
Zoom tubes that use player speed for their speed settings. These should also be affected by going up or down, slowing down or speeding up the player in them.

These should not release the player until the player is either at the end or the beginning of the path. If the player goes too slow into the tube, they keep going until the first waypoint that moves the player up, at this point the player's movement is reversed with the expectation that they will be ejected back at where they entered. If the point is lower instead, allow the player to pick up speed to go through the tube.

To prevent the "stuck Roller coaster" issue that could possibly come up, the zoom tube programming should check for if the player is in a "valley" of zoom tube way points. If they are, move the player until they are out of the valley. If on a hill top where both sides have way points that go down, move the player to the closest down way point to pick up speed.

When the player exits the tube, the player should retain the speed they had in the tube. This way maps can be set up with jump ramps at the end that launch the player up high, regardless of SRB2's current physics set.
I assume this is basically zoom tubes that function similarly to Sonic 1's roll tunnels?
This has PROBABLY been posted so many dang times, but here i go. Momentum/Slope physics, like running down a slope gives you speed (that you keep!) and the spindash just functions the same. The modding community can do it, so can SRB2 devs. (i bet this stuff will be like a 2.3 thing but eh still worth trying)
Regarding the slope thing, we almost have it. Giving at minimum a 45 degree slope slipperyness will allow it to make you run faster down it, but SRB2's poor preservation of momentum will cause that to be lost upon stepping on normal land.
Regarding the slope thing, we almost have it. Giving at minimum a 45 degree slope slipperyness will allow it to make you run faster down it, but SRB2's poor preservation of momentum will cause that to be lost upon stepping on normal land.
Well we do have mods such as Classic.wad allowing you to perserve that momentum, it'd just need to have some alterations to the Thok if we wanna keep the Thok...
THIS THING HAS BEEN GOING SINCE 2005. JESUS. Anyway, my personal SRB2 Jeck Jims model wishlist:

Super Sonic (the mod, not the form)
Rose Gold Amy
Jelly Tails
Crystal Sonic
Alt Sonic
XMomentum Compatibility (BlueShoes Tails, Vanilla Sonic)
Reveries Compatibility
THIS THING HAS BEEN GOING SINCE 2005. JESUS. Anyway, my personal SRB2 Jeck Jims model wishlist:

Super Sonic (the mod, not the form)
Rose Gold Amy
Jelly Tails
Crystal Sonic
Alt Sonic
XMomentum Compatibility (BlueShoes Tails, Vanilla Sonic)
Reveries Compatibility
well, Jelly Tails will most likely never get a proper model due to the amount of squash and stretch he uses (which is something models are currently incapable of due to not being compatible with sprite scaling. Also, what exactly do you mean by "reveries compatibility"?
essentially: give sonic a proper drop dash animation for mods that have it

as of now it just uses the spin dash animation
also he needs paper peelout compatibility
and super peelout compatibility
sonic needs a lot of compativility
Yea you're right.

wait this thread can have model wishlists?
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This has PROBABLY been posted so many dang times, but here i go. Momentum/Slope physics, like running down a slope gives you speed (that you keep!) and the spindash just functions the same. The modding community can do it, so can SRB2 devs. (i bet this stuff will be like a 2.3 thing but eh still worth trying)
Confirmed already for 2.3.
I would prefer we ditch the whole "PLAY" sprite system and go with what I made for SRB2RP. Instead of having PLAYA0, PLAYB0, PLAYC0, etc. for Sonic and whatever you want for custom characters, make it use STNDA0, STNDB0, STNDC0, etc. for standing, WALKA0, WALKB0, WALKC0, etc. for walking, and all that... Then you can have an adjustable amount of frames in any animation, so you can have a 26 frame jumping animation or a 1 frame walking animation or whatever. I programmed it myself and it worked fine, though I failed to get netgames to work with it, which is most of the reason I dropped SRB2RP. I spent days working on it just to break netgames. But if you could get it to work in netgames... You'd never have to worry about breaking character wads again. Because anything you add on would be optional, and you could program in what to replace animations with when one has 0 frames in it. But we wouldn't need to have 180 sprites in every character wad anymore. Thus we would have a lot more people willing to make a lot more character wads. Crappy Sonic 3 ripoffs would spring up from every direction, it'd be great.

