Recent content by Nicky Clemente

  1. Nicky Clemente

    SRB2 Sonic in HD

    True, although its the chunkiness that the current sonic lacks. Of course that sprite is too chunky.
  2. Nicky Clemente

    SRB2 Sonic in HD

    ...Originally Sonic did have some sort of a belly then over the years he apparently lost weight.
  3. Nicky Clemente

    [Open Assets] Rosy the Rascal (Updated)

    Then Its like the second thing, her nickname before she "grew up" (redesigned).
  4. Nicky Clemente

    [Open Assets] Rosy the Rascal (Updated)

    I always liked old school amy but.....Im confused here. ] I thought THIS was rosy And THIS was young amy Unless you just arent going by the comics and you are using her old nickname before she "grew up"
  5. Nicky Clemente


    When doctor pepper gets back you should consider Asking him to use Amyre and Edit it from there.
  6. Nicky Clemente

    Blaze the Cat RE WAD

    Lol pritty.
  7. Nicky Clemente

    Blaze the Cat RE WAD

    Woah, Blaze looks nice Dr.pepper keep up the good work, I havent posted in awhile but you've improved majorly. KnucklesRE...woah and this is the dude that said I dont think im going to do a tails and knuckles XD
  8. Nicky Clemente

    bean the dynamite.wad?

    Classic amy FTW WOOOT!!
  9. Nicky Clemente

    Ray.wad (WIP)

    Since the foot tapping is majorly overused how about him scatching his head?.
  10. Nicky Clemente

    Ray.wad (WIP)

    Nah, you want to make him go slower because if im not mistaken, mighty to ray is like "sonic's tails".
  11. Nicky Clemente

    ChrispyPack (SonicCE is done!)

    Nitro, if thats the best that you can do on them, then your best bet would be to stick to the original jump.
  12. Nicky Clemente

    Amy Rose is here! AmyRE Final

    Oh yeah DP I forgot. I do remeber you saying that, but you also said that if its going to turn out into something crappy then you cant use them right?
  13. Nicky Clemente

    Amy Rose is here! AmyRE Final

    I think Hyper shadic thought of it. I would like to actually see the body change colors personally. Please pm what it would look like to my please and be sure to get permission from Dr.P before doing so.
  14. Nicky Clemente

    CZ64's Characters Topic

    Cool. Jet is finally finished.
  15. Nicky Clemente

    Sally.wad (Beta download available!)

    Dp, why would you make her hair change color instead of her clothes? I get that you can tell the hair from far away better, but seriously the color I usually am on srb2 is dark blue. If she had dark blue hair.... that would look sorta weird. Also think about if someone switched to peach. That...