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Cosmo the Seedrian (Work in Progress)

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If it was cancelled the creator would have stated it

People have lifes too yknow? They can be busy with other things

So dont assume one work is cancelled jut bcs the creator hasnt spoken
im dont assume this, is just a normal question ._.
Is this job ready yet? do you have a download link? I wanted to know because I really want to be able to play with Cosmo despite being my favorite character and I really like her
Your frustration is understandable, but this response is much too harsh. Be nice!
do you have a download link?
*Sigh* Another petson which doesnt read things he shuld.I will say this to everyone readibg this,for a hundreth time: THIS IS A FRICKIN WORK IN PROGRESS,SO BE PATIENT.
that is a pretty toxic response for something as miniscule as those questions. Lets try not to act like that to people who want to know information.
calm down bro lol I just asked because I thought it was ready and also that I think it's been 4 months without news about this work, and another, it's kind of toxic what you just said, be a little kinder please because I'm new to this site and yes, I read all the information but I didn't read all the comments
*Sigh* Another petson which doesnt read things he shuld.I will say this to everyone readibg this,for a hundreth time: THIS IS A FRICKIN WORK IN PROGRESS,SO BE PATIENT.

Wow and people say I'm rude

Anyway what they said
Listen everyone.If i was rude (which im extremely sorry about it,but this got me raged) here,it was resonable.If it was cancelled,developer behind it would said it.Its still in works.HOWEVER,it will cost lots of time,hence why is he not replieing with news.I get it some of you want to know info,but we guys shuld wait.Who knows when will developer reply with news.It can take a whole YEAR or two.
I am closing this thread since no progress has been shown in many months, and almost all posts since then are asking if the mod is cancelled.

The OP can have us reopen the thread when they have progress to show, they simply need to ask for it to be done here.
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