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[SUGOI 2] Sonic Uncovers Banning And Realizes Anime Spoilers Hurt Intricate Ideas

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It is done! Done done! That is, unless I get some more feedback. This level takes place in a long-abandoned airship hangar, which nature is now beginning to reclaim... Some screenshots:




Download: Attached! (last updated: 12/31)
Title: Abandoned Airbase Zone
Credits: This wad uses textures from "freedoom_textures_for_srb2.wad" and "srb2assetpack-21.wad", both linked in the first post.
Maintainer Notes: Special thanks to ChaoBrother for catching a game-crashing bug. Have fun!

I'm really proud of myself for this one :)
I began mapping the very night SUGOI 2 was announced, and consistently progressed little by little until basically now. It's super rare for me to get something like this done in only one month, but I did it! Maybe having deadlines helps me out?...!

Anyway, PLAY MY MAP AND GIVE FEEDBACK THX. I'm looking forward to what you guys have to say! :)

EDIT: Updated the link (12/31 12:43 pm). Removed the useless star post and fixed an area that would crash the game when the player would pass through it.


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It is done! Mostly! I still need to put the emblems in properly, but the map is in a generally polished and completable state! This level takes place in a long-abandoned airship hangar, which nature is now beginning to reclaim... Some screenshots:




Also, which of these should be my level select picture?? Imagine seeing the image on a smallish screen in a beautiful hub map!

I'm really proud of myself for this one :)
I began mapping the very night SUGOI 2 was announced, and consistently progressed little by little until basically now. It's super rare for me to get something like this done in only one month, but I did it! Maybe having deadlines helps me out?...!

Anyway, PLAY MY MAP AND GIVE FEEDBACK THX. I'm looking forward to what you guys have to say! :)
Use the first one :D
"Doomed Ground ship" Abandoned Airbase Zone: Starting up the level, I feel like I'm already half way through. the check point in the room ahead of the starting point just helps to reinforce that. Turning around I can see there was more level right behind me.

This level also seems to suffer from a bit of lack of direction and trying to find one of the buttons feels like I'm going backwards.

Oh I almost forgot to give my icon picture for Sapphire Frost:
It took a whole lot of effort, but it's finally done! I've made a few levels in the past, but most of them are on an infinite hiatus, far from being finished. SUBARASHII gave me the motivation to create my first, truly complete level, and I'm really proud on how it turned out!

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/drdwIIwi44u4hc6/scr_palacepeaksR15.wad
Title: Palace Peaks Zone
Credits: Music is "Sealed Ground - Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity"
Maintainer Notes: The level includes a few custom textures I made which are really just small edits of the original SRB2 textures.


EDIT: And I don't know how to embed screenshots correctly. I'll just link an album.

R8: Bugfixes, and removed some items used for testing purposes.
R9: Reduced the amount of extra life monitors from 20 to 5. :P
R10: Removed an easy life farming exploit.
R11: Emblems were accidentally made Sonic only, it's fixed now.
R12: Notable changes this time! Added actual lighting differences between the interior and exterior, as well as adding some skylights inside to compliment the new brightness. The clouds are also more distinguishable from the skybox.
R13: Fixed a couple texture misalignments. Balanced score attack requirement and the amount of rings/score monitors in the level. Fixed some stationary buzzes.
R14: Fixed a death pit on grass. Frankly, I'm surprised nobody noticed it before now since it's pretty game breaking.
R15: Reduced the time emblem requirement, fixed the second emblem hint word wrapping, and added a new level select picture.
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Ok, I did one more update, changing a few items, adding a few to areas that felt empty. Barring any more feedback, this may be the final update before the pack releases.

No link in this post, instead, check the top of this page for the link as it's the same still.

Oh and I brightened up the water too.

"Sky Castle" Palace Peaks Zone: Wow, this is your first complete level? well it definitely shows that you have experience. I only found one mistake. The Buzzess at the end of the stage are blind, deaf, and dumb. They don't move.

Ice, why do you start the level practly right next to the check point? It makes it pointless. I actually went and opened up your stage in zone builder to find out if that really was all there was.
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I give you, Plastic Factory Zone! After weeks working on it is done.


