New 2D Sonic game "Sonic the Hedgehog 4" announced for 2010

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If it is download-only, this game will have ALOT of piratations on disks and computer ports, wich might even reach the countries where it is downloadable, and since pirate games are so cheap, SEGA and Sonic Team would loose money.

Though I never understood why peopke dislikes Nighttime stages of Sonic Unleashed so much, all I´ve heard is that it is slow, probably is just more parroting.

Project Needlemouse translation: From what I´ve heard, Needlemouse was the original name Sonic had, since they´re going to the basics again, you can easly tell Project Needlemouse = Old Sonic Rebirth.(Random information? nah, just letting you know.
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I hope this isn't DLC only, because even if it does come in through the wii shop channel and not just ps3/360, I don't like going out to buy those point cards just to end up using only some of it.
I have a credit card, so it's no problem for me. I'd prefer buying it in a case though, as that gives the game more of an authentic feel to it, I think.
I have a credit card, so it's no problem for me. I'd prefer buying it in a case though, as that gives the game more of an authentic feel to it, I think.
Along with a manual, actual boxart that COULD be done in the S1-S3&K style, and doesn't screw over us non-DLC people.

Besides, they could package it with a free toy for the lulz.
I would be nice to see the box art like those of the genesis games. And yes, Blue Warrior, I agree with that. It's nice to have the actual game and the box and the manual, instead of some data that could get deleted or something.
I actually prefer to have non-physical copies of my games. Silly as it seems, I have this irrational fear that I'll accidently crush my CDs and cartridges.

If they do release this game with classic boxart, they'll have to remember to release different Japanese and American/PAL designs.
Hmm... I'm not sure if I should be celebrating yet. This IS a step in the right direction, though. Honestly, at this point, I'd be happy with Unleashed without the werehog, because compared to '06 and Shadow, it was pretty much S3&K.

Except, you know, Unleashed was 3D and had a horribly BAD story, and S3K is 2D and its story is its existence, without the need of bad voice acting and a flying chipmunk to tell you what to do. The thing about the 3D games is they have literally no need for sonic to even be there, and the story would still move at the same pace and conclusion.

And as for the Sonic Logo emblem thingy at the end of the video, has any one nothiced that its the Start screen logo in sonic 1?

Good to know, but it has nothing to do with anything. It's advertized as a 'new' adventure, and while I don't personally hold Sonic Team responsible as someone to live up to their word, Sonic 1, 2, 3 and K are all DLC on the Wii, and I really don't want to waste the money or time on a remake, when the original is better, and is readily available.

I hope this isn't DLC only, because even if it does come in through the wii shop channel and not just ps3/360, I don't like going out to buy those point cards just to end up using only some of it.

Personally I'd enjoy if it ONLY came out to DLC on the Wii (Assuming it's DLC, and not a full-console game; to which even still...). The Wii has pretty much claimed itself as a retro-game console, and I'm pretty sure that other "Rebirth" titles on DLC, such as Contra or Gradius, are Wii-only, and that doesn't stop them from being good remakes. But generally, here's the thing; Nintendo and Sega were the very FIRST (to my recollection) console war ever. As such, titles such as "Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games" are fueled by old rivalry, and end up being Nintendo-Only. Moreover, all the handheld console games involving Sonic usually wind up on the DS (Or GBA, as far as Sonic Advance went), a Nintendo console. Personally, I think it's time to cut the crap as far as sonic-on-consoles go, and leave it solely a Nintendo feature. When Nintendo stands alone as the host for a Sonic game, the game ends up being fun and entertaining. When the game ends up being either multi-console, or HQ-console only, the games turn out to be worthless wastes of money, who only tack on Sonic's name as a marketable stance. And this all started with Sonic Heroes.

Now, NeedleMouse specifically. I'll drill this into everyone's head: IT IS NOT A FLIPPING REMAKE OF AN OLD 2D GAME. IT IS A 'NEW' ADVENTURE, IN 2D. THE OLD GAMES ARE ALREADY READILY AVAILABLE ON THE WII, AND DO NOT NEED TO BE REMADE, EVER. And while I'd certainly like, specifically, Sonic 3 and Knuckles as a single, full-length game, rather than downloading in halves on VC, perhaps your brain refused to perform the simple task of reading the damn advertisement.

