Recent content by Uber Shell

  1. Uber Shell

    Blaze the Cat RE WAD

    They have lines like that on the offical Blaze. Here:
  2. Uber Shell

    Non-existant Lighting

    I found the problem. Apparently, the game disables the lighting if any WAD's colormap has been edited. Why? I don't know, but it most assuredly is related to Chuck Norris hunting candles while wearing a yellow pair of socks with little red stripes during October. Edit: THIS JUST IN: Uber Shell...
  3. Uber Shell

    Non-existant Lighting

    I am aware of that. This is meant to be a personal WAD, and I wanted it to be dark. What does either the sector tag or the OpenGL Settings have anything to do with it? I'm not using OpenGL, and I'm not using lighting effects on this.
  4. Uber Shell

    Non-existant Lighting

    The lighting is intended to decrease gradually as you pass through the sectors. The first sector is set on 208, the next is 192, then 176, and so on. I realized the problem because by the end of the hallway, the lighting should have been 32, yet it was still bright.
  5. Uber Shell

    Blaze the Cat RE WAD

    Why aren't her eyes yellow anymore? They're just black. Edit: Never mind. That's the SRB2 style. Whatever. So, yeah. It's good.
  6. Uber Shell

    Non-existant Lighting

    I was working with a WAD, and when I played, I noticed that the lighting was not working properly. The light is always on the highest available, although it is set lower. Is there any common bug or something that causes that?
  7. Uber Shell

    Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

    My older brother preordered it for our Wii. (He's a Nintendo fan boy)
  8. Uber Shell

    Meta Knight wad (still in work)

    I'm not even going to justify that with an answer.
  9. Uber Shell

    Meta Knight wad (still in work)

    Darn tootin'! I'm a sociopath, and proud of it! But anyway, any news on the WAD?
  10. Uber Shell

    Meta Knight wad (still in work)

    No, I mean I hate his attitude. I hate people more arrogant than myself.
  11. Uber Shell

    Tikal Beta finally out! Now for the real thing...

    What? What does THAT mean?
  12. Uber Shell

    Meta Knight wad (still in work)

    I just hate Sonic's demeanor; I like the [old] games. Oh, and he's being stabbed or threatened.
  13. Uber Shell

    Spelling out the window?

    Nothing flares up people's interest more than controversy. They just love it. My evidence that people see all controversy as good? Obama. (Don't get me started on him. Seriously. You'll regret it.)
  14. Uber Shell

    Waddle Dee Wad, in teh progress

    I KNEW someone was going to make a pun like that! I even thought of doing that!
  15. Uber Shell

    Meta Knight wad (still in work)

    What do you mean? Sonic deserved to be, well, taken care of. Let's make Miles the main character!