[B]Download:[/B] Attached to post
[B]Title:[/B] Plastic Factory Zone
[B]Credits:[/B] This wad uses textures from "freedoom_textures_for_srb2.wad", "srb2assetpack-21.wad" and also objects from "xmastexturesnew.wad" All linked in the first post. Toys and stocking from Massmouth, with permission from Scuba Steve. Music is "[URL="https://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_by_moduleid&query=39865"]crux-mas[/URL]" by maniac/crux
[B]Maintainer Notes:[/B] This currently has 6 emblems, 3 global and the record attack emblems.


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Ice, why do you start the level practly right next to the check point? It makes it pointless. I actually went and opened up your stage in zone builder to find out if that really was all there was.

Yes, the star post is pointless. I guess it's to show the player that the opening area is actually the "central" area of the level and that they'll probably be revisiting it and keeping their progress as they play, but if the presence of the starpost is confusing then I'll remove it.

Did anyone else play the map? If you did, do you agree think I should remove the starpost?
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Yes, the star post is pointless. I guess it's to show the player that the opening area is actually the "central" area of the level and that they'll probably be revisiting it and keeping their progress as they play, but if the presence of the starpost is confusing then I'll remove it.

Did anyone else play the map? If you did, do you agree think I should remove the starpost?

I also didn't see the point in the star post. You should instead put star posts in mid-way points in the two button routes, that way the player knows they're heading in the right direction.
I don't think that would help because you can go to either button in any order. If you trigger one starpost the other could trigger depending on how they were set up.

Even if you set one to be the second one, if you hit the second one first, the first one is also triggered, meaning that you can't use it to save your progress.

I think a better idea is to just replace the star post with the player starts. The current start is just a return path anyway.
I think a better idea is to just replace the star post with the player starts. The current start is just a return path anyway.

The opening of the level is already a bit disorienting. I think starting the player where I put the star post would be even worse haha. I may just delete the starpost altogether.

Okay, I have a big wedding to attend tomorrow so no map updates or level reviews, hence I'm posting these level feedbacks as a 2-in-1. I have to get up early and I stayed up way too late doing this btw so be grateful!

Plastic Factory Zone

This one was a bit of a weird one. It's got that unsettling new-mapper-feel, but not all the way... Steel Titanium, I think you're in level designer puberty. You're on your way up, though, so that's good! The music for the zone is actually a metaphor for how this level makes you feel. It starts nice and promising and then keeps taking wild turns into wacko-town. The best part was probably the opening, where the textures mesh nicely and the theme is preserved. Things get a little bit problematic when you enter the factory, however. Here are my notes on the level:

-Lots of clashing textures, especially brown ceiling and orange/red checkered floors.

-Rings should really be in clumps instead of spread thin and even across the entire floor. Think chocolate chip cookie instead of a thin layer of nutella on toast, if that makes any sort of sense.

-The wintery theme kind of gets lost once you enter the factory. There should be more wintery stuff/areas in there. Maybe add more of those present/springs, since those made me smile :)

-The tunneling enemies in the toilets were surprising and fun, I gasped and then laughed when it hit me, but maybe there should only be 1 so that the surprise is greater.

-Is the glass piston room supposed to be inescapable as sonic? I got trapped in there and couldn't even properly kill myself because there's an invisible wall preventing it for some bizarre reason.

-There are enemies facing wrong way in the room after the teleport

-There's a room where you're platforming atop conveyor belt platforms, but the conveyor belts aren't actually running. You just proved in the room before this that you know how to make conveyor FOF's, why didn't you use them in the room that would actually benefit from them??

That's all I can think of for now. I like how the player returns to the opening of the factory through the glass bridges! On the whole, I think the level mostly suffers from awkwardly-shaped level architecture. Some hallways are needlessly tall, others are needlessly long, lots of linedefs are skewed at small but uncomfortable angles, and lots of sectors look like they were drawn haphazardly without any regard to flat or texture alignment. These issues aren't so bad in outdoor areas, but stick out like a turd in a bowl of milk when you're making straight-edged blocky man-made structures like factories. I wish you took the snowy opening area and made the rest of the level in that style. My suggestion to you is to make your next map an outdoor level.

