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SRB2SNK: A fighting game

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Release a beta of levels with one sector?

Like they said, they just have about 5 seconds of gameplay currently.

Oh. I didn't see that part. The screenshots make the levels look bigger then what they are now. Anyways, nevermind.
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Personally, I think that the Hydro-plant stage looks very well done, but there are too many repeated textures in the other stages. You don't necessarily need brand new textures to fix up those stages, just variations of the same type of texture, so the textures don't look tacked on the stage's geometry.
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I don't think it's going to die, but it WILL take a very long time! Especially since others have their own projects and morale seems to be down. :(
This mod looks pretty bad. The level design is looks pretty cramped, the textures are ugly, and there is nothing interesting so far in it.
Although, doesn't running get boring after a while?
Although, doesn't jumping again and again get boring after a while? From what I've seen, the levels have no gimmicks or anything interesting in them, and there seems to be no variation in the levels, either.
Running isn't that boring if the level looks pretty.... <3

Forest Fortress Zone would like the have a word with you.
While I really made a great effort with the detail, the detail's the only thing in it that it boasts over other levels. It's just not fun.
Personally, I've never seen anything where running and doing nothing is more fun than actually doing something. This is a major flaw in Sonic Rush Adventure. Fast-paced platforming (with flow, and you should stop here and there) is what Sonic's about. Not running through barren areas or slowly making your way through a cramped area.
I see where you're going, and I've been trying to come up with some gimmicks to make levels more interesting.
For example, you know those rotating polyobjects in ERZ2?
A week before 2.0, I had the idea to implement something EXACTLY like that in FBZ. Guess it's back to the drawing board for me.
I really can not wait for this to be completed.

[kind of off topic]I think I might try to make Sonic 3D Blast in SRB2(yes I know it didn't go over too well, but I loved the game).[/kind of off topic]
I'd really jump on working at AIZ1 if there were some damn textures to work with. >:(
But srsly though, I really would like to work on it sometime soon...
What an interesting project. It's good to see Sonic 3 & Knuckles levels in 3D, in fact this might make me download and play SRB2 later. :)
Good work.
I just had to pop my head in and express how absolutely fantastic that the images in the first post look! You've captured the feel of the original levels quite brilliantly, and it's quite a sight to see. Brilliant stuff! :)

I'll definitely try this out when it's complete. Eagerly awaiting its completion. :D
Really it hasn't anything to do with it's quality, I just take his input very seriously ever since the universe-collapsing winnage that was Megamix.
Also: Promo-image!
The 1 player & competition in the background needs to be removed, and the silouhette & the banner are far apart from the "& Knuckles" banner. I think it needs to be more closer.
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