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    • Sure, you can find it here: ~/.var/app/org.kartkrew.RingRacers/.ringracers Inside you'll find an "addons" folder, along with your save...
    • mayihaveaword reacted to Candescence's post in the thread SRB2Kart with Cool! Cool!.
      Yeah, might be best to just toss Gear 1 as it is now and improve the handling across the board. Gear 1 is frankly so slow it's boring...
    • mayihaveaword replied to the thread SRB2Kart.
      I hadn't realized there were so many issues with Gear 1, those are good points. I think the best option is to do Relaxing mode at Gear...
    • mayihaveaword reacted to Augus's post in the thread SRB2Kart with Cool! Cool!.
      Having accidentally done a cup on Relaxing difficulty, I'm not convinced Gear 1 is doing its intended job as being a more accessible way...
    • mayihaveaword reacted to Candescence's post in the thread SRB2Kart with Cool! Cool!.
      The new patch is absolutely an improvement, and in many ways I absolutely want to love Ring Racers? But as someone who didn't play that...
    • mayihaveaword reacted to bennascar's post in the thread SRB2Kart with Cool! Cool!.
      Ring Racers is a game which I have very mixed feelings about. I wanna love it, I wanna say it's amazing, but there's so many baffling...
    • mayihaveaword reacted to DocThok's post in the thread SRB2Kart with Cool! Cool!.
      I really, REALLY hope the devs actually listen to the criticism given here, on Discord and any other social media website. The game a...
    • mayihaveaword reacted to wolfnexus's post in the thread SRB2Kart with Cool! Cool!.
      The art, design and music are wonderful, probably the best-looking and sounding fangame I have seen in years. Since the game inherits...
    • mayihaveaword reacted to thisjustin2001's post in the thread SRB2Kart with Cool! Cool!.
      Okay, after a very difficult time waiting for Friday night to come, me, my sisters, and my mom threw a massive party centered around...
    • mayihaveaword reacted to Candescence's post in the thread SRB2Kart with Cool! Cool!.
      Yeah, that's my thought as well. The "for seasoned veterans" should be Hard or even Master difficulty, not Normal. I understand making...
    • mayihaveaword reacted to Chungy's post in the thread SRB2Kart with Cool! Cool!.
      I'll be having the best race ever in Ring Racers and some CPU comes out of nowhere with every powerup on the planet while making perfect...
    • mayihaveaword reacted to Mr Beagle's post in the thread SRB2Kart with Cool! Cool!.
      I have played a couple of cups now on normal difficulty, and while it is not impossible to beat the rival and get first place (I got...
    • mayihaveaword reacted to DocThok's post in the thread SRB2Kart with Cool! Cool!.
      2.1 as a patch is enough. There's still a lot of problems with the game and the devs can just say "lol git gud" to all the criticism...
    • mayihaveaword replied to the thread SRB2Kart.
      I agree @Candescence! I really want to enjoy this game more. With all its beautiful levels, graphics, and music, it's a huge labor of...
    • mayihaveaword reacted to Candescence's post in the thread SRB2Kart with Cool! Cool!.
      So while the latest patch does absolutely improve some things in terms of difficulty, the fact that the difficulty levels of the Grand...
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