Palace Peaks Zone

Awesome level! I know this is going to be one of my favorite levels in this whole shebang, if anything because of that one hidden emblem area (you know which one, GamingReloaded)! You've got a great skybox and a good use of slopes. The level is also polished to a spit-shine. The level design intrigued me enough to open it up in ZB after playing it a few times and I can see you do that super-round-sector thing. Only the most OCD of level designers do that! Here are my notes on the level:

-Great use of overlapping pathways, andFOF's, sloped FOF's at that. Man, those are a pain in the ass! And you got really good at using them!

-Indoor areas feel a little one-note, and I think it's because I didn't see any lighting variation throughout the whole level. This made the visuals feel kinda flat and unnatural because we expect indoor areas to be darker than outdoor areas unless it's nighttime.

-Why is it so laggy??

-The bouncy clouds were my favorite part of the level, but they're way to hard to distinguish from the skybox! I don't know how you can fix this, but it definitely needs fixing.

-Good use of flying enemies, for once I'm not being chased by an entire truckload of them when I reach the end of a room.

-This is kind of a weird note, but it seems like you're good at squeezing a lot of gameplay out of relatively small areas for SRB2. This is good and bad, because the level is cleverly designed such that every corner is being used, but sometimes things can get a little cramped.

-That was the most satisfying nuke shield ever. Bravo!

Good job on this level. It was unique, a good length, challenging, and pretty. You should make more levels!!!

Now, I sleep. G'night everyone!
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Wow, Levels are getting interesting right now, People (Including me) Are coming up with great levels, hope this continues.
I hope my level won't look like shit, I was planning to fix the theme of the level but i felt so lazy to do it, It starts with a well detailed room but then quickly turns into a randomly thrown linedefs mess with inconsistent texturing lol.
Here are some more Pics of Mount Torval Act 2:



I decided That Mount Torval Act 2 Will Be A Volcano.


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just a heads up, you only have today and tomorrow to finish things up and provide feedback.

Also Salt, if you played my stage, I'd like to get a review please.
I guess im going have to make the stage small, If i had more time i would make it longer.

Am i the only one who has a level unfinished.
Here is a my review for pretty much every level that was playable and completed. Do note that some of my criticism may be outdated if you updated your map recently.

Sunlit Cavern Zone:
This zone works as good introductory stage as it does not attempt to be too flashy or ambitious. It gives players the opportunity to test out slope physics and basic platforming in a straight forward safe space. It also has plenty of secrets for players to uncover. Overall, I had few issues with the map as I believe that it did what it supposed to do. The few issues I did have with the map were the lack of a colormap for the water, which makes it feel artificial, as well as a misplaced grass texture for an FOF bridge near the beginning of the stage.

Snow Summit Zone:
This zone mixes the some of the best design elements of 1.094 and 2.X levels with its large size, visually pleasing set pieces, and slope integration. The stage is one of the most vertical I’ve played, which I feel sets it apart from other stages. I enjoyed the intertwining paths of the stage, the dozens of secrets along the way, and getting lost in the stage to soak in the atmosphere. One thing I have to commend you for is the subtle uses of ground lower than the surrounding area to mark the critical path, so players do not get lost if they do not want to. Overall, I only had one issue with the map, on stage load there are several “P_SpawnSlope_Line used on a line without two sides.” errors. I suggest putting emblems in the map. There are tons of places to hide them and I am sure they would be fun to get.

Green Flowers Zone:
This stage set was pretty fun to play and fundamentally solid overall. I liked the use of the same sky box, similar sounding music, and the passage of time to make the stages more cohesive. My only problem with act 1 was the slope near the beginning close to the row of yellow springs. It was difficult to negotiate as Sonic. I feel that making the slope less steep will mitigate this issue. I had no problem with act 2, it was a slight step up in difficulty with a primarily underwater theme. Act 3 had some key issues: first, the water glows (the brightness is higher than surrounding sectors), and it has no colormap. Secondly, a platform in the dark cave of the zone oddly casts light. Act 4 was a fun custom boss, but the script to change the level’s song did not seem to do anything. Both act 3 and 4’s skyboxes are too bright for the nighttime theme.

Funky Headquarters Zone:
This was a simple, yet enjoyable 2D stage. The length was appropriate, and there were secrets hidden the stage despite its straight forward design. More background elements may make the stage feel less empty. As a side note, the snailer near the CD you spindash to use can go off the wall and float in midair.