The game will be in 2D. Therefore, it will be well-made, without a 3rd dimension as an element. As development continues, we will eventually receive teaser pictures, and the Sonic Cycle will begin. However, the announcement of only 2D, accompanied by the Sonic1-estique logo can only SPECULATE it will be a sonic-only 2D game. We can only quietly HOPE that it will turn out to be a rebirth to what Sonic once was, and even then, stupid little bratty, whiney kids on the SonicTeam forum will nag and persuade something "Fresh, hip, and new". And this will result in the same thing as always before.

Why? Because Sonic Team, bottom line, are a group of money-whoring assholes who want nothing more than profit than doing what they CAN do. They'd rather listen to the fans, and do everything to please them as to increase their marketable margin, and rake in the cash so they may rinse and repeat the Sonic Cycle. And every time, it will end the same way. And every time, it will NOT be ST's fault, but rather THE FAN's fault.

To any of you on this forum who are not a member of SRB2's development who have, or are, a Sonic fancharacter, it is YOUR FAULT if this new project completes yet another cycle. It's YOUR FAULT Shadow and Silver exist, it's YOUR FAULT Eggman isn't ever a threat, and it's YOUR FAULT that Sonic is thrown into this pointless story architectures that have NOTHING to do with him, and do not NEED him to move forward. Until, and unless Sonic is a NEEDED character in a Sonic game, NOTHING GOOD will come of any new games.
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I desagree with the quality on Sonic games being the fan's fault.
It's SEGA's fault if they pick a suggestion and make it a horrible thing.
It's SEGA's fault if fans suggest a classic style game and we get Sonic Heroes.
It's SEGA's fault completely ruining Shadow.

I wouldn't care about the crappy stories if the gameplay of the games was good.
But guess what? SEGA simply cannot make a Sonic game with good gameplay anymore. It's always full of bugs, bad level design and crappy physics. That's the part that matters, and fans have nothing to do with it.

BTW, replace SEGA with Sonic Team. *bricked*
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It's SEGA's fault if they pick a suggestion and make it a horrible thing.
They don't pick a suggestion. They use how fans ACT as a means of deciding. They saw so many hedgehog fancharacters, that they made two themselves. Did anyone suggest it? No. But it's still the fault of the fans. Your name is "Sonic Shadow", so clearly you want a fusion of the two, yes? $$$

It's SEGA's fault if fans suggest a classic style game and we get Sonic Heroes.
Sonic Heroes does not even resemble 'classic style', so I honestly don't see anything resembling a connection as to how that was a result of any such suggestion. That connection DOES NOT WORK. The reason for Sonic Heroes was the presence of so many people either using the username of a rainbow of the introduced characters, or raving about how much they liked the characters. They never stated, or WANTED a contemplation of every single one, but they got one, because that's the impression they made.

It's SEGA's fault completely ruining Shadow.
Shadow was never wanted, and Shadow was never needed. Shadow was a character means of storyboard to push forward the plot, and GIVE plot. If shadow didn't exist in SA2, there would be no SA2. However, if SONIC didn't exist in SA2, there would still be an SA2. But by NO MEANS was Shadow ever a WANTED character. All it is and ever will be is a 'emo', or 'goth' Sonic clone. He never HAD a story, and he never NEEDED to live beyond SA2. But it's because fans DEMANDED he return. Between art, and so many fannames "Shadow814632987", they forsaw how much fans apperantly LIKED him, and as such ADDED to it. Again, entirely the fault of the fans.

I wouldn't care about the crappy stories if the gameplay of the games was good.

Even so, the gameplay ISN'T good. And it's BECAUSE of the story. The gameplay, BECAUSE of the story, REVOLVES AROUND the story. If the story sucks, and introduces concepts that suck, the gameplay will in turn suck.

But guess what? SEGA simply cannot make a Sonic game with good gameplay anymore. It's always full of bugs, bad level design and crappy physics. That's the part that matters, and fans have nothing to do with it.

