Elaborate upon your representational imagery.


I'd pick a different Chen-based pic, but I'm lazy, and this is insanely adorable as it is. :3

This dude is one of the Skeksis, villians from Jim Henson's puppet ham-adventure The Dark Crystal. The good guys, the Mystics (mini-stegosaurs) and the Gelflings (stereotypical Final Fantasy elfin things) tend to be pretty forgettable. But the Skeksis are rowdy, rude, bickering, noisy, violent, gluttonous, evil and totally relatable bad guys.
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Yeah, I just found out about that movie today, and watched about 2/3's of it on YouTube. I hope the last third really picks up.

The puppets are kick-arse, though.
Halloween's over, and Pokey/Porky Minch is awesome. Spankety spankety spankety
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Mine is a running sprite of Dr. Robotnik. I made it for a "super robotnik land 2" thing... But the idea got scrapped.
From what I see, this guy is primarily Super Sonic with a red head and a purple body, sporting a pair of grey gloves and Tails' shoes. Well, that's where the problem is. It's completely unoriginal. Here is a morsel for thought:

How's about starting all over? Instead of a hedgehog character, how's about we do an animal that hasn't been done before. You could go with a skunk, or a porcuipine, or maybe even a chinchilla. Or if you're looking for some REALLY oddball ideas, you could make an aquatic, undersea character such as a shrimp or sea lion.

Just trying to get your gears working, man.
thanks I will put it into thought. I should be finished with my new character soon.
Wasn't there only one?

Maybe... but I'm pretty sure theres more then one.

EDIT: You were right, there is only one. For that, I'll send to you one, free of charge! Watch out he doesn't yank your carpet though. :P
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Posting for the Mother 3 trifecta. As an added bonus, it animates if your browser supports APNG (even though the board software stupidly renames all avatars to gif), but gracefully degrades to a single frame image otherwise.
Posting for the Mother 3 trifecta. As an added bonus, it animates if your browser supports APNG (even though the board software stupidly renames all avatars to gif), but gracefully degrades to a single frame image otherwise.

Personally, out of the corner of my eye, I always see your avatar slightly differently to how I should, Tets.

Mine? I guess it's just based on the Zero Effort Sonic, t'was part of a Valentines Card from Arf. I requested an avatar form of the Sonic cause it looked cool. :3
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changing your avatar just so you can post in this topic is totally cool and not being a noob

God, there's a phrase which I will only use once in a blue moon, or rather, never use again.

Anyway, a random Google search a while back had yeilded an image result found on the 4chan archive. I have yet to find the source of the image, but it seemed to 'arouse' my interests; Brownie points to you if you guess what I'm referencing with this. I felt like adding the appropriate saying of "That's.. Awesome" in my usertitle since it seems to fit with the image.
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