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    • emarshall reacted to Dana1020's post in the thread Silverhorn with Cool! Cool!.
      1705083842 astra look at this (SPOILERS DUH)
    • emarshall reacted to RDS's post in the thread Silverhorn with Cool! Cool!.
      ...So...he's back. With a friend. And he finally got out of the wheelchair! Base to base, this mod is insanely detailed and fun to...
    • emarshall replied to the thread Silverhorn.
      How do you get ultimate Inazuma in the Persona mod?
    • emarshall replied to the thread Silverhorn.
      How do I switch magic modes with Aether in the Persona mod? I'm using controller, but keyboard would be nice too.
    • Whenever I load a file it says "A file was loaded with a warnings. Check the console log for more information." What does it mean by that?
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