Fort Nitrate Zone:
This was a large (~ 5 minute) stage with a focus on bomb kicking and slope physics. The stage had multiple paths and secrets. Overall, I have no complaints about the stage and I liked the fact that the skybox seamlessly meshes with the stage itself. There are two things to note, first an excess of bomb explosions will (understandably) reduce the framerate, and the emblems are still Wing Logo placeholders.

Sapphire Frost Zone:
This was a big snow themed stage. I found it to be appropriatly sized and detailed. Overall, I had no complaints about the stage.

Night Temple Zone:
This was a closed in ruins stage which felt classic but had several modern touches dashed in. I found the appearing/disappearing FOF room odd because it used gimmicks which are used nowhere else in the stage (The aforementioned FOFs and the instakill slime). I would suggest replacing the slime with a pit (and adding appropriate light sources) or lava, and changing the FOFs to be standard, but have fewer of them. The area with the lava near the end should not have its floor height be the same as the surrounding platforms, but lower, to look more realistic. The leaping fire balls near the character split are a bit odd due to the fact that they launch at the same time and they touch the ceiling and immediately come down. You can fix these issues by changing the spawn height of the fireballs (to desynchronize them), and reducing the jump strength.

The miniboss was fun and challenging my first time facing it, but it became easy to overpower it as it does not run away after being hit. The ramp which propels the player to the end of the stage may cause render the stage incompletable for characters that are slow and/or cannot spindash (I even had problems with the ramp as tails). Finally, you should replace the random monitors with actual monitors. Using actual monitors allows you to place rewards proportional to the risk to get them and gives players an opportunity to strategize about which rewards are worth getting. Despite these nitpicks I still found the stage enjoyable to play.

Leaps of Faith Zone:
This was a canyon themed map which has challenges for Sonic and Knuckles players. Despite the title there are actually very few leaps of faith in this level. I found the stage fun as it allows players to test their metal in a more risky platforming environment with no distractions. The level feels fair as there are plenty of lives (even an area to farm them) and checkpoints to ensure that too much progress is not lost. My main complaint about the stage is that is sometimes difficult to tell which areas are sloped; this was especially troublesome in the beginning of the stage. This resulted in some unneeded deaths. Other than that the stage is sound as floating platforms and platform edges are clearly defined.

Mount Torval Zone:
This is a canyon themed map with a moderate mix of enemies and platforming. I found the stage to be a bit on the large side without enough detail or reason to explore to compensate. I would suggest adding some more height variation in flatter areas of the map other sector detail, and more decorative things in the map to make it feel more alive. The stage flow and gimmicks are fine; I just wish that there was more to look at while playing the stage. Your rings do not float, add the float (in Zone Builder) or ambush flags to them to make them do so. Rings look strange stuck in the ground. The pit close to the exit of the stage does not actually kill the player, fix this or make sure that the player can actually get out. I would suggest changing the arrow texture in the tightrope room. At the moment the textures are misaligned and even when they are aligned, they do not seem to tell the player anything.

As for the end area of the stage I would suggest using the change sky linedef executor instead of using the desired sky texture for the wall, it looks strange right now. The player can actually jump past the end sign to the area behind it and get stuck. I would suggest adding a pit behind the end sign, making a way for the player to get out, adding the “Impassable” flag to the edges of the higher platform, or just make the entire room have the exit stage sector effect. The sloped volcano at the end of stage looks strange (also a Sonic player cannot jump out of it if they fall in). To remedy this, reconstruct the volcano using triangles; this page on ZDOOM’s wiki has a good tutorial on how to do this. Keep Going! I can tell that you have some of the fundamentals of making a good stage down.

Magma Peaks Zone:
This was a deadly mixture of icy and hot, but mostly hot. As for the stage, it focuses on platforming over pits, with the ice section being a bit of a breather. The stage has difficult albeit linear platforming. I would suggest adding one checkpoint near the middle of the stage, though you probably left it out as the stage is short and you can farm lives anyway. Even though I have not tried the time trial emblem, I would suggest rounding the requirement to the closest second or adding a few seconds to it (while still rounding to the nearest second), as at the moment it seems like the time trial time is actually the absolute best time you could muster, with no breathing room for the players. I like that you indicated which lava would instantly kill you by a texture change.

