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  1. Xtreme Starfox

    Hosting Problem.

    Ok, I'm tired of joining match games for them to suddenly change to coop or something. So I want to host my own game, I understand that I need to forward ports 5029 and 28900. I have done this on my Router and Firewall, but hey I still get this. Do I need to do anything else? EDIT: Ok I...
  2. Xtreme Starfox

    I come back to try to play SRB2 but... X_X

    I could Play SRB2 before but now when I try to play I get a "signal_handler(): segmint violation" error right when I try to play..... I tried Installing it again but it still happens.
  3. Xtreme Starfox

    (Help With Port) Hosting A Srb2 Netgame.

    Well I tried today to see if I can host a SRB2 Netgame but I am not sure that I can host. NSFW image -- this is why you don't use Imageshack, folks. If you look at the picture Where my name is, it says my port is 53193. I opened port 5029 in my firewall and it still says that, anybody know if...
  4. Xtreme Starfox

    Anyone use a Wii to...

    Right now I am typing this using my Wii, It's harder to use than a normal internet browser, I am wondering if anybody used a Wii to go online and post/e-mail anybody before? (I am trying to keep my sentences short, it is hard to wright big posts using a Wii)
  5. Xtreme Starfox

    OPENGL or Software mode?

    I don't know if there is a topic like this. Anyway, When you are playing SRB2 Which Mode do you use? And which mode do you think is best? Explain why you like it too! I use OPENGL because I think everything looks alot better, (Mostly the water) When I play in software mode everything looks...
  6. Xtreme Starfox

    Adding Blocks over water...

    Hey I want to how I put floating Blocks over water, I know how to make them....but not how to put them over each other. I use SRB2DB.
  7. Xtreme Starfox


    I found this on SRB2 Wiki and I found this really good to use, I don't think lots of people use this so here's an explanation, It's like your typing into the console but you can Save it and it opens every time you use SRB2. (If it is in the same folder) It's really useful for Net-play! Here...
  8. Xtreme Starfox

    Capture the flag, Flags

    I want to know how do I put the flags that mean that it's the red/blue team base? I am not talking about the flags you capture. I am talking about the flags that are outside you base.
  9. Xtreme Starfox

    Reversed_Relic_Zone! (CTF, MATCH AND TAG) Here is my CTF map it can also playable in TAG and MATCH. It's RED VS BLUE (Lava VS Water) hehe.. I tryed to make it fair for both teams, Blue sheild protects you from water and lets you breath under water and Red Shield...
  10. Xtreme Starfox

    Super Sonic Monitor?

    This was sometime ago, I was playing on a server. (Race mode) All the montiors was set to random, So I was just racing like normaly in a circuit, I hit a radom monitor and it made me into "Super Sonic"....... :shock: I want to know if a Super sonic monitor does exist or some glitch happened...
  11. Xtreme Starfox

    Textures and flats.

    Anybody know where I can get a list of all the texture and flat names? The only things I know are GFZROCK, f_sky1, Floor0_6 and some water ones... :(
  12. Xtreme Starfox

    POKEMON MYSTERY DUNGEON = Which Pokemon was you?

    I know this game might be a little old now, but I would like to know in the questionnaire thing at the beginning. What Pokemon did the game said was you? I luckily got Pikachu. :shock: I was suprised to be Pikachu. :)
  13. Xtreme Starfox


    UPDATED!!! My first wad, It's a Match Level. Level header help from On Edge.
  14. Xtreme Starfox

    How to add water?

    I am having trouble again, I need to know how to add water to a sector, but when I add water to a sector the test it it adds water too ALL MY LEVEL. Could anybody tell me how to stop it doing that?
  15. Xtreme Starfox

    Errors (Doom Builder)

    I am trying to learn how to use srb2 doom builder I have seen the tutorial but I get a message that says no sectors found when I try to play. I copyed the level in the tutorial. Help please.
  16. Xtreme Starfox

    Fix the Master Server!

    This has been happening to me for sometime, I can't connect to the master server using SRB2 Search (I could connect to it before) but if I go the to check if it is running it says it is and shows a list of peoples servers. I copy and paste the IP of a game into my...
  17. Xtreme Starfox

    Fix the Master Server!

    This has been happening to me for sometime, I can't connect to the master server using SRB2 Search (I could connect to it before) but if I go the to check if it is running it says it is and shows a list of peoples servers. I copy and paste the IP of a game into my...
  18. Xtreme Starfox

    Can't Download the Scr_supermario.wad

    I found a link to it but it won't work can somebody reupload please? :D
  19. Xtreme Starfox

    What it the limit for server downloads?

    A simple question... What is the limit filesize for downloading wads from srb2 servers?
  20. Xtreme Starfox

    Is The Srb2 Master Server Down!?

    I try to connect to it takes a bit...........then when the list loads up nobody is hosting. Is nobody really hosting or is it down? :(