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Vessle Blast (Vehicles for 2.2)

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The other one
Vessle Blast aims to be a complete rebuild of my Vehicles mod from 2015-16.
Take control of specialized combat vehicles known as Vessles, and battle it out across SRB2's zones!


Here's how to try it yourself:
  • Load the PK3, and play as the Driver character on any map. As the Driver, press N-Fire to throw a punch. (Spin also works, unless you're shielded.)​
  • Open the console and type vessle_spawn M to spawn a hovercraft Vessle, the Medi-Craft. (There's also tank and bike Vessles, but they're far from complete atm.)​
  • Hold Custom 3 to board the Medi-Craft.​
Controls for the Medi-Craft:
  • "Up" (Jump): hover higher
  • "Down" (Spin): brake and fall faster​
  • "Special" (Custom 1): Phase Out (invisible, reduced movement)​
  • Fire: Tri-Shot (shoots straight ahead)​
  • N-Fire: Medi-Ball (should heal allies, currently doesn't work (see below) )​
  • "Exit" (Custom 3): eject​
Vessles and Drivers will use their own health/damage system, separate from Doom/SRB2's native health points. However, currently only the Driver takes damage properly.

What's coming:
  • Every 2.1 vehicle will become a Vessle!
  • At least three new Vessles planned!
  • No more auto-spawners -- spend rings to spawn a Vessle in most game modes!
  • Lore? Maybe?
  • Better in-game control guides!


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  • CLV_VessleBlast-v0.1.pk3
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It's good to see you come back to SRB2 again! This mod already looks promising, and I'm looking forward to the various new Vessles.

1 Question, IS IT FINISHED?
If this is finished, I quickly recommend you move this to Addons & More Discussion, before you get in trouble!
Well, considering the extensive list of what's coming, the v0.1 suffix on the file, and the rudimentary method of spawning the Vessles... :blink:
I still haven't figured out how to properly have Vessles take damage. However, I did hash out lots of fundamentals: functions, style conventions, and other things for Vessles I plan to add in the future.

This build introduces a brand-new Vessle, the Witchrod: a quick, but fragile flying broomstick packed with about a dozen spells. Type vessle_spawn W to spawn one.
  • N-Fire: choose attack spells
  • Special: choose support spells
  • Fire: cast the selected spell
  • Hold Special to boost, and press Fire to boost harder.
  • Hold N-Fire to cast Sparkify, and press Fire to power it up. (Currently doesn't work)
  • Stay still and do nothing to meditate, restoring MP.
Solar Square demonstrates my lock-on and homing missile code. When first charging the spell, it'll look for players, then empty Vessles if no players were found. Eventually I'll have it target only non-friendlies, and only within the player's aiming angle.
Mana Shift converts all available MP to HP. Vessle damage doesn't work yet, so try burning MP on other spells before testing Mana Shift.
If HP is full, Mana Shift effectively becomes Mana Guard, instantly and continuously converting MP to HP to absorb damage.
Flash Freeze stops nearby projectiles in their tracks when released. I still need to have it set projectiles' damage to 0...
Desperate Trance should block incoming shots, costing 60 MP per shot. MP regenerates quickly while meditating, but running out of MP breaks the trance.

Other updates:
  • sound, visuals, and HUD
  • more bits and pieces of upcoming Vessles (currently there's a half-working tank, bike, and plane)
To-do list:
  • Make Vessle damage work!
  • Work on the tank, because every vehicle game needs a working tank
  • Work on the submarine, exo-suit, and turret
  • Draw sprites for the Witchrod
  • Do some online testing. I promise I'll be online someday...


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  • CLV_VessleBlast-v0.2.pk3
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