No. Look at Sonic Advance, look at Sonic Rush, and look at Sonic Unleashed's day portions, as few as there were. Sega and Sonic Team are CLEARLY capable of great things. But as things stand:

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No. Look at Sonic Advance, look at Sonic Rush, and look at Sonic Unleashed's day portions, as few as there were. Sega and Sonic Team are CLEARLY capable of great things.

Sure, Sonic Advance is decente. Rush? It has the boost crap thingy. Unleashed day? Lookin on youtube, it's linear and boring. You just BOOSTBOOSTBOOSTOCRAPOBSTACLEMOVEBOOSTBOOSTO****ANOTHEROBSTACLEMOVEBOOST.
Sonic Shadow wrote...
"Sure, Sonic Advance is decente. Rush? It has the boost crap thingy. Unleashed day? Lookin on youtube, it's linear and boring. You just BOOSTBOOSTBOOSTOCRAPOBSTACLEMOVEBOOSTBOOSTO****ANO THEROBSTACLEMOVEBOOST."

lol wut? Rush has some of the best level design of all the recent games. While, yes, the player can boost through the levels, the levels are usually so long that this isn't really a problem. Plus, you're constantly exploiting gimmicks (which I consider a central part of the Sonic experience) and the levels themselves twist about. So, it isn't a "hold-right-and-win" experience, which I would argue that Rush Adventure is.

Having played the Wii version of Sonic Unleashed, I can tell you that there are multiple paths, though they tend to reconnect very quickly. The 360 / PS3 version might be better in that respect, but the daytime stages I've played have great flow and are totally fun.

Somebody gave me the advice once that I shouldn't judge games based solely on YouTube footage. Neither should you. Give the game a play.

ZarroTsu wrote...
"Why? Because Sonic Team, bottom line, are a group of money-whoring assholes who want nothing more than profit than doing what they CAN do. They'd rather listen to the fans, and do everything to please them as to increase their marketable margin, and rake in the cash so they may rinse and repeat the Sonic Cycle. And every time, it will end the same way. And every time, it will NOT be ST's fault, but rather THE FAN's fault.

To any of you on this forum who are not a member of SRB2's development who have, or are, a Sonic fancharacter, it is YOUR FAULT if this new project completes yet another cycle. It's YOUR FAULT Shadow and Silver exist, it's YOUR FAULT Eggman isn't ever a threat, and it's YOUR FAULT that Sonic is thrown into this pointless story architectures that have NOTHING to do with him, and do not NEED him to move forward. Until, and unless Sonic is a NEEDED character in a Sonic game, NOTHING GOOD will come of any new games."

And this is totally something worth getting up in arms about. Yep. Totally.

What bothers me, ZarroTsu, about your points is that they're so absolutist against Sonic fans. While there are things in life that are one-sided (It's hard to argue for the benefits of genocide, for example), the development and sales of videogames have many imputs from different parties, including fans, developers and (especially) profit-minded execs*. So it's wrong to pin the blame on one group.

And even if fans keep making stupid demands ("Moar Shadow plz! And moar human/hedgehog romances! It turns me on!"), part of the blame has to go to the developers of Sonic games for listening to their imput in the first place. Look at the Mario series for comparison. You've got Mario fanatics who want to revive characters who've really served their purpose, like Vivian or (god forbid) Wart or Tatanga. And yet Nintendo always gives us something new, or revives characters when appropriate (like the Koopalings or Captain Syrup). That can't be said for the likes of Shadow, Omega, Cream, the Chaotix, or any of the other redundant Sonic characters, who are often brought back by to Sonic games because the developers listen to fan demand.

And this isn't limited to the over-inclusion of characters in Sonic games. If people want shooting in a Sonic game, the developers jump to it. If the developers feel the game isn't long enough for fans, they'll include shallow auxillary modes (the Werehog is a perfect example of this). My overall point is that both overly-vocal fans and ridiculously accomodating developers are to blame.

And now, I'm going to stop typing, because I feel like a massive nerd.