Ice Cap Zone:
This stage bears no resemblance to the stage in Sonic 3. As for the stage itself, it is fairly linear and contains a unique path for Knuckles. The stage is appropriately detailed given its size and utilizes slopes for wow factor. The stage is basic, but there are secrets hidden and it is solid mechanically. One suggestion would be to make slightly clearer that if you take the sloped path turning and taking the underwater path is the wrong way and vice-versa. When I played this level for the first time I somehow made this mistake.

Frozen Valley Zone:
This is a chilly and lonely emerald hunt zone. As a stage it is mechanically sound and properly detailed for its size and what it sets out to do. It is flat and open with no distractions getting in the way of emerald hunting. There is a secret, though one emerald hunt location will lead the player right to it. A key suggestion for this map would be to add more emerald hunt locations (I would suggest adding 2 or more). This would increase the stage’s replay value by giving players larger variation of places to look. You would not even have to change the stage itself; there are plenty of extra places in the stage to hide emerald hunt locations already!

Unknown Temple Zone:
This is a platforming based special stage with a time limit. The time limit is strict if you do not know what you are doing (or if you are sonic), but there’s an emerald token hidden in the stage to ensure that this special stage will not become the one which prevents you from getting all of the emeralds. It is thematically well done and the challenges are isolated from each other. There is no way to fail the stage before the boss.

As for the boss, I love how challenging he is. He moves unpredictably, reacts when the player is vulnerable, and he seems to use the arena to his favor by encouraging the player to ring out. At first I thought that the boss was unfair to tack on due to the difficulty of the stage, but I soon came to love him due to the challenge and the fact that he doesn’t actually spam attacks. The stage will take some retries to get the hang of, but it is fun to do so. For whatever reason, the player is awarded 100000 points when the next map loads and reloads after the player runs out of time, rings out, or gets hit by the boss, this does not happen if the player beats the level.

Tropical Island:
An Axis2D stage made special by an energy bar which forces players to keep collecting rings avoid being hit in order to prevent instant death. The stage is straight forward and nice to look at, but I felt that the energy gimmick was trivial until Eggman. I have no complaints about the stage itself. I have one suggestion, however, which is to modify all waterfall FOFs and split them into two FOFs. The top 128 fracunits of the FOF should have the GFALL texture, and the rest of the FOF should have the CFALL texture. This will make the water fall have a natural top border and not tile strangely. Alternatively you could change the GFALL texture to the CFALL texture, which would work just as well.

Abandoned Airbase Zone:
This is an airport/mossy cave themed stage with a huge focus on exploration. This is a stage you should take some time and enjoy the beauty for. I found the button hunt of the stage enjoyable as dying means that you go back to the area you need to go to and button progress is not reset if you die. The starpost at the beginning is somewhat unneeded as it is very close to the players’ spawn points. As for the stage itself, I liked how the stage subtly tells the player what it is going to be like by having the player start in an open area which the player can explore. Visually the stage is gorgeous with realistic lights and shadows as well as cracks where they would make sense (at the border of a hexagonal tile or a part of a particular pipe). You had an eye for detail and level design, and it shows!

One issue that I did have, unfortunately, is that the game can randomly crash in the mossy room with the turned over airplane and extra life sitting atop a waterfall. The crash only seems happen near the pool of water and the player is facing the 7843rd linedef. The crash can be replicated by spindash jumping off of the border between the first and second plane and heading towards said linedef. I have no idea how you could fix this as there is no indication of the crash in the log or error log.

Illumination Aerie Zone:
This is an open air stage with caves, vines, smiley rocks, and bubblegum trees. The stage reminds me Seraphic Skylands Zone, due to the focus on atmosphere and exploration, the level theme, and the use of calming music to add to the stage’s immersion and greatness. There are plenty of nooks and crannies to explore, yet I never felt lost while playing the map. The theme transition was not jarring, and no part of the stage felt bad. There is adequate challenge from both the enemies, and the stage itself. The stage is mechanically sound and well detailed. The custom textures were great! They could be in the game proper or in an indie game. The textures were also cohesive with one another. I have no complaints about this level.

