Drunk Sonic CSS Not Showing Up


Snoc YouTuber
i had an S_SKIN error but now Drunk sonic doesn't show up on the css, people tried to help but nothing work, see if you can figure it out


here is the S_SKIN and SOC_PLAY


name = drunksonic
flags = SF_SUPER
realname = drunk
hudname = DSONIC
startcolor = 96
prefcolor = Blue
supercolor = Purple
ability = CA_THOK
actionspd = 60
normalspeed = 36
thrustfactor = 5
accelstart = 96
acceleration = 40
contspeed = 17
contangle = 3


SkinName = drunksonic
DisplayName = DrunkSonic
PlayerText = ^4Drunk Sonic^0 Just Had maybe too many Drinks and gotten into a couple Bar fights

^4UNFINISHED^0 This is an unfinished mod :0

Lol Have FUn, Gott go fasst

ive been at this for hours please help
Check if the CSS graphic is in the Skin folder under the S_SKIN. If not then i suggest you put it there. If it doesn't work then make a new pk3 file and move Drunk Sonic to that file, it ussualy works for me.
I get what you're supposed to do now, you're supposed to put your SOC into the SOC folder. If you haven't created a SOC folder inside the PK3 already, click New Directory if you use SLADE. Cut it and then paste it into your SOC folder inside your PK3 file.
I get what you're supposed to do now, you're supposed to put your SOC into the SOC folder. If you haven't created a SOC folder inside the PK3 already, click New Directory if you use SLADE. Cut it and then paste it into your SOC folder inside your PK3 file.

ive nver worked with pk3's and didnt know you needed to make folders XD

do i just name to folder SOC?

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