Some kind of type-on or fade in/out text options for CECHO would add quite a lot to it. And possibly the ability to use a custom font whom you supply the first few letters of or something. And instead of making the words appear in the exact center of the screen, centering them around 30% of the screen from the top would make it look MUCH better. (Hexen uses 37.5%, though ZDoom only uses that as a default) Yes, I want almost all things from ZDoom to be in SRB2 one way or another, since I can't make ZDoom SRB2.

Also, if you could make the Knuckles bots let you jump on them when they're climbi- ... Oh wait, bots are my job, sorry.
The naming system started right here?
i mean, i'm pretty sure

when i asked about it i got linked to the rules section and it told me to go here so yeah
Post automatically merged:

model compatibility:

drop dash compatibility
peel-out compatibility
xmom compatibility
ring spark field compatibility
v. maximum overdrive compatibility
(may add more eventually)
You sure? This thread seems like a place to suggest some stuff to the Vanilla Game. You sound like you're just telling Jeck Jims to add compatibility to those mods with his models. Unless you're talking about the built in models of his in 2.2.7?
It would be nice if interpolation such as in SRB2Uncapped and Uncapped Plus was integrated into the vanilla game as a toggle option at some point. It works well enough aside from not getting along with certain mods while active that I can't really think of a reason why it shouldn't be an official inclusion, but that's just my opinion.

Also, I feel like SRB2 should have an official launcher that functions similar to many of the community mod loaders, but also allows you to tweak more of the settings before you launch the game. Some people are unaware of community mod loaders, and I feel like such a launcher would go a long way to make both the modded and vanilla experience feel accessible to newer players. That's not to say that compatibility with community launchers shouldn't be allowed, I just feel like having one packaged with the game would do a lot of good.

Moments or Events that stand out from the game that add a bit of story. This is usually performed through zone or act transitions in the classic games.

Stuff like Sonic grabbing onto the Ship headed to Death Egg, Angel Island catching fire, or other neat events that add a bit to the story. I think SRB2 would benefit from this.

Like in Deep Sea you used to be able to break a spin-bustable wall that would raise the water level. That could be cool. Some kind of event that happens in each level could make the levels more memorable too.

Another example of this happening in SRB2 could be, let’s say, blowing up a part of Egg Rock.

A big reason I like Sonic 2 was because of the mini cutscenes: The tornado being shot down, Sonic grabbing onto the Rocket and heading into space, the destruction sequence and the ending of the game. I think it’s all really cool.
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Another example of this happening in SRB2 could be, let’s say, blowing up a part of Egg Rock.
Wouldn't ya know, the left section has just that.

After the air suction section, you'll approach a couple of crushers and a pathway made of rock. Go left and drop down, then follow the trail of crumbling platforms to the power button. The power turns on, and the lava level rises. At this point, jump to behind the switch and make your way to the cannon ahead, Press a button on its back to activate it and blow up part of the rock.
Enemy Variety & AI Updates

A lot of the AI in SRB2 is 30 year old, dated DOOM AI. It would be neat if each enemy had updated AI to make them more unique or real. A lot of times it feels like the enemies are just “there”, and there’s no real reason to go out of your way to bust them. Their whole purpose is to be an obstacle for the player to avoid, I don’t wish to force the player to fight them, but rather to interact with them and acknowledge their existence.

Chaos Mode actually solves this issue a bit, I like the way the Crawlas move towards the player, and the sort of “animation” it has when seeing the player.

On variety, SRB2 also has a problem. Greenflower only has 2 notable enemies, and one of them is a recolor and isn’t even in the first level really (it’s in a cage).

I think each level should have 4 new enemy types. At this point I think SRB2 shouldn’t have recolors. They’re a lazy way of “including a different enemy”. Back then it was fine but now I think they should replace them with all-new enemies, with new sprites, code and all. The classics never had recolors anyway.

The levels would definitely feel less empty with enemies being overhauled. And the enemies with dated sprites getting their re-sprites. It’s quite notable how bad the old AI is. I’d recommend looking at Chaos’ AI. Enemies should keep the player on their toes!

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