Mix it All Together! Zone:
This is multi-themed stage which focuses on platforming and slope physics. The stage’s themes are isolated from one another but still feel cohesive due to the beginning of the stage setting out an overarching space simulation theme. The stage is linear, but there are secrets hidden throughout the level. My main issue with the stage is the canyon area with the fixed camera. Initially the camera is not too bad, but stepping on the ruins platform, or going into first person mode and out of it will cause the player’s camera to become too close, making the stage near unplayable.

Another thing about the camera is if you go into first person mode and out at any point in the stage the camera becomes fixed and way too close to the player. If the player completes the level they keep the fixed camera regardless of if it is close or if it is at the normal distance. Any camera alterations made by this stage persist through other stages, regardless of warping, dying, completing a map, or even exiting to the title and reloading the stage. The camera is only goes back to normal if the game is exited and restarted. One last thing about the stage, crashes can occur near the fencing in the fixed camera section (especially near the extra life). If these issues can be fixed the stage is nice and perfectly playable. More proper criticism can also be given.

Bubble Tides Zone:
This is a dreamy, underwater NiGHTS map. I found the stage to be mechanically sound due to easy Ideya Capture requirement, yet there are plenty of obstacles to keep the player challenged. There are emblems to find and other emblems to earn (my best grade for each mare was C,B, and B). The stage is visually pleasing with its lively background, slope usage, and high resolution textures to make the stage vibrant and immersive. There was one minor oversight with the stage; the Ideya Drone does not kill the player on time up. This does not seem to be the intended behavior as the player spawns on it and there areas of the stage the player cannot escape if they fall into them and are playing as Sonic or some other vertically challenged character. Overall, I have no issues with the stage.

Highly Reactive to Hedgehogs:
This is best played at a correct aspect ratio resolution. This stage… uh game is a very faithful port of Highly Reactive to Prayers. In Highly Reactive to Prayers (and this stage), players control Reimu and hit a Yin-Yang ball to flip all of the tiles in a stage in a certain amount of time or else they suffer a hailstorm of bullets from above. HRtH only ports the first set of five stages from HRtP. I found this to be an appropriate length for a stage (~4 minutes). As for my experience with the stage, I found it fun to play despite the difficulty of the game and the fact that I never managed to beat the boss.
I found out these things out while playing:
  • Sliding may be the best way to move the ball due to the fact the Reimu launches the ball both vertically and horizontally, allowing for more area to be covered.
  • Waving your gohei (streamer wand) which is done by pressing the spindash button while stationary, allows Reimu to shoot the ball vertically if it is above her or slightly up and away if it is beside her. This is a stationary, yet more controlled variation of the slide.
  • Throwing cards allows the Reimu to launch the ball somewhat vertically and horizontally if it is in the air. I found this to be the most useless ability, as it does not destroy tiles, and I frequently got killed if I attempted to use it.
  • Reimu is somewhat invincible if she is sliding or waving her gohei, this can be used to nullify bullet damage or ball damage. Do note however, that Reimu is vulnerable in the direction she is not sliding and for a frame if you continually slide. Her invulnerability also depends on the where her gohei currently is if she is waving it.
  • You can throw cards in the frames in between waving your gohei. Even though you fire cards at a much slower rate, you can use this to add versatility to your gohei waving.
As a lua script it is technically impressive, and I bet there is even room to make custom levels due to how it is constructed. Personally, I feel that the stage is too difficult in its current form to be a special stage. To mitigate this without butchering the stage and/or deviating too much from the source material, I would suggest adding one or two more lives or introduce the bomb powerup from HRtP. If the stage does not become a special stage, I feel that the stage deserves a unique spot in the hub area like Kodachrome Void Zone or Garanz Site 16 from SUGOI 1. Overall, I feel like the stage is a great show of lua scripting, it is incredibly unique, and well polished. Other than the difficulty, I have no complaints.

Holiday Hill Zone:
This is a moderately sized, snowy and festive map. The stage is well decorated and has level design fundamentals down. The stage is linear, but it is very open with secrets to uncover. I have no complaints, but I found 3 issues. First you can get stuck in the solid trees on the slope behind the player spawn, second; there is grass on the ceiling near the beginning of the map. Finally when GFZ 2 loads crawlas are unknown things for some reason. One suggestion I have about the stage would be to add some items behind the end sign. At the moment there is no reason to go back there and the whole area could have been an exit sector.

