Recent content by TrueChamp

  1. TrueChamp

    Help with very rude people

    Poor Truelyepic. Lol Draykon. You're proving TruelyEpic's point. For spelling people wrong? Cmon. If you going to ban someone for that, make sure you let them know that misspelling is not allowed in your servers. And he wasn't being that annoying to the point where you couldn't stand it. He...
  2. TrueChamp

    Sonic07 (Beta relesse thanks to DashFox2007)

    Also, in multiplayer, whenever I try to choose him, the game crashes.
  3. TrueChamp

    Sonic07 (Beta relesse thanks to DashFox2007)

    Awesome job! *Downloads* This thing is freaking amazing!!! Then I play as him.....:( He looks funny. What happened?
  4. TrueChamp

    Help with very rude people

    So basically no rules apply? What about the people that curse you out and ban you at every server alive for no reason? Isn't that unfair? C'mon. I know I'm not the only one that thinks thats BS.
  5. TrueChamp

    A mod I'm working on

    Will everyone please stop saying this wad sucks so they can lock this topic up? Sheesh. Imature.
  6. TrueChamp

    Nitro's character pack

    OK. Change subject. Maybe you guys should just work on one character at a time. Splitting up the work on a big picture project like this, sometimes can discourage creators. And then Boom! *closed* *shot*
  7. TrueChamp

    Srb for dreamcast question

    That link is unavailable. -_-
  8. TrueChamp

    Server hosting problems

    I always make sure my Browser is off. I don't have any programs accessing the internet when I play. And, I don't have any trojans/viruses on my CPU. It just doesn't make any sense...-_-
  9. TrueChamp

    Server hosting problems

    I've tried that as well. Still doesn't work.....On all other games, I can host my server, but not this one....
  10. TrueChamp

    OMGOMGOMG Is it done? (FF.wad)

    No, I'm pretty sure that isn't the download link. But rather the actually files and code used to make him....