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Sonic X (X-Sonic) Progress

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He looks so awesome! I thought of sonic x as an character in a future sonic game. I think it will be a very cool character for srb2! Can´t wait to play as him!

I'm glad you're looking forward to his release!
I do need to rethink his moveset however, but I'm sure it'll be Anime accurate, thanks for the support!
How much have you done yet?
The standing sprite looks realy cool, but will you also include super sonic sprites?
Keep the awesome work on!
When releasereleaserelease

Dude, don't please.

Just be patient until he releases it.

You can't just come here and say "wHeN rELEasE".

and in the way you say it, you look really desesperate to have it.

Just be patient, it's not that hard.
I know this question can sound inapropiate (because you are still working on the walk animation) but im too much curious. Will it have a super form?
I know this question can sound inapropiate (because you are still working on the walk animation) but im too much curious. Will it have a super form?

It will. It's basically just going to provide better versions of his regular moves. (I feel like I have permission to say this since I helped Blur outline the project a while back)
hope the super theme is a Remix of Gotta Go Fast.
eitherway, i hope this character gets made and completed
i'd hate to do this, (thread bumping, i think) but whatever happened to this project? is it on hold because of adventure sonic?
i'd hate to do this, (thread bumping, i think) but whatever happened to this project? is it on hold because of adventure sonic?
No, they’re being worked on simultaneously. X is getting a resprite, but Adventure is the main focus as far as abilities are concerned
No, they’re being worked on simultaneously. X is getting a resprite, but Adventure is the main focus as far as abilities are concerned
holy crap that was a fast reply lol. anyway, ah. interesting. im excited for both! hope their development is going well.
I think it's a good thing that you guys are taking time to work on both of these mods, it really shows how much effort you and the team put into making these just for people to enjoy. You guys never had to do this, but you did anyway because you had passion for these projects and I just want to say "Keep up the good work". You and the rest of the team take as much time as you need, we can wait for as long as you guys need us too.

But besides that I can't wait for both of these to get done and released!
ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ every powerring makes you blast off or RIOT
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