Disco Foundry Zone:
This is a large disco factory themed map. The level itself is straightforward and path splits typically reunite. Overall I found the map to be mechanically sound and size did not serve to detract from the experience as the theme was appropriate, and there was sector detail as well. I have no complaints about the stage.

Atlantis Zone:
This is an aquatic tower themed map with a focus on defeating enemies. The level is completely straight forward with the player’s goal being interrupted by enemies more than platforming. As for the stage itself, I like the theme and absolutely love the sky box. The stage is focused in what it sets out to do; invoke the feeling that the player is being attacked by a horde, while they attempt to reach the coveted pillar of life. I feel that the stage is held back in some areas. The grey curved areas of the map are much too wide and vertical, the enemies are not much of a threat here, and there is not much else to do or look at in these areas. I would suggest making these areas more closed in and less vertical, to make the enemies more of a threat, or remove the enemies and turn the areas into platforming sections, to add variety to the stage. I found no point to the crate and spike platforming section; most of the time I would just take the damage and speed past the area. There is no reason to do the platforming in this area, perhaps adding a reward only accessible by platforming properly would entice the player to actually interact with the content?

General improvements to the stage include adding more detail to the stage, at the moment the stage is boring to look at, and adding the block enemies flag to linedefs which are the border to an area/section. This prevents enemy overflow, and makes the stage slightly fairer. A key example where this flag is needed is near the end of the elevator section. Another suggestion would be to make the pillar of life more impressive. At the moment the player can see through the back of it and it looks pretty basic. I would suggest either adding a back to the midtextures currently in place or replacing the laser midtextures with a laser FOF and making the base more impressive. Also the level’s name is oddly Green Flower, I would suggest fixing that via the MAINCFG. While the stage is divisive, I feel that a few improvements can make the stage truly great.

Steel Valley Zone:
This is a toxic factory map. The stage is fairly linear with secrets to find. The level is well decorated and the enemy interaction is very creative. It is mechanically sound and fun to play. I have to commend you for adding signs to the purple goop which indicate that is toxic instead of bouncy. I have no complaints about the stage.

Palace Peaks Zone:
This stage is really well done! The level was well designed and there were plenty of secrets. I found the high speed bouncy cloud section to be a bit too difficult given where it is in the stage along with the fact that an extra life is given right before the section. There are also several “P_SpawnSlope_Line used on a line without two sides” errors on map load.

Plastic Factory Zone:
This is a festive factory map with an incredibly festive song. This I found the stage to be well designed and fun to play. Regarding aesthetics, the stage is has a few too many diagonal lines to feel truly like a factory in some places. The stage can feel empty at times especially at the room with the piston in the center near the end. On last thing about the room, even though the player can get inside the piston to collect the rings around it, they are not be able to escape if they are playing as sonic or some other vertically challenged character.

Empty Sanctum Zone:
This is an abandoned temple map with waterfall caves, it is also my map. I found the stage to be fun to make and play, even if the object placement is a bit wonky at times and it is simpler compared to Bubble Tides Zone. I feel that this stage is better than Overgrown Castle Zone, my submission for Sugoi 1. The possibly last update I am making to this stage is a minor one, the time trial time has been made stricter and almost all score requirements are bumped up by around 20000 points. Here is my original post.

To Everyone:
Great job on making your maps! I had a fun ~14 hours playing them (and this is without finding every secret)! Sugoi 2 looks like it will be great. Here are some last minute tips to polish your map if you are able:
  • Add secrets if you want to. Secrets and emblems increase replay value, and some of your stages without emblems already have places for emblems and other items.
  • Add a thok barrier to your map if you notice Knuckles can climb in mid air in some places or some walls are vibrating if you approach them. I know they are no longer needed to make a playable level, but adding it can resolve these issues.
  • Align your textures and flats if you feel like it. Flat alignment is mainly important for barrels and crates and texture alignment (both vertically and horizontally) is important for all maps. Texture/Flat alignment makes the stage look more polished and professional.
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