
[Open Assets] FuckPak ffinal,,,, hotfix

This is truly the comedy map pack of all time, had the luck of playing two of the tracks here in a vanilla server so I can speak from real experience:

Desert Bus R is peak comedy while being playable- it might be a long straight, and without slipstream its dependant solely on whether you roll boosters and Grow/Invuln items...but there's something hilarious about getting to roll over everyone right near the end and steal first place, which I did, so of course I consider it peak comedy...but the way you warp back to the first stretch so that dropped items stay placed is pretty funny, even if I got jumpscared by one loopback where I appeared in front of a giant Sonic.

Spiral Crazy R is...well, a spiral. its crazy. can be raced [R-rank].

I don't know how I got second place in that race after how I must have fell on the holes like 5 times out of the 20 laps and fell off the track at least twice when the walls were down. But ey, actual strat to drift left after the booster before the lap counter goes up, as well as bouncing off the springs.

And the kitchen sink rain. Its raining sinks. The fact you implemented the walls, bananas AND SINKS raining on a map is stupid but inevitably commendable.

Haven't tried the other maps, and probably they might be better or worse suffering than these two [or stairs], but


these fucks of tracks are raceable without any silly gotchas beyond SCR deciding to throw every sink at you near the end of the race. It somehow makes sense.

hi haya
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Thanks I hate it
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me when the stairs are climbed
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I have played this pack. You are the first one I have ever rated and I will tell you right now...what you made here is gold, toxic, painful gold. And I love it I salute to you, keep up the good work.
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it said it was bad, and indeed it was bad.
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funni hell maps but good
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i rate this pack fuck out of 10
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the greatest test of patient of all time
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Welcome to releases! This is truly the map pack ever made
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