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  1. Django Urikashima

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hey, I'm Django, and the last time I logged into the forum, it was 2009. I've uh... I've missed a lot since then.
  2. Django Urikashima


    This has been bothering me since 2.0 first came out. Match. The concept is great, but the execution is very shoddy. The dropping of special weapons worked in SRB2 1.04.9, because when acquired, it became part of the rings. However, in 2.0, you not only have to collect the ring, but it's...
  3. Django Urikashima


    Meh, I'm through with working on this level. Expansion or not, I did what I did, for there were only supposed to be select amounts that would actually be used. No underwater area or attachments, no cover area, for it's very easy to just thok to a different area and appear on the other side of...
  4. Django Urikashima


    This isn't critique on the updated level. Unless you have something to say about my level, Kindly stop replying here.
  5. Django Urikashima


    Updated the first page with new info, so be sure to read it there.
  6. Django Urikashima


    After doing a test in doom builder with transparent water on your wad, it was still having lag issues. Though moving the water linedefs to one sector made it more convenient for me to edit, it didn't stop the transparent water from lagging the game one bit. I might just be doing something...
  7. Django Urikashima


    Hmm... so instead of a huge death pit, just lower the arena a bit and give people a bit of a chance to survive, as well as add in a few hidden surprises below? Interesting... *jots it down* --------------- Edit: After testing the effects of transparent water, I've come to the conclusion that...
  8. Django Urikashima


    Meh. Wow. WOW. Done wrong? I didn't realize it was a crime to make a few islands flat. lordy lordy, I'll never make my first level flat again. [/sarcasm] ... *points to clouds* Probably because the rail rings are supposed to be used from the islands, or more preferably, IN THE CLOUDS...
  9. Django Urikashima


    I think you're over reading and adding your thoughts to another statement that has already been said, making it seem more useful than you think it is... On the subject of Rail rings... If you're seriously only going to stay on the islands when there are plenty of clouds to jump on, and even...
  10. Django Urikashima

    Seabreeze Islands

    *cough* The level is complete to this point. Please direct your attention to this topic:
  11. Django Urikashima


    Interesting Idea, but I think I'm going to take a short break from it for the time being. Maybe after a bit of rest, I'll work on it and put some finer detail. Heh... It's possible you might have the wad I did before I fixed the sector linedefs. Otherwise, I don't know what to tell you.
  12. Django Urikashima

    Seabreeze Islands

    Will it also help with the gameplay?
  13. Django Urikashima

    Seabreeze Islands

    Heh, this is not the final outcome. I ended up going with a metal finish on the boats, so if I added sails to it, it'd become out of place.
  14. Django Urikashima

    Consistently falling FOFs

    Hmm... Not sure if this would work, but... You could try to increase the ceiling height of that sector alone while decreasing the floor height, then have a control sector to cover that area to give the illusion that it's part of the ceiling, allowing it to pass through much like a water ceiling...
  15. Django Urikashima


    Probably could... at the same time, I really think comments that did more than complain about the look would help me improve on the map a lot more. Like if the clouds size are too small, if the places I put the rail rings are good, if the stage is playable and (hopefully) enjoyable, and if the...
  16. Django Urikashima


    Hmm... so instead of all the linedefs of a sector being in use, just use one? Well, I tried it and it did seem a lot faster, so Thanks for the tip! Now to edit the download link...
  17. Django Urikashima

    Seabreeze Islands

    Heh... not a bad Idea. However, I'll probably save it for a later date.
  18. Django Urikashima


    After a full week of tinkering, I feel my stage is ready for a public release. ========================== Welcome to the Seabreeze Islands. A quiet set of islands in the middle of nowhere... It's the perfect place to pick a fight! Come visit our quaint little islands! Use them to get to...