 4},
		{"F026", 4},
		{"F027", 4},
		{"F028", 4},
		{"F029", 4},
		{"F030", 4},
		{"F031", 4},
		{"F032", 4},
		{"F033", 4},
		{"F034", 4},
		{"F035", 4},
		{"F036", 4},
		{"F037", 4},
		{"F038", 4},
		{"F039", 4},
		{"F040", 4},
		{"F041", 4},
		{"F042", 4},
		{"F043", 4},
		{"F044", 4},
		{"F045", 4},
		{"F046", 4},
		{"F047", 4},
		{"F048", 4},
		{"F049", 4},
		{"F050", 4},
		{"F051", 4},
		{"F052", 4},
		{"F053", 4},
		{"F054", 4},
		{"F055", 4},
		{"F056", 4},
		{"F057", 4},
		{"F058", 4},
		{"F059", 4},
		{"F060", 4},
		{"F061", 4},
		{"F062", 4},
		{"F063", 4},
		{"F064", 4},
		{"F065", 4},
		{"F066", 4},
		{"F067", 4},
		{"F068", 4},
		{"F069", 4},
		{"F070", 4},
		{"F071", 4},
		{"F072", 4},
		{"F073", 4},
		{"F074", 4},
		{"F075", 4},
		{"F076", 4},
		{"F077", 4},
		{"F078", 4},
		{"F079", 4},
		{"F080", 4},
		{"F081", 4},
		{"F082", 4},
		{"F083", 4},
		{"F084", 4},
		{"F085", 4},
		{"F086", 4},
		{"F087", 4},
		{"F088", 4},
		{"F089", 4},
		{"F090", 4},
		{"F091", 4},
		{"F092", 4},
		{"F093", 4},
		{"F094", 4},
		{"F095", 4},
		{"F096", 4},
		{"F097", 4},
		{"F098", 4},
		{"F099", 4},
		{"F100", 4},
		{"F101", 4},
		{"F102", 4},
		{"F103", 4},
		{"F104", 4},
		{"F105", 4},
		{"F106", 4},
		{"F107", 4},
		{"F108", 4},
		{"F109", 4},
		{"F110", 4},
		{"F111", 4},
		{"F112", 4},
		{"F113", 4},
		{"F114", 4},
		{"F115", 4},
		{"F116", 4},
		{"F117", 4},
		{"F118", 4},
		{"F119", 4},
		{"F120", 4},
		{"F121", 4},
		{"F122", 4},
		{"F123", 4},
		{"F124", 4},
		{"F125", 4},
		{"F126", 4},
		{"F127", 4},
		{"F128", 4},
		{"S_START", 7},
		{"SS_START", 8},
		{"S_END", 5},
		{"SS_END", 6},
	return W_VerifyFile(filename, NGFXlist, false);
I think you should know why you'll use this. Graphics.dta FTW!
No. I'm not maintaining another insanely long array list. At least not now.
If SuperSonic can breath in outer space, he should be able to breathe underwater. The disadvantage of being underwater is that he can't move as quickly to collect rings that sustain his super-form.

Also, homing = 2 .
Person can homing-thok once, but then the next thok would be non-homing and to homing-thok again, the character would need to touch the ground.

HomingItem = #
A separate item to spawn while homing-thoking, instead of the thok item.
SRB2-Playah said:
In Mario Mode...

Rather than display the title card, show a Super Mario Bros.-style black screen with level name, act, and current amount of lives. Start level music after it's done viewing.

On death, have the character pause for half a second before jumping up and falling.

Super Mario Bros. style HUD graphics. With the score, lives and time all in a horizontal row on top.
If anybody said this, I'm sorry but they should have a scroll as you walk along the two way path. Does that ring a bell ?
Kaysakado said:
Remove C-Fails and make it so that, in netgames, none of the stuff is processed by the client, only by the host.
You want your computer to die when hosting? To send all the data needed, SRB2'd need a LAN connection. And not only that, but your computer would need to render as many copies of SRB2 as there are players in your netgame. My computer occasionally slows down while running only one copy of SRB2, so do you think I want to be running 6?
We have LAN, ceiling spikes exist as far as I know and side/wall springs have been socced, although an official version would be nice.
Lol, 1337 posts. Anyways, at Boincel: Not render everything, just keep all the player's information inside your memory. A better version might be that normally it works how it does now, but when someone has a cfail, instead of kicking them, it sends the info then and only then to resynchronise them. This way, it wouldn't change the speed at all, because the host (and all clients, actually) keep the information for the other players in their memory.
A big fat disclaimer saying that SRB2 is not to be used for Role Play or Hang outs or any varation there of.
Hazards that follow a set path, similar to the NiGHTS axis, but with more freedom allowed. In most cases they ought to have some sort of projectile to inflict damage so it isn't a SDURF repeat. Would work for things like the bee bombers in the first game, follow a path, stop, shoot, disappear, come again.
Senku Niola said:
In Xmas mode water FOFs should be turned into solid blocks with ice friction and the flats should change depending on what they are, if it's water it uses a normal ice one if lava or something else it uses another new flat or something.

That would greatly screw up all levels that require you to go under water FYI.
Well there could be a mapheader thing stating whether or not to have the ice affect your level or not. Xmasice = 0/1 or something

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