How do I remove score bubbles from enemies


📀🌻Frutiger Aero enjoyer :3🌻📀
1.How to make time and rings bonus, give always 0 points no matter the rings/time.
2.What do I need to modify, so the enemies will give zero points, like bee badniks in AGZ (Removing the score bubble is mainly visual, but it would be cool if someone knows how to remove it)
I can barely code in lua, so I would be grateful if someone could post a full code.
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1.How to make time and rings bonus, give always 0 points no matter the rings/time.
2.What do I need to modify, so the enemies will give zero points, like bee badniks in AGZ (Removing the score bubble is mainly visual, but it would be cool if someone knows how to remove it)
I can barely code in lua, so I would be grateful if someone could post a full code.
Asking people to post an entire original script for you is a bit weird.

It’s probably possible to constantly set the player score to 0 using a PlayerThink hook but I’m not sure about what variable to set to 0.
I also recommend putting a more substantial amount of time into trying to understand LUA as well. Better than spending a small amount of time and giving up and then just letting other people do things for you.
Asking people to post an entire original script for you is a bit weird.

It’s probably possible to constantly set the player score to 0 using a PlayerThink hook but I’m not sure about what variable to set to 0.
I also recommend putting a more substantial amount of time into trying to understand LUA as well. Better than spending a small amount of time and giving up and then just letting other people do things for you.
The best scenario for me, is if I could see the insides of the game, so atleast I could understand how it works and what I even edit.
My lua skills are at the stage of editing values in reusable scripts :dramahog:
is if I could see the insides of the game
The source code of the game can be found at
If you don't have knowledge of C and how to search for what you need, this may be of little use to you.

How to make time and rings bonus, give always 0 points no matter the rings/time.
I don't think this can be avoided if the end-of-level co-op intermission happens. That intermission can't be changed, only skipped.

What do I need to modify, so the enemies will give zero points
On mobj death, if the victim has any of the MF_BOSS or MF_ENEMY flags and the source of the damage was a player object, score will be awarded.
I figure you can override this if you make a MobjDeath hook that kills the object again but with a different source. You'd have to prevent an endless MobjDeath loop of course, but it should work.
I also feel like it's important to mention that vanilla SRB2 is coded entirely in C.
Which is different from the scripting language it uses for mods, LUA.
It's a common mistake I see where people think the game itself is coded in LUA and I just want things to be as clear as possible if it wasn't obvious enough.
Update on point 1:
The score bonus can be specified in Levelheader using: BonusType = None

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