• Do not use Works in Progress as a way of avoiding the releases system! Works in Progress can be used for sharing early betas and for getting suggestions for improvement. Releases of finished content are not allowed in this forum! If you would like to submit a finished addon, click here for instructions on how to do so.

Sonic: Planetary Panic

Oops. Forgot to send the gifs I gathered of the stages in the pack as of the second-latest build.




This mod will contain a new character, new playstyles for existing characters, a story, and various other things. It is an EXE mod but android users do not worry! The project is based on android-port-next so that I can easily make an android version. Currently there is not available beta for download. Though I will compile one soon to get some feedback.

Here are some things that I have to show:
  • New Menus! (very W.I.P.)

  • Custom Momentum and Physics changes! Loops too!
View attachment 40238
  • New Bosses
  • New enemies
  • 90% original music!
  • Brand new HUD (not pictured as it's not coded yet)
  • Grind rails!
View attachment 39007
  • haha funny crate go brrrr
View attachment 39004
  • Shadow and Silver!
View attachment 39008
Is there another Gif viewer for this? cause i can't see it. only blank stuff.
The pack is looking good so far, even though it is currently heavy on the stock SRB2 assets that are already in dozens of maps.

To Othius; I am amazed that someone can spend so much in Zone Builder without getting frustrated and needing a break (judging from how you seem to be in up to several collaborations at once), even after reading in the Discord about a few builds becoming difficult in the late stages. I am not knocking ZB by any means since it has seen some very nice improvements (not only that but the Software rendering is quite decent these days), but I am often working and thinking just how much easier and more enjoyable things will be once UDMF is ready for prime time.

Now I enjoy working in Zone Builder in spurts (as the payoff is rather nice to see when everything works), but I do not think I can handle it being the primary thing I do day after day.
The pack is looking good so far, even though it is currently heavy on the stock SRB2 assets that are already in dozens of maps.

To Othius; I am amazed that someone can spend so much in Zone Builder without getting frustrated and needing a break (judging from how you seem to be in up to several collaborations at once), even after reading in the Discord about a few builds becoming difficult in the late stages. I am not knocking ZB by any means since it has seen some very nice improvements (not only that but the Software rendering is quite decent these days), but I am often working and thinking just how much easier and more enjoyable things will be once UDMF is ready for prime time.

Now I enjoy working in Zone Builder in spurts (as the payoff is rather nice to see when everything works), but I do not think I can handle it being the primary thing I do day after day.
I've actually built my workflow around spending as little time in Zone Builder as possible. Learning how everything works and how to implement it in a quick and efficient manner has opened up free time to help out any and everyone I can. (So actually I AM spending a lot of time, I just try to be quick). I'd rather make the most of what I have than get frustrated that I can't work with what will be.

I HATE slowly working away on a single thing over the course of months or even years. It feels like I'm wasting away time if I spend more than a month on a single stage, and I definitely don't agree with the community consensus that your passion project srb2 mod should be worked on YEARS, that's why I collaborate and give help where I can.
UPDATE: This project is not dead. I will return to development as soon as I have my plate cleared up more. I have too many projects to keep working on this at the same time as others. Therefore I have made the decision to put this on hiatus while I'm putting attention towards more important projects.

I will update you guys when development starts up again.

In the meantime please read the message below:
Screen Shot 2022-01-01 at 3.33.40 PM.png

very high amounts of swag

Actively working on the hopefully final incarnation of permafrost peak 1. I really want to get past the first zone this year and it's looking like I might just do that.

UDMF is absolutely amazing and this gif is the result of 1/2 a days work.
Sure go ahead!


Eggman is piloting some sort of weird looking mech that has strange looking arms and drill legs. The mech attacks by either grabbing Sonic, shooting a laser out of its belly(?), and drilling Sonic (instakill would be good for this one). It would take 12 hits, and would be on a later zone. (I have an idea for a zone for Vanilla game called "Critical Crater". If you could to this, please make the coresponing zone for it as well if you can.) (also I have no idea what it should look like since all my designs are complete utter trash and should all burn in the fiery depths of Hell.)
I also "accidentally" came up with some hud elem's ideas. Might I share (some of these won't be too hard to code, so those might not me too big of a problem.)
Share them please!
Wow. I have NEVER seen ANYONE this exited to hear my ideas. Heh. Anyways...

Badnik Counter
Monitor Counter
Hit Counter (ala Sonic SAGE 2010 Edition for 1, 2, and 3)
Breath Meter when underwater
a dynamic bossbar that changes the hud entirely if possible
"Badnik Basher" combo hud ala Sonic GT
"Going Fast" thing ala Sonic GT, again
"Nice Moves" ala Sonic GT, for the third fucking time (but tricks would need to be implemented)
"(Smooth) Rail(ing)" ala Sonic GT, afuckinggain ('cause it got grind rails)
"Ring Catcher" ala Sonic GT
a Speedbonus ala Sonic Chaos (although that ain't hud)
a couple more things I forgot... somehow
Do you have any hud ideas other than all THIS?

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