SRB2 v1.09 is out

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It is... My turret enemy from Lightbulb Factory Zone was re-sprited and programmed in as well, the only difference in it being the sound effect it makes when it shoots and the jetty-syn bullets, when my version used Eggmobile rockets... ... ... *sigh* I have SOMETHING in 1.09, at least, even if noone outside the small group of people who played Lightbulb Factory know I thought it up to begin with.
It sucked anyway, and Mystic calls it his worst idea ever. No big loss there, unless you enjoyed the either boring or laggy matches.
I liked Chaos, myself. Only gripe was that it was easy to chain just by spinning around in place, which is probably why it was removed - it's a pretty fatal flaw, that.

Chaos the Hedgehog said:
Logan_GBA said:
1st, don't double post
Do you have a condition that makes you see doubles or something? As us normal people can see, I didn't double post
No, you DID double post. I saw it with my own two eyes - it's just a moderator or somebody's already taken care of it. And personally, two people (maybe three if the mod/admin will admit to doing it) are probably a better indication than one person.

Oh, and calm the heck down. Yeesh. NOBODY'll help you if you sass them like that.
Chaos the Hedgehog said:
Logan_GBA said:
1st, don't double post
Do you have a condition that makes you see doubles or something? As us normal people can see, I didn't double post
No, you DID double post. I saw it with my own two eyes - it's just a moderator or somebody's already taken care of it. And personally, two people (maybe three if the mod/admin will admit to doing it) are probably a better indication than one person.

Oh, and calm the heck down. Yeesh. NOBODY'll help you if you sass them like that.
Meh sorry, I had a sad weekend , and I tend to take things out of people. Plus it is my nature.
Chaos the Hedgehog said:
As us normal people can see, I didn't double post

As you non-administrator can't see, I deleted your double post.

2nd, it seems zim.dta is missing
Ahh ok. I can't seem to find it in the archive though.

It should have been in your extracted files.
SSNTails said:
As you non-administrator can't see, I deleted your double post.
Isn't that, like, the second time you've ever done anything administrative? :P
Actually, no. Some things I do that people just don't know about. I'm just as stealthy in real life. Maybe I should be Batman..
..wait, I am being batman... this halloween... :)

Costume is almost done, I just need to finish the belt and a few other small things. I'll be sure to post pictures.
I noticed the translucent hud effect in OGL, that is VERY useful (not sarcastic). Im gonna go play CTF now :)

And there STILL isn't any documentation on editing SRB2 1.09. Please update as soon as possible, for I want to use some of the special features added to it!
Speaking of holidays, I made a STJr Christmas card for all of you guys at the MB, but I'll post that when the holidays roll around.

I don't know why, but I started to cry when I was drawing it. Strange... *shrugs*
Omega the Hedgehog said:
I don't know why, but I started to cry when I was drawing it. Strange... *shrugs*

Just like he was acting on IRC earlier:

<Digiku> Too bad, Hot Coff-- Chaos mode is removed.
<Bigboi> You're fucking kidding me.
<Digiku> No, I'm not. See for yourself.
<Bigboi> 111111111

I think he's in between sensitive...
furyhunter600 said:
And there STILL isn't any documentation on editing SRB2 1.09. Please update as soon as possible, for I want to use some of the special features added to it!
Check the editing section, it should be up now.
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