Search results for query: *

  1. Xtreme Starfox

    Hosting Problem.

    Ok, I'm tired of joining match games for them to suddenly change to coop or something. So I want to host my own game, I understand that I need to forward ports 5029 and 28900. I have done this on my Router and Firewall, but hey I still get this. Do I need to do anything else? EDIT: Ok I...
  2. Xtreme Starfox

    I come back to try to play SRB2 but... X_X

    I could Play SRB2 before but now when I try to play I get a "signal_handler(): segmint violation" error right when I try to play..... I tried Installing it again but it still happens.
  3. Xtreme Starfox

    (Help With Port) Hosting A Srb2 Netgame.

    Well I tried today to see if I can host a SRB2 Netgame but I am not sure that I can host. NSFW image -- this is why you don't use Imageshack, folks. If you look at the picture Where my name is, it says my port is 53193. I opened port 5029 in my firewall and it still says that, anybody know if...
  4. Xtreme Starfox

    Anyone use a Wii to...

    Right now I am typing this using my Wii, It's harder to use than a normal internet browser, I am wondering if anybody used a Wii to go online and post/e-mail anybody before? (I am trying to keep my sentences short, it is hard to wright big posts using a Wii)
  5. Xtreme Starfox

    OPENGL or Software mode?

    I don't know if there is a topic like this. Anyway, When you are playing SRB2 Which Mode do you use? And which mode do you think is best? Explain why you like it too! I use OPENGL because I think everything looks alot better, (Mostly the water) When I play in software mode everything looks...
  6. Xtreme Starfox

    Adding Blocks over water...

    Hey I want to how I put floating Blocks over water, I know how to make them....but not how to put them over each other. I use SRB2DB.
  7. Xtreme Starfox


    ...1; crosshair 0; alwaysmlook 1;" bind z camoff bind x camon bind c screenshot bind o "changeteam red" bind p "changeteam blue" bind 0 "name ****" bind k "color ****" bind 1 "skin sonic" bind 2 "skin tails" bind 3 "skin knuckles" bind 4 "skin shadow" bind # "addbot" bind - "startrings 999"...
  8. Xtreme Starfox

    Capture the flag, Flags

    I want to know how do I put the flags that mean that it's the red/blue team base? I am not talking about the flags you capture. I am talking about the flags that are outside you base.
  9. Xtreme Starfox

    Reversed_Relic_Zone! (CTF, MATCH AND TAG)

    ...tryed to make it fair for both teams, Blue sheild protects you from water and lets you breath under water and Red Shield lets you make a fire trail and go in lava. (but not breath in lava) (I took these pictures in open GL) Tell me what you like\don't like about my level. :D *Changed...
  10. Xtreme Starfox

    Super Sonic Monitor?

    This was sometime ago, I was playing on a server. (Race mode) All the montiors was set to random, So I was just racing like normaly in a circuit, I hit a radom monitor and it made me into "Super Sonic"....... :shock: I want to know if a Super sonic monitor does exist or some glitch happened...
  11. Xtreme Starfox

    Textures and flats.

    Anybody know where I can get a list of all the texture and flat names? The only things I know are GFZROCK, f_sky1, Floor0_6 and some water ones... :(
  12. Xtreme Starfox

    POKEMON MYSTERY DUNGEON = Which Pokemon was you?

    I know this game might be a little old now, but I would like to know in the questionnaire thing at the beginning. What Pokemon did the game said was you? I luckily got Pikachu. :shock: I was suprised to be Pikachu. :)
  13. Xtreme Starfox


    UPDATED!!! My first wad, It's a Match Level. Level header help from On Edge.
  14. Xtreme Starfox

    How to add water?

    I am having trouble again, I need to know how to add water to a sector, but when I add water to a sector the test it it adds water too ALL MY LEVEL. Could anybody tell me how to stop it doing that?
  15. Xtreme Starfox

    Errors (Doom Builder)

    I am trying to learn how to use srb2 doom builder I have seen the tutorial but I get a message that says no sectors found when I try to play. I copyed the level in the tutorial. Help please.
  16. Xtreme Starfox

    Fix the Master Server!

    This has been happening to me for sometime, I can't connect to the master server using SRB2 Search (I could connect to it before) but if I go the to check if it is running it says it is and shows a list of peoples servers. I copy and paste the IP of a game into my...
  17. Xtreme Starfox

    Fix the Master Server!

    This has been happening to me for sometime, I can't connect to the master server using SRB2 Search (I could connect to it before) but if I go the to check if it is running it says it is and shows a list of peoples servers. I copy and paste the IP of a game into my...
  18. Xtreme Starfox

    Can't Download the Scr_supermario.wad

    I found a link to it but it won't work can somebody reupload please? :D
  19. Xtreme Starfox

    What it the limit for server downloads?

    A simple question... What is the limit filesize for downloading wads from srb2 servers?
  20. Xtreme Starfox

    Is The Srb2 Master Server Down!?

    I try to connect to it takes a bit...........then when the list loads up nobody is hosting. Is nobody really hosting or is it down? :(