*I also should mention that SEGA is a for-profit company, and therefore it's the responsibility of all involved at the company to to generate profit. There's nothing inherently bad in this. It allows SEGA to finance further games. However, a problem arises when concessions to profits ("You need more development time? Bah! Christmas is coming up! Just ship the damn game already!") seriously impacts the quality of the game, as has been the case with Shadow and Sonic '06.
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Personally, I think it's time to cut the crap as far as sonic-on-consoles go, and leave it solely a Nintendo feature. When Nintendo stands alone as the host for a Sonic game, the game ends up being fun and entertaining
I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that raw fanboysim was considered a legitimate argument around here. If a game on a non-Nintendo console turns out crap, that's the fault of the developer, not the console or its owners. So you prefer the games on Ninty consoles, good for you, but that's little more than personal preference and is no bearing on the actual quality of any game out there.

The game will be in 2D. Therefore, it will be well-made, without a 3rd dimension as an element.

2D is not a guarantee of quality. And frankly, you'd have to be pretty deluded to think either Advance 2 or 3 were any good either, what with one almost soley focused on raw speed with no interruptions and the other based on platforming with an engine that was designed for raw speed with no interruptions - naturally, not a very good combination. Not that the excessive instant-death hazards of the day made things any better.

They don't pick a suggestion. They use how fans ACT as a means of deciding. They saw so many hedgehog fancharacters, that they made two themselves. Did anyone suggest it? No. But it's still the fault of the fans. Your name is "Sonic Shadow", so clearly you want a fusion of the two, yes? $$$
If you're honestly trying to imply that Sonic Team gets their ideas from forum usernames, you really need to take a break. You're looking into this a lot deeper than you really should be, and it's just coming off as petty and pedantic, to be perfectly blunt.

Shadow was never wanted
...dahahahahaha, oh my lord the sheer gall of this statement cracks me up. Have you actually done any research at all on this subject? Have you not heard that the making of ShTH was decided by a popularity vote to decide which character would get a spinoff game, and that Shadow won by a landslide? Have you honestly not seen the thousands of fanboys who still list Shadow as their favourite character, have characters of their own based around him and his powers, and hell, would never have even gotten into the franchise if it wasn't for him? Seriously? Where have you been all these years?

Now don't get me wrong here, Shadow on a quality standpoint is a totally different story, but to doubt his popularity is nothing short of sheer idiocy. The fact that you immediately disregard your own argument here and contradict yourself with "it's the fan's fault lol" in the very same paragraph, too, makes me wonder what kind of message you're actually trying to convey here.

Even so, the gameplay ISN'T good. And it's BECAUSE of the story. The gameplay, BECAUSE of the story, REVOLVES AROUND the story. If the story sucks, and introduces concepts that suck, the gameplay will in turn suck.
Oh dear. Whereever do you get these crazy ideas, you strange, strange man. Story and gameplay are too completely different things, and one isn't nearly as restricted in the bounds of another as you give it credit for. They could just as easily refused to make the Werehog playable in any sense and replace it with that of another character in the meantime, and it'd still seem like a perfectly logical thing to do. And frankly, the Werehog was more an issue of execution than concept in the first place anyway. There are plenty of ways it could've worked just fine, between various examples of Bionic Commando, Devil May Cry and maybe even a touch of Arkham Asylum - be it on your own head if you're too stubborn to bother looking for them.
Plus, remember that the "Sonic Team" of today no longer has much of the talent it had back in its hayday. Lead programmer and director Yuji Naka, Sonic's original character designer Naoto Oshima, and others integral to Sonic's early success have left the team quite some time ago.

What were we talking about, again? :V

A game that isn't out yet. Right. Hey, 8 pages and no screenshots, I wonder if it's a pre-game record (At least for this forum).
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What were we talking about, again? :V

A game that isn't out yet. Right. Hey, 8 pages and no screenshots, I wonder if it's a pre-game record (At least for this forum).
For this forum? Maybe so, but from what I'm hearing, Sonic Retro has us beat. I heard they're somewhere around 70 pages or so. Sonic Stadium is second best with 68.
For this forum? Maybe so, but from what I'm hearing, Sonic Retro has us beat. I heard they're somewhere around 70 pages or so. Sonic Stadium is second best with 68.
73 at time of posting.

Anyways, I'll probably get it unless it looks really bad. I have a bad habit of buying Sonic games like that.
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