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[SUGOI 2] Sonic Uncovers Banning And Realizes Anime Spoilers Hurt Intricate Ideas

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Chaobrother, what you talking about? There is no Nightlight Ruins Zone in this.
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I meant Night Temple zone, sorry for the confusion. The original post has been updated.
EDIT: Palace Peaks now has the correct name.
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Chaobrother : Thanks for the notes, the Camera probably turned to a real issue so i'm just going to use basic 2D camera with springs to move players forward, backward Instead with bunch of Impassable linedefs, I Still got time i think.
Also Chaobrother, my map is Palace Peaks, not Sky Palace. More than one person has called it Sky Palace and I don't know why when the title is literally thrown at your face when you download it, add it, and start the level.

On another note, I made a few notable updates to my map besides fixing small things, and looking at the downloads, nobody's played it yet since the first change, so I'll bring it up again.

@chaobrother, Thanks for the feedback, Today is... now soon to be tommorow for me so i dont expect any improvements on the SUBRASHII version of my level.

But i do not fear, all these problems will be address for the standalone version of my map (Yes i am already making a standalone for my map)
Holiday House - Emerald Hunt

Download: Mediafire

Title: Holiday House

Sapheros AKA Duon - Helped me with the slopes
Boinciel - Owner of the XMAS texture pack used in the level

Maintainer Notes: 2 Tokens lie within this map. One may seem not so difficult to find. But the other token, could be a REAL pain in the buttox...



Can't avoid my fate forever, I guess.
I'm honestly not very happy with how this map turned out, but since this is SUBARASHII, I don't really have the option not to submit it. At least you can't say I didn't try.
Hold Jump to go faster!
Download: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/x70xdtne7l61z6e/sc_ShadeMountain.wad
Title: Shade Mountain Zone
Credits: Mine sprites by Iceman404.
Music: "Castle" from Jazz Jackrabbit 3 soundtrack, composed by Alexander Brandon (obtained from here).
All custom objects created by myself.
Maintainer Notes: This map was intended as an emerald stage.
To change which emerald is given, replace MT_EMERALD3 in the lua scripts (there's a large comment pointing to it, you can't miss it) with the emerald type that should be properly given.
To make it usable as a non-emerald stage, replace it with nil and the emerald will instead become a wireframe collectible with no effect.
The comments should make the procedure clear, but if you still have trouble, send me a PM or contact me on Discord.
The map includes three emblems, two hidden in the map and one for Record Attack.
Here's a screenshot:
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New version of Plastic Factory Zone was uploaded, I tried to fix most of the problems this level has, check the other post to download it. Let me know if you find any other problems.
I added emblems in Sunlit Caverns, fixed missing and misplaced textures, and added a colormap to the water. Thank you to everyone who reviewed it :). I updated the link in my original post.
One last update: I've added a scoring system that allows the player to get an extra life or two if they play well enough, and a backing picture for the results screen (to cover up the actual level)

Post here
Snow Summit Update!

*Emblems and emblem hints
*Tiny visual improvements
*More fitting music
*Stage select picture
*And other really small tweaks

The map is still a bit on the short side, but it is technically my first map so take it as you will.

~I look forward to everyone's feedback.
I Removed the camera script from my map because apparently it has caused few serious troubles with gameplay, and also changed the Desert section to be more like a 3D Instead, The link is still the same from the Previous post.
Thanks for the FeedBack Chaobrother. I forgot to add the tumbleweeds also as decoration.

Well, that way i wont be able to finish Mount Torval Act 2, since today is the last day
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Green Flowers Zone Patch.

Wasn't expecting to get any feedback so quickly, so I'll just dump this here for Salt to use. so that it's best as it can be

This includes:

- Smoother 'ramp'. you're supposed to jump up to progress, but that might change later
- Act 3/4's skybox is now aligned properly and now more darker.
- Act 3's water should hopefully have a colormap. no promises that it is tho
- Act 3's cave is now less dark.

Possibly one of the worst maps for SUGOII/SUGOI 2/SUBARASHII/KAWAII but eh... It's my first map :P LOAD AND FIRE THE CRITICISM CANNON

Magma Peaks Zone

I really MUST thank Boinciel for helping me fix problems a noob like me couldn't fix. He also added a slope and helped me through a few of my problems. I also thank the community as a whole ESPECIALLY because I was on a MUCH shorter time schedule than everyone else and they helped me through. I give my especial utter honest total SRB2 thanks (yup, ALL of them SRB2 thanks) to all of you.

Sneak Peek: https://imgur.com/gallery/XVBEt

Maintainer Notes:
If anybody who has access to SUGOII itself wants to do stuff to the map, go ahead and do anything you want to it. This gave me a reason to go absolutely noob crazy with the lava FOFS and volcano layout and underestimating fracunit sizes...
Skip the last one.
Anyway, I'm glad I could enter this one. I couldn't be in SUGOI but now I can be in SUBARASHII :D
This map has not changed much. Lighting exists but yeah. What HAS changed much is the fact that...
It's called Propulsion Peaks and is fully functional. This is the best I could muster up by 18:30 on the 31st. Have fun :D
Note that no feedback will be taken because this is SUBARASHII's LAST PUBLIC DAY before it gets released D':

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vm5g213svlb91ey/NebbySugoiEntry.wad?dl=0

Magma Peaks Zone, Propulsion Peaks Zone

I really MUST thank Boinciel and Chicmunk for helping me fix problems a noob like me couldn't fix. I also thank the community as a whole ESPECIALLY because I was on a MUCH shorter time schedule than everyone else and they helped me through. I give my special utter honest total thanks (yup, ALL of them thanks) to all of you.

Maintainer Notes:
If anybody who has access to SUGOII itself wants to do stuff to the map, go ahead and do anything you want to it. This gave me a reason to go absolutely noob crazy with the lava FOFS and volcano layout and underestimating fracunit sizes... and learning from my mistakes in Magma Peaks to make Propulsion Peaks, intended to be the first level in a map pack. I had the idea after submitting Magma Peaks. Please accept them both, it would mean a lot to me D':
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Wow ChaoBrother. That's a lot of work you put into making that gigantic post! Seriously, thank you for doing that. You've done everyone a huge service, especially me. Good catch on that game-breaking bug! I think I fixed it in the latest iteration of my map. I also removed the useless starpost:

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Ok, now here are some pics outside the volcano:



I will try and finish this very fast.


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Updated my map once again, fixed SOC loaded before this getting reset and some overlapping sectors.
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