Parents just don't understand gaming...

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My dad is kind of a anti-gamer. He doesn't like any games that don't teach you things. He only agrees a little with educational or RTS games.
My dad usually gets on the computer to play some Spider Solitare. I have no problem playing it unless it's SRB2. When my dad gets on, SRB2 accidently gets paused, then everybody sending messages saying "Come on!" and "What's the hold up, you know there's people playing!" So, I deal with it. Problems are never solved when it doesn't have a solution or conclusion. The reason I know people says "come on" or "what's the hold up there's people playing" is because I check my console and see the messages.
So many cases of me playing Metroid Prime Hunters online, and I have to get off to have a shower, eat dinner, take out the garbage, etc. I tell them that i can't pause, and that I can't turn off because it goes on my record. My Mum gets annoyyed, but lets me finish.

She hardly kicks me off the computer, but I tend to let her use it if she needs to, unless I'm in the middle of SRB2 or something high-action like that. My sister can be a bit aggressive, though.

Mystic said:
I find the best way to deal with that problem is instead of complaining, when you get back on, show them what you're doing. You can't "pause" the internet by nature, and my parents have long since known that. I'd rather them say "Are you online currently?" than "Can you pause that?"
Not compaining eh? Gotta try that! Also, I agree with your last sentence.
I usually don't get interrupted while I'm playing on my computer. Unless, yaknow, it's about that shower I've been putting off for days. Or that trash that's starting to form a mushroom shape.
If it's a normal game, I pause it and do what must be done.
MMO, I find a safe place to go AFK.
I'm hosting a netgame, I just say "Going AFK for like, 15 minutes."

'Cus really, it IS just a game. Although it does annoy me to be interrupted, sometimes there are more urgent matters to attend to. And getting killed in a game while you're AFK isn't that big of a deal.
Unless, yaknow, it's one of those dumb MMOs where you lose XP when you die, and you respawn back in town with little else but that which hides your privates.
'Cus that's annoying. But I don't play those. :D

But outside MMOs, thank whatever diety you worship for the Pause button, amirite?
I feel sorry for you Spazzo...

Atleast I would, but I'm too busy tracking you down.

Because I can really track you down through your pc...

"You haven't been giving out your details have you?"
"Are you sure?"

"I don't care what you're doing, drop everything you're doing and get down to dinner!"

Hippocrates D:
What we need to do is to lower the age of majority of at least 3 years (15).
I can't stand the fact that I can't have sex, transfer money and a lot of other things just because I'm a minor, and therefore I'm a "child" that "can't think on his own".
Seriously, I'm 14, and I know the consequences that actions may have.
The age 18 barrier, is IMHO, too high, most people have passed puberty from four years at that time and this barries also permits parents to abuse their powers. It is common to see parents beating their "children", and in some cases, it isn't even done for a definite reason.
Heck, I've even seen elementary schools say to parents to beat their children.
Beating your "children", makes your "children" learn nothing, it just makes them learn to obey to stupid or baseless enforcements and laws.
Beating is abusing. It is like stabbing someone in the head.
tails92 said:
What we need to do is to lower the age of majority of at least 3 years (15).
I can't stand the fact that I can't have sex, transfer money and a lot of other things just because I'm a minor, and therefore I'm a "child" that "can't think on his own".
Agreed, stuff like banks think we're not responsible enough.

Natwest CarPlus accounts, you can't do internet or telephone banking until you're 16.

I can't do half the stuff I need to with it, I even have to ring up and speak to someone just to check the balance, or wait for a bank statement...

But that's for a completely different topic, let's try to stay on the topic of parents being unfair about games :l
Another thing, rated games, they're too strict on them :(

My parents actually pay attention to age ratings, I know 13 and 14 year olds with GoW and/or Dead Rising *cough*Omega & Luke*cough*, do they care, nope.
tails92 said:
What we need to do is to lower the age of majority of at least 3 years (15).
I can't stand the fact that I can't have sex, transfer money and a lot of other things just because I'm a minor, and therefore I'm a "child" that "can't think on his own".
Seriously, I'm 14, and I know the consequences that actions may have.
The age 18 barrier, is IMHO, too high, most people have passed puberty from four years at that time and this barriers also permits parents to abuse their powers..

