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fickle hearts and other parts

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I'm getting quite the Gunstar Heroes vibe out of this. Yes, that is obviously a great thing.
What is even going on? I'm so mesmerized by what I'm looking at right now.

EDIT: Uh oh... I know what you're doing and I'm scared. I'm not going to say anything about it just yet but all of the sudden, it just hit me what you're making. All I can say is, good luck.
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*sees sonic moving in a bubble*

This is just a dream... it didn't happen.

On the other hand, I love the look of the level, it's got an underwater cave theme with it, which looks great with 2D axis.
Man a bubble gimick! Just give the ability to bounce and let all the nostalgia flood in
Darnit, red beat me to it. I was gonna do that next...

In all seriousness, this is pretty neat!
Could you make him move inside it in his Walking frames instead ? That would make it cooler .
*Looks at tumbleweed gif*

Hi Perfect Chaos, kinda dry aren't ya?

I really like that turret that targets you, but it should give you a little more breathing room for the checkpoint. I would suggest that you put a wall where the checkpoint is so the player can get some relief.
I really like that Tumbleweed tentacles... thing...?

Now I want a Perfect Chaos mod. Come on, the animations on the tentacles are already WAY TOO GOOD.
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