Pizza Tower Pack _ The last major update

[Open Assets] Pizza Tower Pack _ The last major update 8

- Thousand March / Mille Marche : Fixed an issue with the blue soldier racer. They sometime could hurt player under specific condition. Now They really can't hurt you anymore.

- Mille Marche : Adjusted a lot of session to be easier. The cut in the tunel has been moved in another place to be easier to take. The battle part has been moved at the very end of the map. You can no longer do 2 map, you fight until death. (RIP Time Attack)

- New battle map "PIRATE BEACH" : They a beach and a cave session that you will need to go depending on the map event

- New battle map "Groovy Graveyard" : If someone kill Pillar John, a ghost will haunt the map, stealling item to player who touch it.

(When I said Final update in the last update, I tmostly meant no more new RACE map)
- New map => Mille Marche! A sprint version of the war map, remember to beat up the other player to gain more time bonus!

- Pizza Panic : Added 2 small cut ; Map has been scaled down by 5% ; and lap 2 music for encore. The previous state of this map was extremly frontrun heavy and poeple mostly pick the track only for the music ; the addition of the cut was very needed.

- Space pinball : Added better visibility in blue path ; fixed SPB hit at the start of the map.

- War lua change : Add +5s bonus to everyone at the start if we are on normal speed (+10 if easy speed) . Checkpoint Bonus time in solo play change depending on the map that use war timer.

- Thousand March : Bonus time changed while alone (+13), max lap reduce to 15. It's now beatable in time attack.

- Crumbling tower : A lot of minor visual change to help with visibility. The giant ramp after golf send you less far away. Fixed softlock near the end. Fixed player getting yet by other player at the start of the map.

- Final Tower : Fixed trigger abuse in solo play. (but another one is possible and idk how to fix it)

- Golf : The ball stay idle longer before starting to walk. Minor visual change

- Added Ghost replay for tima attack

- Maybe other thing that i forgot to mention

This will be the final major update of the pack (for the race track)


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So mhh, this update is 2 month old but I forgot to upload it on the mb aparently . AGAIN.
So i might forgot to mention some stuff :

- The boss fight is now 100% finished , it can sometime bug but it should work most of the time. (more detail explain the the map description)
- Removed some useless numthing that didn't need a numthing (custom object that are spawned by other)
- Tubular Trashzone : The last session has been improve to encourage poeple to use more the graple.
- Crumbling Tower : minor change here and there
- WAR : First place player will usualy get less time bonus in a 8+ player lobby. This should nerf a tiny the early frontrun.
- Fixed a lua conflict with Marsh Mayhem pack.
- Other thing that I forgot probably
  • Cool!
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This update was supposed to be out 2 mounth ago, but I guess I forgot to put it here.

- New map : Crumbling tower, a big sprint map that make software user bleed here eyes.
- New map WIP (hell) : VS Pizzaface, a boss fight that is not finished yet but I put it here in advance.

Update :
I might forgot stuff since it's been a while
- New space pinball : fixed a major skip ; added more stuff in the pinball session.
- Factory : fixed some jank geometry ; blocked the first cut during lap 1
- Pizzascape : Better arrow and cut indication.
- Sewer : More enjoyable graple
- Probably other stuff that I can't remember.


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New Tubular Trash Zone :
A lot of grapling hook has been added, practice a little and you will be able to do crazy trick.

Fix a lua issue where the timer hit sfx could appear on other map

Final Tower :
Fixed a potential crash (not sure if it really is fixed) ; Minor trigger edit. Removed 1 lap, so it's a 14lap now.

Thousand March map is now a special game mode (mix beteen elim and Hpmod).
Each player has a clock ticking down. When it reach 0 , the player is eliminated. Last player alive win. The map durring vary betwwen 2min30 to 3min30 in hard speed (might be shorter on normal speed since it take longer to reach checkpoint)Players can receive bonus time :
- Each lap reward time depending of your current position AND the current amount of player racing. First place will usualy get 16 time bonus, while last player will get 6 or 8.
- Hitting player with item reward bonus point depending on the item. Most of them are around 5 time bonus

War map update :
- Pizza Ninja has receive a Huge nerf ; they will no longer throw orbi; but sink instead. THis reduce by half the amont of Thing to dodge in the map. (After around 20 playtest in a loby, they only had hit a sink only once)
- Pizza Soldier receive a small nerf ; Movement speed has be reduced and they will shot less often (keep in mind that they will store the shoot action if they target isn't in vision)
- Removed all of the cheeseslime on the road
- Landmine has been added in the last session of the run
- Pizza Soldier Racer has been added to add more chaos, they don't hurt you (unless sometime they do but it's a rare bug, idk why)
- Changed some visual
- A storm start at 3min to add tention
- Added more reward to poeple who go to the secret and tresor.


- Global : Most of the map receive a jingle introduction when the map start; All secret and tresor will now play a funky sfx. And some of the secret/tresor has bonus item or spring to get faster on the track

- PizzaPanic : Moved the slippery sign to be more visible ; Updated the song to use the FINAL version

- PizzaScape : Remove another pizzard (he is still here but no longer can hit player)

- Space Pinball : Changed the message to "The wall are swapping" / fixed TV image conflict

- Sewer : Added cartoon sfx ; The secret is now easier to acces and is less tight. (One shoes is now enough)

- Factory : updated the music to the Final version ; removed encore music because the main music is just too good.

- War : see above.

- Final Tower : Minor tweek of some wall, Ninja and soldier are nerfed, the rain trigger is properly working now. Minor music adjustement.

- Golf : Forgot to put golf in hell, so now ti's in hell.

- Vigilente town : removed the Pepperman music ; Updated the Main music to the final version.

- Kid Party : Fixed a conflict with hourglass pack
  • Cool!
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New maps :
- FINAL TOWER : A 15 lap map where the layout of the map is changing after each lap, Every single Pizza tower object will spawn on the map to put chaos. GOOD LUCK (This is obiously an hell map but for now I put it in normal rotation so the poeple can at least know the map exist, could put it in hell later)

- GOLF : YES, golf in Kart. Put that funny ball in the hole toprogress in the map. This isn't really a race map.

Update :
- Vigilante town big update : An event will occur after 35s , Papperman will join the city and run everywhere ; while the cowboy will try to stop him. The 2 character doesn't have hurt box.
- Gnome forest : Fixed a bad spawn point
- Sewer : changed how the camera work to be more consistant
- Updated some music
Fixing some issue in New space pinball, mainly death plane stuff.
- New map : NEW SPACE PINBALL , which is a Waluigi pinball reskin
- Old Space pinball is still here
- Factory : Blocked the cut for the first lap , fixed missing encore music.
- Gnome Forest : Removed some tree, map is a tiny smaller (it's still very Big)
- New race map : Funky Factory, with factory stuff , moving floor, and crushers.

- New battle map : Gnome Forest, a simple map that will make you lost.

- New battle map : Kid Party, and horror map where 4 monster lurk in the dark to jump scare you.

- PizzaScape : Removed one annoying Pizzard hazard that was hard to anticipate (the one before the final spiral)

- Sewer : Made that hard turn easier ; Cheeseball hitbox reduced from 25 to 20 Unite ; Removed the 3rd camera effect because software render doesn't support vertical camera rotation.

- WAR : Soldier has new smoother animation, Soldier will have to wait 2s before doing a spam shoot (before he could keep spmming), Soldier can switch target before shooting (before it has to SHOOT before switching target, this will made him less likely to run toward wall) ; because of the more accurate run state, he will be more likely to hit his contact attack. - Vigilenge town : Map size reduced