Wrong, the human body does not fully complete puberty until 18 or so.
If you did a chick your age and she got pregnant she would probably die giving birth. And even so you you probably end up abusing it, having the incorrect brain age for raising a child.

I know 13 and 14 year olds with GoW and/or Dead Rising *cough*Omega & Luke*cough*, do they care, nope.

I remember seeing a 9-10 year old looking kid in a Wal-Mart one time whingeing be cause his parents wouldn't buy GTA:VC for him, not be cause of the rating, but because he didn't have enough money.
cueball61 said:
Agreed, stuff like banks think we're not responsible enough.

Natwest CarPlus accounts, you can't do internet or telephone banking until you're 16.

Thats probebly because some pepole are actually what the "banks" exspeted them to be, and they think every other young persone is like that.

[bank ppl] one of them is stupid there all stupid, end of story[/bank ppl]

And thats what I would think that they basicly think.
cueball61 said:
My parents actually pay attention to age ratings, I know 13 and 14 year olds with GoW and/or Dead Rising *cough*Omega & Luke*cough*, do they care, nope.

Lol, I have both those games. My parents know, but they trust me to not do something crapheaded because I'm smarter than that. However, if I bought a game that's violent for the sake of violence, I think the universe would explode, because my parents wouldn't let me buy that game, and if I had it, something would have gone terribly, terribly wrong.
Besides, I wouldn't myself buy a violent game for the sake of violence...unless it was something like Dead Rising. And yeah, I agree with the previous two posts. People do learn of the lowest possible action and automatically associate everyone and everything remotely around that action as being bad. Look what GTA started. It's not like Sonic Adventure is evil, but people believe it is.
oy..I used to have some issues with this, but my family and I have worked out an understaning.

wayyy back when, (when I was 10) I was given a life long ban (turned out to only be a year and a half though) for ignoring my mom telling me something important, because I was engrossed with the game. there have also been a couple of other brushes with stuff like this (taking the GBA to school, playing when I had stuff to do , etc.).

now however, I've matured, they've begun to understand my passion for gaming, and there is not so much trouble going on anymore. Plus, finally, at age 18, they fully trust me to do whatever I need to do. no more looking over my shoulder and stuff.

also, IF I'm asked to do something, I jump up and do it. (If I can't pause, I will Tell them to wait a minute, get to a safe place, and then go) as a result, they know know that If I'm playing, I have nothing else to do, and I am ready to help if they need it.

basically, they developed a respect for my space, and I devoloped a bit of common sense. I don't game when I have major stuff due, and they dont complain when they see me playing almost all of saturday afternoon.
My mom doesn't care what I do as long as I get good grades.

You can see I fail there due to procrastination.
I play violent games without any problem because i'm smarter than them, i even played thrill kill when i was like 10 (going to be 15 this year), there were sometimes complain that i sit too long at computer but i understand that they care about my eyes which have astigmatism, but they're fair, i sit two hours at computer then let eyes rest one hour and this repeats for whole day, i just don't complain like mystic does.

I hate stupid parents which care too much and doesn't want to listen that world is different nao, also i hate parents which just beats their own child because they're drunk or child isn't good in school man those types of parents are fucking stupid
The theory that staring at a screen for too long damages your eyesight is a load of bullcrap.

It's been proven that staring at a TV Screen, only a few inches away from the screen, for 12 hours does nothing to your eyesight.

I spend all day pretty much on there, no breaks, my eyesight is perfectly fine. Otherwise I wouldn't be using 1280x1024, because if there was something wrong with my eyesight, I wouldn't be able to read the text before me.
KingofFlames said:
My parents don't give a damn what I do on my PC, just as long as I try to keep my grades up and my homework done. =|

Seconded, but I do my homework in class. Ah, the glory that is being a genius.
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