Draft Tracks V4.1: Small Tiny Tweaks

Draft Tracks V4.1: Small Tiny Tweaks 4.1

Very great map pack, its been great seeing these maps develop. Not only are the maps pretty damn good, you've successfully avoided first map syndrome entirely by spending so much time polishing house of the undying.

You clearly put a lot of work making sure your maps are consistently high quality, that they look nice, and that they are fairly balanced and not annoying to play on. I deeply appreciate that.
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These maps scratch a Record Attack itch that I didn't think they could. All that time perfecting lines, squeezing every frame out of those stacking and sneaker panels, those zipper storages between sections of levels, all resulting into rainbow miniturbos... It is immensely satisfying when levels play into Kart's strengths so well, and a lot of these designs are commendable.

I have some feedback to give which you can see here: https://mb.srb2.org/threads/draft-tracks-v3-kodachromatic-chills.33648/post-588772

Otherwise, man, you are really capable of creating immensely rewarding layouts. Keep up the amazing work.
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Welcome to releases! I do get an error message when it loads, so you'll want to attend to that. I do not know if it impacts the map.
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first 3 maps are pretty fun when it comes to layouts/visuals, but the two newest one's lack in actual visual flare and they mostly feel empty and abandoned. with the war map, I would play it over pates if it wasn't so boring to play on because of it feeling boring to drive on due to sneaker panel spam, when I want to play a map named "war" I want to feel like I'm going to war. otherwise, good job on the maps!
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