Kompackt Track Pack

Kompackt Track Pack v1.0.1d

This week at Kungie.. I got a couple of issues fixed.

Out of Time's map header:

A little birdie told me that Out of Time's map header (MAPDR) conflicts with one of the maps in BigO's map pack. So I made OOT's map header E9 instead.

Arid Temple loop:
There was a looping problem with the music for Arid Temple that I couldn't seem to fix, luckily saturnsring98 from the Kart Krew Discord helped out with that problem, Thanks bru.

Thanks for all the support and feedback on my map pack!

(edit: the OOT time trial got messed up from the map header switch.. hopefully i'll add another trial on that track for the people who care in a later update.)
  • Cool!
Reactions: Saturn Ross