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    • MechaDeka reacted to Rolly Polly Pal's post in the thread SRB2Kart with Cool! Cool!.
      Ok so I finished the tutorial and one grand prix match and... I have a lot to say. It's clear that you guys at Kart Krew put a lot of...
    • MechaDeka replied to the thread SRB2Kart.
      Actually they've been banning people from the Discord server for posting the passwords there. Because how dare anyone play the game the...
    • MechaDeka reacted to SP Moves Enjoyer's post in the thread Kart Krew™'s exe mods with Cool! Cool!.
      You can say THAT again…. You were almost right about everything wrong with this update, what a poorly made racer it has become
    • MechaDeka replied to the thread Kart Krew™'s exe mods.
      I keep seeing complaints about visual overstimulation giving players headaches. What did you expect from the people who foisted Koda on...
    • MechaDeka reacted to Jammin''s post in the thread Kart Krew™'s exe mods with Cool! Cool!.
      Imagine removing two of the key features that made your game popular in the first place. Not only did Kart Krew remove the...
    • MechaDeka reacted to Sandwichface's post in the thread Kart Krew™'s exe mods with Cool! Cool!.
      Boy, it sure does feel good to be right after all this time.
    • MechaDeka reacted to Sandwichface's post in the thread Kart Krew™'s exe mods with Cool! Cool!.
      Thanks for casually admitting Kart Krew doesn't give a rat's ass about their entire playerbase :smile:
    • MechaDeka reacted to Sandwichface's post in the thread Kart Krew™'s exe mods with Cool! Cool!.
      What part of "people didn't ask for a new game" do you not understand?
    • MechaDeka reacted to Sandwichface's post in the thread Kart Krew™'s exe mods with Cool! Cool!.
      And that's the problem. Nobody asked for SRB2K to be anymore than a Mario Kart clone, a decent amount of people would prefer it remained...
    • MechaDeka reacted to Sandwichface's post in the thread Kart Krew™'s exe mods with Cool! Cool!.
      I'll be real with you here, chief: I ain't interested in V2 anymore. Not after I saw the 3rd anniversary update, and certainly not after...
    • MechaDeka replied to the thread SRB2Kart.
    • MechaDeka replied to the thread SRB2Kart.
      Ah good, I finally get to say it to you abusive, childish assholes: I told you so.
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